17 research outputs found

    Formal foundations for the unified modeling language

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    We present in this work an outline of an ongoing research line in the framework of the Software Engineering Group (SEG) at the National University of San Luis. We describe here the previous work carried out by the group in formalizing UML using RSL, as well as the current and future work in the matter.Eje: Ingenier铆a de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Formalizing the software development process

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    Object-oriented software development process, such as the Unified Process [Jacobson 99], Catalysis [D麓Souza 98] and Fusion [Coleman 94] among others, is a set of activities needed to transform user鈥檚 requirements into a software system. A software development process typically consists of a set of software development artifacts together with a graph of tasks and activities. Software artifacts are the products resulting from software development, for example, a use case model, a class model or source code. Tasks are small behavioral units that usually results in a software artifact. Examples of tasks are construction of a use case model, construction of a class model and writing code. Activities (or workflows) are units that are larger than a task. Activities generally include several tasks and software artifacts. Examples of activities are requirements, analysis, design and implementation.\nModern software development processes are iterative and incremental, they repeat over a series of iterations making up the life cycle of a system. Each iteration takes place over time and it consists of one pass through the requirements, analysis, design, implementation and test activities, building a number of different artifacts. All these artifacts are not independent. They are related to each other, they are semantically overlapping and together represent the system as a whole. Elements in one artifact have trace dependencies to other artifacts.\nFor instance, a use case (in the use-case model) can be traced to a collaboration (in the design model) representing its realization.Eje: Ingenier铆a del Softwar

    Formalizing the software development process

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    Object-oriented software development process, such as the Unified Process [Jacobson 99], Catalysis [D麓Souza 98] and Fusion [Coleman 94] among others, is a set of activities needed to transform user鈥檚 requirements into a software system. A software development process typically consists of a set of software development artifacts together with a graph of tasks and activities. Software artifacts are the products resulting from software development, for example, a use case model, a class model or source code. Tasks are small behavioral units that usually results in a software artifact. Examples of tasks are construction of a use case model, construction of a class model and writing code. Activities (or workflows) are units that are larger than a task. Activities generally include several tasks and software artifacts. Examples of activities are requirements, analysis, design and implementation. Modern software development processes are iterative and incremental, they repeat over a series of iterations making up the life cycle of a system. Each iteration takes place over time and it consists of one pass through the requirements, analysis, design, implementation and test activities, building a number of different artifacts. All these artifacts are not independent. They are related to each other, they are semantically overlapping and together represent the system as a whole. Elements in one artifact have trace dependencies to other artifacts. For instance, a use case (in the use-case model) can be traced to a collaboration (in the design model) representing its realization.Eje: Ingenier铆a del SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Aplicando restricciones en un datawarehouse temporal utilizando UML/OCL

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    Un datawarehouse es una colecci贸n de datos no vol谩tiles, variables en el tiempo y orientado a un tema espec铆fico utilizado para tomar decisiones. La necesidad de registrar valores que permitan evaluar tendencias, variaciones, m谩ximos y m铆nimos, justifican considerar en el dise帽o la evoluci贸n temporal de atributos o interrelaciones. La determinaci贸n de restricciones que permitan mantener la consistencia de los datos almacenados e impidan los solapamientos de rangos temporales, permiten conservar la integridad de la base de datos. En la etapa de modelado la determinaci贸n de estas restricciones se realizan de manera informal.\nEstablecer sin ambig眉edad las mismas no es posible sin un lenguaje apropiado.\nProponemos determinar restricciones en el modelo de datos transformando el esquema multidimensional temporal a UML y emplear OCL para documentar dichas limitaciones.Eje: Ingenier铆a de Software y Bases de Datos (ISBD

    Formal foundations for the unified modeling language

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    We present in this work an outline of an ongoing research line in the framework of the Software Engineering Group (SEG) at the National University of San Luis. We describe here the previous work carried out by the group in formalizing UML using RSL, as well as the current and future work in the matter.Eje: Ingenier铆a de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Integraci贸n de Modelos en UML y Especificaciones Formales: Transformaciones de OCL a RSL

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    Continuando con nuestra investigaci贸n sobre la integraci贸n del Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (UML) y el lenguaje de especificaci贸n del m茅todo formal RAISE (RSL), presentamos una de las l铆neas de trabajo en la cual nos encontramos investigando actualmente que consiste en la integraci贸n de OCL con RSL. Bas谩ndonos en nuestro trabajo previo, donde mostramos c贸mo obtener a partir de un diagrama de clases en UML una especificaci贸n inicial en RSL, nos encontramos construyendo un conjunto de reglas de transformaci贸n de restricciones de OCL a RSL.Eje: Ingenier铆a en SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Integraci贸n de Modelos en UML y Especificaciones Formales: Transformaciones de OCL a RSL

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    Continuando con nuestra investigaci贸n sobre la integraci贸n del Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (UML) y el lenguaje de especificaci贸n del m茅todo formal RAISE (RSL), presentamos una de las l铆neas de trabajo en la cual nos encontramos investigando actualmente que consiste en la integraci贸n de OCL con RSL. Bas谩ndonos en nuestro trabajo previo, donde mostramos c贸mo obtener a partir de un diagrama de clases en UML una especificaci贸n inicial en RSL, nos encontramos construyendo un conjunto de reglas de transformaci贸n de restricciones de OCL a RSL.Eje: Ingenier铆a en SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Formalizing the software development process

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    Object-oriented software development process, such as the Unified Process [Jacobson 99], Catalysis [D麓Souza 98] and Fusion [Coleman 94] among others, is a set of activities needed to transform user鈥檚 requirements into a software system. A software development process typically consists of a set of software development artifacts together with a graph of tasks and activities. Software artifacts are the products resulting from software development, for example, a use case model, a class model or source code. Tasks are small behavioral units that usually results in a software artifact. Examples of tasks are construction of a use case model, construction of a class model and writing code. Activities (or workflows) are units that are larger than a task. Activities generally include several tasks and software artifacts. Examples of activities are requirements, analysis, design and implementation. Modern software development processes are iterative and incremental, they repeat over a series of iterations making up the life cycle of a system. Each iteration takes place over time and it consists of one pass through the requirements, analysis, design, implementation and test activities, building a number of different artifacts. All these artifacts are not independent. They are related to each other, they are semantically overlapping and together represent the system as a whole. Elements in one artifact have trace dependencies to other artifacts. For instance, a use case (in the use-case model) can be traced to a collaboration (in the design model) representing its realization.Eje: Ingenier铆a del SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Definicion formal de la semantica de uml-ocl a traves de su traduccion a object-z

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    En este documento presentamos una traducci贸n de diagramas de clases UML complementados con expresiones OCL a expresiones Object-Z. Nuestro fin es proveer una formalizaci贸n de los modelos gr谩fico-textuales expresados mediante UML/OCL que permita aplicar t茅cnicas cl谩sicas de verificaci贸n y prueba de teoremas sobre los modelos. Esta traducci贸n est谩 siendo implementada como parte de una herramienta CASE que permite editar y gestionar modelos. Esperamos que pueda servir como un medio que ayude promover el uso industrial de UML y OCL.Eje: Ingenier铆a de Software y Bases de Datos (ISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Definicion formal de la semantica de uml-ocl a traves de su traduccion a object-z

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    En este documento presentamos una traducci贸n de diagramas de clases UML complementados con expresiones OCL a expresiones Object-Z. Nuestro fin es proveer una formalizaci贸n de los modelos gr谩fico-textuales expresados mediante UML/OCL que permita aplicar t茅cnicas cl谩sicas de verificaci贸n y prueba de teoremas sobre los modelos. Esta traducci贸n est谩 siendo implementada como parte de una herramienta CASE que permite editar y gestionar modelos. Esperamos que pueda servir como un medio que ayude promover el uso industrial de UML y OCL.Eje: Ingenier铆a de Software y Bases de Datos (ISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI