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    The Forewords of The 3rd JINCARTOS 201

    Beyond the Horizons of the \u3ci\u3eHarvard\u3c/i\u3e Forewords

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    American constitutional thought is controlled by certain paradigms that limit the ability to think beyond them. A careful reading of the Harvard Law Review Forewords—the “tribal campfire” of American constitutional thinkers—is one way to detect these paradigms. Based on reading these Forewords since their inception in 1951 and until 2019, I track how the concept of judicial legitimacy has been understood over the years. My analysis shows that in recent decades an understanding of judicial legitimacy in terms of public support has risen to the status of a controlling paradigm. While this understanding is currently considered commonsensical, it stands in tension with an understanding of judicial legitimacy in terms of expertise that goes back to Alexander Hamilton and dominated the Forewords up until the 1960s. Rather than viewing the Supreme Court as requiring public support for its legitimacy, according to the Hamiltonian view, the Court requires “merely judgment.” Tracking the genealogy of judicial legitimacy in the Harvard Forewords also shows how the shift from Hamilton’s understanding of judicial legitimacy to the current understanding was connected to the invention of public opinion polling. This invention allowed for the first time in history to measure public support for the Court. Before this invention, with only elections as the accepted tool for measuring public support, understanding the Court’s legitimacy in terms of public support was impossible. With the rise of opinion polls as an authoritative democratic legitimator, the concept of judicial legitimacy changed as is reflected in the Harvard Forewords

    Cover, Forewards, and Editor Note

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    Volume 63-3 Cover, Forewords, Table of Contents, and Note from the Edito

    Security and diplomacy

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    Forewords and Reviews: Some Notes on the Translators’ Presence in Estonian Translational Space

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    Forewords and Reviews: Some Notes on the Translators’ Presence in Estonian Translational Spac

    Allocating Intellectual Property Rights Between Parties

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    Forewords of Edited Academic Books in Applied Linguistics: A Rhetorical Analysis

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    "المقدمة" هي القسم التمهيدي للكتاب الذي يتضمن تعليقات على الكتاب كتبها شخص آخر غير المؤلف، وهو عمومًا أكاديمي مشهور، ولأغراض ترويجية بشكل أساسي. على الرغم من الدور الترويجي المهم للمقدمات، فقد تم تخصيص جزء صغير نسبيًا من الأدبيات المتعلقة بالتحقيق في هيكلهم البلاغي. لذلك هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على البنية البلاغية لمقدمات الكتب الأكاديمية المحررة في علم اللغة التطبيقي. لانجاز هذا البحث، تم استخدام تحليل بنية الحركة بناءً على المفهوم التحليلي للحركات ما ینتمي إلی سویلز. على وجه التحديد، وباستخدام نهج نوعي، فحصت الدراسة النصوص من حيث الأجهزة النصية التي تشير إلى الحركات التي تحمل وظائف التواصل. كشفت النتائج عن ثماني حركات منها المطالبة بالمركزية، تقديم فكرة الكتاب، تسويغ الكتاب على أنه یلبي الاحتياجات، الدعوة لمزيد من الدراسة، تسويغ موضوع الكتاب على أنه تلبية للاحتياجات، الإعجاب بالكتاب، تحديد القراء، و تقديم لمحة عامة عن الكتاب. أيضًا، تم اكتشاف أن مقدمات قد لا تكون خالية من الحركات التي تعكس الغرض من جذب دعم القراء. يمكن أن يكون للنتائج استخدام كبير في مجال اللغة الإنجليزية لأغراض محددة، تحليل النوع الخطاب، و تحليل الخطاب، وللمؤلفين والباحثين فيما يتعلق بكيفية كتابة مقدمات في السياق الأكاديمي.A foreword is the introductory section of a book which includes comments on the book written by someone other than the author, generally a well-known scholar, with purpose(s) mainly promotional. Despite the important promotional role of forewords, they have been allocated a relatively small piece of literature regarding the investigation of their rhetorical structure. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the rhetorical structure of the forewords of edited academic books in applied linguistics. To achieve this research, move structure analysis based on Swales' analytic concept of moves is utilized. Precisely, using a qualitative approach, the study examines the texts in terms of the textual devices signaling the moves bearing communicative functions. The results revealed eight moves including claiming centrality, introducing the book idea, justifying the book as meeting the needs, invitation to further study, justifying the book subject as meeting the needs, admiring the book, specifying the readership, and stating an overview of the book. Also, it was found out that the forewords might not be empty of moves reflecting the purpose of attracting the readers' support. The findings could have significant use in ESP (English for Specific Purposes), genre analysis and discourse analysis, and could be of value for authors and researchers who are interested in knowing how to write forewords in academic context