31,686 research outputs found

    Formal Verification of Concurrent Embedded Software

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    Automotive software is mainly concerned with safety critical systems and the functional correctness of the software is very important. Thus static software analysis, being able to detect runtime errors in software, has become a standard in the automotive domain. The most critical runtime error is one which only occurs sporadically and is therefore very difficult to detect and reproduce. A reason for such an error is e. g., a race condition. The introduction of multicore hardware enables an execution of the software in real parallel. Hence, the risk of critical race conditions increases. This thesis introduces the MEMICS software verification approach. In order to produce precise results, MEMICS works based on the formal verification technique, bounded model checking. The internal model is able to represent an entire automotive control unit, including the hardware configuration as well as real-time operating systems like AUTOSAR and OSEK. The proof engine used to check the model is a newly developed interval constraint solver with an embedded memory model. MEMICS is able to detect common runtime errors, like e. g., a division by zero, as well as concurrent ones, like e. g., a critical race condition

    Effective Verification for Low-Level Software with Competing Interrupts

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    Interrupt-driven software is difficult to test and debug, especially when interrupts can be nested and subject to priorities. Interrupts can arrive at arbitrary times, leading to an exponential blow-up in the number of cases to consider. We present a new formal approach to verifying interrupt-driven software based on symbolic execution. The approach leverages recent advances in the encoding of the execution traces of interacting, concurrent threads. We assess the performance of our method on benchmarks drawn from embedded systems code and device drivers, and experimentally compare it to conventional approaches that use source-to-source transformations. Our results show that our method significantly outperforms these techniques. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to demonstrate effective verification of low-level embedded software with nested interrupt

    Towards a formally verified microkernel using the VCC verifier

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    In this thesis we present the design by contract modular approach to formal verification of an industrial real-time microkernel which was not designed with formal verification in mind. The microkernel module targeted is a particular interrupt manager of xLuna Real Time Operating System (RTOS) for embedded systems built by Critical Software S.A. The annotations were verified automatically using the Microsoft Research Verified C Compiler (VCC) tool to reason about concurrency and safety properties of xLuna kernel. The specifications are based in Hoare-style pre- and post-conditions inlined with the real code. xLuna is a microkernel based on the RTEMS Real-Time Operating System. xLuna extends RTEMS for run a GNU/Linux Operating System, providing a runtime multitasking environment for real-time (RTEMS) and non-real-time (Linux) applications. xLuna runs in a preemptable and concurrent environment. Therefore, we use VCC for reasoning about concurrent executions and some functional and safety properties of xLuna microkernel. VCC is an automated verifier for concurrent C programs that is being developed by Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA and European Microsoft Innovation Center (EMIC), Aachen, Germany. VCC is being built and used for operating system verification which makes it suitable for our verification work. Specifications were added to xLuna code following a modular approach to the verification of a specific microkernel module, namely the Interrupt Request (IRQ) module. The Verified C Compiler (VCC) annotations added cover approximately 80% of the IRQ manager C code (the remaining 20% of the code are relative to auxiliary functions outside the scope of our verification work). All the annotations were automatically verified and proven to be correct

    Integrated Design Tools for Embedded Control Systems

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    Currently, computer-based control systems are still being implemented using the same techniques as 10 years ago. The purpose of this project is the development of a design framework, consisting of tools and libraries, which allows the designer to build high reliable heterogeneous real-time embedded systems in a very short time at a fraction of the present day costs. The ultimate focus of current research is on transformation control laws to efficient concurrent algorithms, with concerns about important non-functional real-time control systems demands, such as fault-tolerance, safety,\ud reliability, etc.\ud The approach is based on software implementation of CSP process algebra, in a modern way (pure objectoriented design in Java). Furthermore, it is intended that the tool will support the desirable system-engineering stepwise refinement design approach, relying on past research achievements Âż the mechatronics design trajectory based on the building-blocks approach, covering all complex (mechatronics) engineering phases: physical system modeling, control law design, embedded control system implementation and real-life realization. Therefore, we expect that this project will result in an\ud adequate tool, with results applicable in a wide range of target hardware platforms, based on common (off-theshelf) distributed heterogeneous (cheap) processing units

    A CSP-Based Trajectory for Designing Formally Verified Embedded Control Software

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    This paper presents in a nutshell a procedure for producing formally verified concurrent software. The design paradigm provides means for translating block-diagrammed models of systems from various problem domains in a graphical notation for process-oriented architectures. Briefly presented CASE tool allows code generation both for formal analysis of the models of software and code generation in a target implementation language. For formal analysis a highquality commercial formal checker is used

    Building Blocks for Control System Software

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    Software implementation of control laws for industrial systems seem straightforward, but is not. The computer code stemming from the control laws is mostly not more than 10 to 30% of the total. A building-block approach for embedded control system development is advocated to enable a fast and efficient software design process.\ud We have developed the CTJ library, Communicating Threads for JavaÂż,\ud resulting in fundamental elements for creating building blocks to implement communication using channels. Due to the simulate-ability, our building block method is suitable for a concurrent engineering design approach. Furthermore, via a stepwise refinement process, using verification by simulation, the implementation trajectory can be done efficiently

    BeSpaceD: Towards a Tool Framework and Methodology for the Specification and Verification of Spatial Behavior of Distributed Software Component Systems

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    In this report, we present work towards a framework for modeling and checking behavior of spatially distributed component systems. Design goals of our framework are the ability to model spatial behavior in a component oriented, simple and intuitive way, the possibility to automatically analyse and verify systems and integration possibilities with other modeling and verification tools. We present examples and the verification steps necessary to prove properties such as range coverage or the absence of collisions between components and technical details

    Enabling security checking of automotive ECUs with formal CSP models

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