8 research outputs found


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    This study discusses the importance of using the internet to improve competitiveness with other universities. School of Economics (STIE) INABA Bandung has a website that is www.inaba.ac.id that serves as a communication medium that can provide information for students, lecturers, and the general public. This research was made to analyze the effect of website design and the quality of information on user satisfaction over website service by distributing 39 questionnaires to postgraduate students of semester 1 academic year of Management Studies 2020 as respondents. This research uses a quantitative method. Using the structural equation method model - partial least square SEM - PLS. Research shows that website design and quality of information affect user satisfaction over website services. Keywords: User Satisfaction, Web Design, Information Quality, Innovation Value, Technology, SEM, PLS.Penelitian ini membahas tentang pentingnya pemanfaatan internet untuk meningkatkan daya saing dengan perguruan tinggi lain. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) INABA Bandung memiliki website yaitu www.inaba.ac.id yang berfungsi sebagai media komunikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi bagi mahasiswa, dosen, dan masyarakat umum. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh desain website dan kualitas informasi terhadap kepuasan pengguna atas layanan website dengan menyebarkan 39 angket kepada mahasiswa pascasarjana semester 1 tahun akademik studi manajemen 2020 sebagai responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Menggunakan model metode persamaan struktural - partial least square SEM - PLS. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desain website dan kualitas informasi mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna atas layanan website. Kata Kunci: Kepuasan Pengguna, Desain Web, Kualitas Informasi, Nilai Inovasi, Teknologi, SEM, PLS

    A holistic framework of corporate website favourability

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    This paper extends the current knowledge of corporate website favourability (CWF) by developing a comprehensive conceptual model of its influence on corporate image, corporate reputation, loyalty and identification. The paper reviews previous studies on corporate websites from the perspectives of marketing, management, corporate identity and corporate visual identity in order to inform our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of CWF. The propositions and the conceptual framework present an approach by which a corporation can design and manage a favourable corporate website. A number of important contributions are offered: First, the paper adds to the understanding of CWF; second, it discusses the antecedents of CWF by drawing upon the existing literature; third, it is beneficial for practitioners in shaping CWF strategies, and fourth, it offers possible consequences of CWF and provides a framework for future testing

    Development of Enhanced User Interaction and User Experience for Supporting Serious Role-Playing Games in a Healthcare Setting

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    Education about implicit bias in clinical settings is essential for improving the quality of healthcare for underrepresented groups. Such a learning experience can be delivered in the form of a serious game simulation. WrightLIFE (Lifelike Immersion for Equity) is a project that combines two serious game simulations, with each addressing the group that faces implicit bias. These groups are individuals that identify as LGBTQIA+ and people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The project presents healthcare providers with a training tool that puts them in the roles of the patient and a medical specialist and immerses them in social and clinical settings. WrightLIFE games are distributed on both mobile and desktop devices and go through the entire cycle of providing healthcare professionals with experiential learning, which starts with defining the goals of the simulation and ends with collecting feedback. In this thesis work, cross-platform software frameworks like the Unity Engine have been used to develop survey scenes to comprehensively document users’ pre- and post-simulation experience and attitudes towards implicit bias. Life course scenes were designed to convey an enhanced user experience that bridges the socio-technical gap between the real and virtual worlds. By applying existing user-experience design methodologies to design the survey scenes and life course scenes, it was possible to create an immersive experiential-learning assessment tool that has the potential to deliver data-driven and targeted learning

    A holistic framework of corporate website favourability

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    This paper extends the current knowledge of corporate website favourability (CWF) by developing a comprehensive conceptual model of its influence on corporate image, corporate reputation, loyalty and identification. The paper reviews previous studies on corporate websites from the perspectives of marketing, management, corporate identity and corporate visual identity in order to inform our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of CWF. The propositions and the conceptual framework present an approach by which a corporation can design and manage a favourable corporate website. A number of important contributions are offered: First, the paper adds to the understanding of CWF; second, it discusses the antecedents of CWF by drawing upon the existing literature; third, it is beneficial for practitioners in shaping CWF strategies, and fourth, it offers possible consequences of CWF and provides a framework for future testing

    Qualificação de um cromatógrafo em fase gasosa na indústria farmacêutica

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    Trabalho de Projeto de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia da Qualidade e AmbientePara assegurar a qualidade de um produto farmacêutico é necessário que os diferentes departamentos na Indústria Farmacêutica, nomeadamente o departamento da Garantia da Qualidade, garantam a conformidade de todas as fases ao longo dos processos de fabrico. Todas as etapas desde a aquisição da matéria-prima até ao lançamento do produto final para o mercado, passando pelas análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas e todos os equipamentos intervenientes devem estar de acordo com as Boas Práticas de Fabrico, com as diversas farmacopeias, entre outras legislações em vigor. O projeto foi concretizado no departamento da Garantia da Qualidade da empresa Iberfar, Indústria Farmacêutica SA, mais propriamente, no âmbito da qualificação de equipamentos. O objetivo do presente trabalho final consiste na apresentação de documentos elaborados no decorrer da qualificação do novo equipamento de cromatografia em fase gasosa e do sistema de fornecimento de gases que lhe está associado, em conformidade com as referidas exigências regulamentares. Este novo equipamento visa aumentar a rentabilidade da empresa e diminuir o tempo de entrega de resultados ao cliente, aumentando a sua satisfação. Deste modo foi realizada, por fim, uma análise financeira que demonstra a poupança anual com a aquisição do novo equipamento, bem como o período que irá ser necessário para recuperar o valor do investimento inicial da compra.To ensure the quality of a pharmaceutical product it is necessary that the different departments in the Pharmaceutical Industry, namely the Quality Assurance department, assure the conformity of all phases throughout the manufacturing processes All stages from the acquisition of raw materials to the release of the final product on the market, including chemical and microbiological analyses and all intervening equipment must be in conformity with Good Manufacturing Practices, the various pharmacopoeias, as well as other current legislation. The project was executed in the Quality Assurance department of the company Iberfar, Indústria Farmacêutica SA, more specifically, in the area of equipment qualification. The purpose of this final work is to provide the documents elaborated during the qualification of the new gas chromatography equipment and the associated gas supply system, in compliance with the aforementioned regulatory requirements. This new equipment is intended to increase the company's efficiency and reduce the time it requires to deliver results to the client, increasing the satisfaction of the client. In this way, a financial analysis was carried out to demonstrate the annual financial saving with the acquisition of the new equipment, as well as the period that will be necessary to recover the value of the initial purchase investment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improvement in operating theatre efficiency through better measurement and scheduling

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    An operating theatre complex at a South African private hospital was measured against a framework to gauge its effectiveness and efficiency. Eight key metrics are proposed against which the complex recorded an overall score of 5/12. Simulated alternative states explored scheduling and rostering stratagems to broadly improve the usefulness of the theatre and its utilisation specifically. Modifications to the management strategy were made. These implementations were simulated in Rockwell Arena. The simulated states showed significant improvement in overall theatre utilisation and effectiveness, moving from a current state utilisation of 47 % to a theoretical level of 85 % whilst the effectiveness score rose from 5/12 to 11/12. This change is significant and meets established international best practice benchmarks. Major issues include a lack of scheduling, planning and control by support functions, poor adherence to schedules by surgeons and interpersonal politics between the two groups

    Website Design Quality and Form Input Validation: An Empirical Study on Irish Corporate Websites

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    The information maintained about products, services and customers is a most valuable organisational asset. Therefore, it is important for successful electronic business to have high quality websites. A website must however, do more than just look attractive it must be usable and present useful, usable information. Usability essentially means that the website is intuitive and allows visitors to find what they are looking for quickly and without effort. This means careful consideration of the structure of information and navigational design. According to the Open Web Applications Security Project, invalidated input is one of the top ten critical web-application security vulnerabilities. We empirically tested 21 Irish corporate websites. The findings suggested that one of the biggest problems is that many failed to use mechanisms to validate even the basic user data input at the source of collection which could potentially result in a database full of useless information

    Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities

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