41 research outputs found

    Formal methods for functional verification of cache-coherent systems-on-chip

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    State-of-the-art System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures integrate many different components, such as processors, accelerators, memories, and I/O blocks. Some of those components, but not all, may have caches. Because the effort of validation with simulation-based techniques, currently used in industry, grows exponentially with the complexity of the SoC, this thesis investigates the use of formal verification techniques in this context. More precisely, we use the CADP toolbox to develop and validate a generic formal model of a heterogeneous cache-coherent SoC compliant with the recent AMBA 4 ACE specification proposed by ARM. We use a constraint-oriented specification style to model the general requirements of the specification. We verify system properties on both the constrained and unconstrained model to detect the cache coherency corner cases. We take advantage of the parametrization of the proposed model to produce a comprehensive set of counterexamples of non-satisfied properties in the unconstrained model. The results of formal verification are then used to improve the industrial simulation-based verification techniques in two aspects. On the one hand, we suggest using the formal model to assess the sanity of an interface verification unit. On the other hand, in order to generate clever semi-directed test cases from temporal logic properties, we propose a two-step approach. One step consists in generating system-level abstract test cases using model-based testing tools of the CADP toolbox. The other step consists in refining those tests into interface-level concrete test cases that can be executed at RTL level with a commercial Coverage-Directed Test Generation tool. We found that our approach helps in the transition between interface-level and system-level verification, facilitates the validation of system-level properties, and enables early detection of bugs in both the SoC and the commercial test-bench.Les architectures des systèmes sur puce (System-on-Chip, SoC) actuelles intègrent de nombreux composants différents tels que les processeurs, les accélérateurs, les mémoires et les blocs d'entrée/sortie, certains pouvant contenir des caches. Vu que l'effort de validation basée sur la simulation, actuellement utilisée dans l'industrie, croît de façon exponentielle avec la complexité des SoCs, nous nous intéressons à des techniques de vérification formelle. Nous utilisons la boîte à outils CADP pour développer et valider un modèle formel d'un SoC générique conforme à la spécification AMBA 4 ACE récemment proposée par ARM dans le but de mettre en œuvre la cohérence de cache au niveau système. Nous utilisons une spécification orientée contraintes pour modéliser les exigences générales de cette spécification. Les propriétés du système sont vérifié à la fois sur le modèle avec contraintes et le modèle sans contraintes pour détecter les cas intéressants pour la cohérence de cache. La paramétrisation du modèle proposé a permis de produire l'ensemble complet des contre-exemples qui ne satisfont pas une certaine propriété dans le modèle non contraint. Notre approche améliore les techniques industrielles de vérification basées sur la simulation en deux aspects. D'une part, nous suggérons l'utilisation du modèle formel pour évaluer la bonne construction d'une unité de vérification d'interface. D'autre part, dans l'objectif de générer des cas de test semi-dirigés intelligents à partir des propriétés de logique temporelle, nous proposons une approche en deux étapes. La première étape consiste à générer des cas de tests abstraits au niveau système en utilisant des outils de test basé sur modèle de la boîte à outils CADP. La seconde étape consiste à affiner ces tests en cas de tests concrets au niveau de l'interface qui peuvent être exécutés en RTL grâce aux services d'un outil commercial de génération de tests dirigés par les mesures de couverture. Nous avons constaté que notre approche participe dans la transition entre la vérification du niveau interface, classiquement pratiquée dans l'industrie du matériel, et la vérification au niveau système. Notre approche facilite aussi la validation des propriétés globales du système, et permet une détection précoce des bugs, tant dans le SoC que dans les bancs de test commerciales

    A general compositional approach to verifying hierarchical cache coherence protocols

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    technical reportModern chip multiprocessor (CMP) cache coherence protocols are extremely complex and error prone to design. Modern symbolic methods are unable to provide much leverage for this class of examples. In [1], we presented a method to verify hierarchical and inclusive versions of these protocols using explicit state enumeration tools. We circumvented state explosion by employing a meta-circular assume/guarantee technique in which a designer can model check abstracted versions of the original protocol and claim that the real protocol is correct. The abstractions were justified in the same framework (hence the meta-circular approach). In this paper, we present how our work can be extended to hierarchical non-inclusive protocols which are inherently much harder to verify, both from the point of having more corner cases, and having insufficient information in higher levels of the protocol hierarchy to imply the sharing states of cache lines at lower levels. Two methods are proposed. The first requires more manual effort, but allows our technique in [1] to be applied unchanged, barring a guard strengthening expression that is computed based on state residing outside the cluster being abstracted. The second requires less manual effort, can scale to deeper hierarchies of protocol implementations, and uses history variables which are computed much more modularly. This method also relies on the meta-circular definition framework. A non-inclusive protocol that could not be completely model checked even after visiting 1.5 billion states was verified using two model checks of roughly 0.25 billion states each

    The 'Test model-checking' approach to the verification of formal memory models of multiprocessors

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    technical reportWe offer a solution to the problem of verifying formal memory models of processors by combining the strengths of model-checking and a formal testing procedure for parallel machines. We characterize the formal basis for abstracting the tests into test automata and associated memory rule safety properties whose violations pinpoint the ordering rule being violated. Our experimental results on Verilog models of a commercial split transaction bus demonstrates the ability of our method to effectively debug design models during early stages of their development

    Scalably Verifiable Cache Coherence

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    <p>The correctness of a cache coherence protocol is crucial to the system since a subtle bug in the protocol may lead to disastrous consequences. However, the verification of a cache coherence protocol is never an easy task due to the complexity of the protocol. Moreover, as more and more cores are compressed into a single chip, there is an urge for the cache coherence protocol to have higher performance, lower power consumption, and less storage overhead. People perform various optimizations to meet these goals, which unfortunately, further exacerbate the verification problem. The current situation is that there are no efficient and universal methods for verifying a realistic cache coherence protocol for a many-core system. </p><p>We, as architects, believe that we can alleviate the verification problem by changing the traditional design paradigm. We suggest taking verifiability as a first-class design constraint, just as we do with other traditional metrics, such as performance, power consumption, and area overhead. To do this, we need to incorporate verification effort in the early design stage of a cache coherence protocol and make wise design decisions regarding the verifiability. Such a protocol will be amenable to verification and easier to be verified in a later stage. Specifically, we propose two methods in this thesis for designing scalably verifiable cache coherence protocols. </p><p>The first method is Fractal Coherence, targeting verifiable hierarchical protocols. Fractal Coherence leverages the fractal idea to design a cache coherence protocol. The self-similarity of the fractal enables the inductive verification of the protocol. Such a verification process is independent of the number of nodes and thus is scalable. We also design example protocols to show that Fractal Coherence protocols can attain comparable performance compared to a traditional snooping or directory protocol. </p><p>As a system scales hierarchically, Fractal Coherence can perfectly solve the verification problem of the implemented cache coherence protocol. However, Fractal Coherence cannot help if the system scales horizontally. Therefore, we propose the second method, PVCoherence, targeting verifiable flat protocols. PVCoherence is based on parametric verification, a widely used method for verifying the coherence of a flat protocol with infinite number of nodes. PVCoherence captures the fundamental requirements and limitations of parametric verification and proposes a set of guidelines for designing cache coherence protocols that are compatible with parametric verification. As long as designers follow these guidelines, their protocols can be easily verified. </p><p>We further show that Fractal Coherence and PVCoherence can also facilitate the verification of memory consistency, another extremely challenging problem. One piece of previous work proves that the verification of memory consistency can be decomposed into three steps. The most complex and non-scalable step is the verification of the cache coherence protocol. If we design the protocol following the design methodology of Fractal Coherence or PVCoherence, we can easily verify the cache coherence protocol and overcome the biggest obstacle in the verification of memory consistency. </p><p>As system expands and cache coherence protocols get more complex, the verification problem of the protocol becomes more prominent. We believe it is time to reconsider the traditional design flow in which verification is totally separated from the design stage. We show that by incorporating the verifiability in the early design stage and designing protocols to be scalably verifiable in the first place, we can greatly reduce the burden of verification. Meanwhile, we perform various experiments and show that we do not lose benefits in performance as well as in other metrics when we obtain the correctness guarantee.</p>Dissertatio

    Improving the Simulation Environment for Computer Architecture

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    This work presents the efforts to improve the simulation environment for computer architecture research through two major contributions: The addition of a three level cache hierarchy and implementation of a statistical sampling simulation framework. Full-system and micro-architectural simulation are the primary and most reliable research tools that the computer architecture community has. However, keeping the simulator up to date with the latest industry products is a challenging task, causing a growing time gap between the release of new commercial products and the implementation of their models in the simulators. Another problem architects have to deal with is the performance gap; the time spent on simulating one instruction is several orders of magnitude bigger than the time the real hardware takes to execute the same instruction. This leads to prohibitively long simulation times that, due to the always efficiency-focused industry trend, is also to be increased. As processors get more complex, so do the simulators. The performance improvement achieved by real hardware changes is too small compared to the overhead induced into the simulator while trying to replicate those same changes. Although a third level (L3) cache hierarchy is a common feature in current processors and its benefits in performance have been known for decades, currently, it is not supported in most full-system simulators. A modern full system simulator was extended to include a third level cache and experiments show that for the PARSEC benchmarks, the performance of the system with L3 is ≈ 30% better than the baseline. On the other hand the implementation of statistical sampling simulation allows a greater improvement in simulation performance while statistics theory guarantees that the subset of instructions executed are a representative sample of the benchmark behaviour. The experiments show a measured CPI error of less than 2.5% while achieving simulation time speed-ups of around 3X

    Formal Specification and Runtime Verification of Parallel Systems using Interval Temporal Logic (ITL)

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    Runtime Verification (RV) is the discipline that allows monitoring systems at runtime in order to check the satisfaction or violation of a given correctness property. Parallel systems are more complicated than sequential systems. Therefore, systems that run in parallel need a parallel runtime verification framework to monitor their behaviour and guarantee correctness properties. Parallel systems have correctness properties different from correctness properties of sequential systems. For instance, as a correctness property of parallel systems, absence of deadlock has to be guaranteed and mutual exclusion mechanism has to be applied in case a resource is shared between more than one system and the parallelism form is true concurrency. Therefore, sequential runtime verification framework can not handle systems that run in parallel due to the singularity issue of this kind of framework as they are built to handle a single system at a time, whereas for parallel systems a framework has to handle many systems at a time. AnaTempura is a runtime verification tool which can handle single systems at a time. To solve this problem, I evolved AnaTempura to be able to handle parallel systems. In this thesis, I propose a Parallel Runtime Verification Framework (PRVF) that can handle systems which use architectures of parallelism in their design such as multi-core processor architecture. The proposed model can check system behaviour at runtime in order to either guarantee satisfaction or detect violations of correctness properties. My technique is based on Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) and its executable subset Tempura to verify properties at runtime using the AnaTempura tool. I use, as a demonstration, the case study of private L2 cache memory of multi-core processor architecture. My objectives are to i) design MSI protocol compliant with cache memory coherence and ii) fulfil main memory consistency model at runtime. I achieve this via a formal Tempura specification of the cache controller which is then verified at runtime against my objectives for memory consistency and cache coherence using AnaTempura. The presented specifications allow to extend it allow to extend it to not only capture correctness but also monitor the performance of a cache memory controller. The case study is then evaluated via integrating AnaTempura with MATLAB in order to check correctness properties such as memory consistency and cache coherence

    Researching methods for efficient hardware specification, design and implementation of a next generation communication architecture

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    The objective of this work is to create and implement a System Area Network (SAN) architecture called EXTOLL embedded in the current world of systems, software and standards based on the experiences obtained during the ATOLL project development and test. The topics of this work also cover system design methodology and educational issues in order to provide appropriate human resources and work premises. The scope of this work in the EXTOLL SAN project was: • the Xbar architecture and routing (multi-layer routing, virtual channels and their arbitration, routing formats, dead lock aviodance, debug features, automation of reuse) • the on-chip module communication architecture and parts of the host communication • the network processor architecture and integration • the development of the design methodology and the creation of the design flow • the team education and work structure. In order to successfully leverage student know-how and work flow methodology for this research project the SEED curricula changes has been governed by the Hochschul Didaktik Zentrum resulting in a certificate for "Hochschuldidaktik" and excellence in university education. The complexity of the target system required new approaches in concurrent Hardware/Software codesign. The concept of virtual hardware prototypes has been established and excessively used during design space exploration and software interface design