5,199 research outputs found

    Using international diversification to enhance predicted equity index performance: a South African perspective

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    In the weak form, the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) states that it is not possible to forecast the future price of an asset based on the information contained in the historical prices of that same asset. Under this assumption, the market behaves as a random walk and as a result, price forecasting is impossible. Furthermore, financial forecasting is a difficult task due to the intrinsic complexities of any financial system. The purpose of this study is to examine the potential of developing an international investment strategy using future index price predictions and offsetting predicted price declines by investing in negatively correlated international markets. Therefore, the first objective of this study was to examine the feasibility and accuracy of using a machine learning technique to model and predict the future price of stock market indices of South Africa (All Share Index) and a variety of other developed and developing international markets, which included South Africa, Brazil, Russia, India and China of the BRIC countries and Italy, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Nigeria, Australia, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Japan, the U.S., Turkey and the U.K., which were identified as South Africa’s major trading partners. Secondly, an analysis of market correlation between each country’s equity index and South Africa’s ALSI was conducted to determine which of these international indices were positively and negatively correlated to the South African ALSI. This allowed an extrapolation of potential international diversification opportunities. By using machine learning to predict future price trends of the South African All Share Index (ALSI) within a specified time period, the market correlation aspect of this study was able to suggest possible negatively correlated safe haven markets to invest in to offset predicted losses in an expected declining local market. The study’s major limitations include a single method for regression analysis (GARCH(1, 1)) and a limited number of variables in the feature space when predicting future prices. Additional parameters could prove a more robust modelling technique. The data used was a series of past closing prices of each country’s major index. The data was split into five periods, where each period was assigned an overarching theme based on the prevailing market conditions at the time. The ALSI data set was subjected to a unit root test and found to be non-stationary. The analysis thereafter followed a two-step test, with the first being the determination of market correlation of the South African equity market with other markets, using a generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH (1: 1)) approach given the non-stationary nature of the ALSI historic data. The results showed strong positive market correlations between South Africa and China, India, Nigeria, Russia and Saudi Arabia, and strong negative correlation between South Africa and Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Secondly, the specific area of machine learning employed in this study was support vector machines, as implemented using Python programming. The results compare the actual index price with those predicted by the model and showed that this technique has the ability to predict the future price of the Index within an acceptable accuracy. The accuracy measure used was the mean relative error which in most cases was calculated to be between 95 and 98 which is considered relatively high. However, the results of the investment approach described above was considered to be too inconsistent to consider this diversification strategy viable. From a South African perspective, this approach has not been documented previously

    Four essays on quantitative economics applications to volatility analysis in Emerging Markets and renewable energy projects

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    [ES]Las decisiones financieras se pueden dividir en decisiones de inversión y decisiones de financiación. En lo que respecta a las decisiones de inversión, la incertidumbre acerca de la dinámica futura de las variables económicas y de las financieras tiene un rol fundamental. Eso, se explica porque los retornos esperados por las empresas y por los inversionistas se pueden ver afectados por los movimientos adversos en los mercados financieros y por los altos niveles de volatilidad. Como consecuencia, resulta crucial realizar un adecuado análisis y modelación de la volatilidad para el proceso de toma de decisiones financieras, por parte de las empresas y el diseño de estrategias de inversión y cobertura por parte de los inversionistas. En este sentido, el estudio de la volatilidad se ha convertido en uno de los temas más interesantes de la investigación en finanzas. Lo anterior ha cobrado mayor relevancia en los últimos años, teniendo en cuenta el escenario de alta volatilidad e incertidumbre que afrontan los mercados a nivel global. Este documento tiene como objetivo abordar cuatro cuestiones centrales, las cuales están relacionadas con la volatilidad financiera como campo de investigación. Esas cuestiones son, la transmisión y spillovers de volatilidad en mercados emergentes, la calibración de la superficie de volatilidad para proyectos de energía renovable y el pronóstico de los rendimientos de activos energéticos y spillovers de volatilidad a través de técnicas de machine learning. En el primer capítulo del documento, se examinan los efectos de transmisión de volatilidad entre un índice de energía y un índice financiero para los Mercados Emergentes. En consecuencia, mediante el uso de un modelo DCC, se muestra que los efectos de transmisión de volatilidad entre los índices empleados para la crisis subprime y la crisis del COVID-19 fueron diferentes. Lo anteriormente dicho, considerando que la primera crisis se originó en el sector financiero y luego se extendió al resto de la economía, mientras que la segunda se originó en el sector real y posteriormente afectó al resto de la economía. Teniendo en cuenta que la relación entre la volatilidad de los mercados es cambiante en el tiempo, en el segundo capítulo se llevó a cabo un análisis dinámico de los spillovers de volatilidad entre materias primas, Bitcoin y un índice de Mercados Emergentes. Así, empleando la metodología propuesta por Diebold y Yilmaz (2012), se concluyó que los efectos de los spillovers de volatilidad entre los activos analizados no son constantes en dirección e intensidad a través del tiempo. En particular, para períodos de crisis como el de la pandemia del COVID-19, hay reversiones en la dirección de los spillovers de volatilidad debido al sector en el que se originó la crisis. Además, en este capítulo se explota la naturaleza dinámica de los spillovers de volatilidad. Por lo tanto, se planteó que el índice de spillovers de volatilidad propuesto por Diebold y Yilmaz puede ser usado como una medida para pronosticar periodos de alta turbulencia. Lo anterior se desarrolló a través de modelos econométricos tradicionales y de técnicas de machine learning. En el tercer capítulo del documento, se propone un modelo que predice los retornos de los precios del carbono y del petróleo. En este sentido, se desarrolló un modelo híbrido, el cual combina las proyecciones obtenidas a partir de diferentes técnicas de machine learning y modelos econométricos tradicionales, obteniéndose resultados los cuales muestran las ventajas de emplear modelos híbridos que incorporan técnicas de machine learning, exclusivamente, para pronosticar variables financieras. Finalmente, en el capítulo cuatro, se presenta una metodología para la estimación de la volatilidad en la valoración de proyectos de energías renovables mediante opciones reales. En esta metodología, la cual es una extensión del enfoque de volatilidad implícita empleada para las opciones financieras, la volatilidad de un proyecto es la volatilidad implícita obtenida a partir de la superficie de la volatilidad de empresas comparables, según una determinada fecha de valoración y dada la relación deuda-capital de un proyecto de energía renovable. En este análisis, se utilizó el modelo estocástico 'alfa-beta-rho' para calibrar la superficie de la volatilidad para la valoración mediante opciones reales. Por último, al final del documento se presentan las conclusiones derivadas de los capítulos mencionados, así como algunas recomendaciones para las futuras investigaciones. [EN]Financial decisions can be divided in investment and financing decisions. Concerning investment decisions, the uncertainty about the future dynamics of financial and economic variables has a central role, considering that the returns expected by firms and investors can be affected by the adverse movements in financial markets and their high volatility. In consequence, the adequate volatility analysis and modeling is crucial for the firm’s financial decision-making process and the design of investing and hedging strategies by investors. In this regard, the study of volatility has become one of the most interesting topics in finance research. The foregoing has become more relevant in recent years considering the scenario of high volatility and uncertainty faced by markets globally. This document aims to address four central issues related to financial volatility as a research area. These are, volatility transmission and spillovers in Emerging Markets, the calibration of the volatility surface for renewable energy projects and the forecast of energy assets returns and volatility spillovers through machine learning techniques. In the first chapter of the document, the volatility transmission effects between an energy index and a financial index for Emerging Markets are examined. Then, by using a DCC model, it is shown that the volatility transmission effects between the employed indices for the subprime crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic were different. This, considering that the former crisis originated in the financial sector and spread to the rest of the economy, while the second originated in the real sector and trasmitted to the rest of the economy posteriorly. Considering that the relationship between markets volatility is time-varying, in the second chapter, a dynamic analysis of volatility spillovers between commodities, Bitcoin and an Emerging Markets index is developed. Employing the methodology proposed by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012), it is concluded that the volatility spillovers effects between the analyzed assets is not constant in direction and intensity over time. In particular, for periods of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemics, there are reversals in the direction of volatility spillovers due to the sector in which the crises originate. In addition, in this chapter the dynamic nature of volatility spillovers is exploited. Hence, the volatility spillover index proposed by Diebold and Yilmaz is forecasted to be used as a measure to anticipate high turbulence periods. This, through both traditional econometric models and machine learning techniques. In the third chapter, a model for the prediction of carbon and oil prices is proposed. In this sense, a hybrid model that ensembles the forecasts obtained from different machine learning techniques and traditional econometric models is developed, obtaining results that show the advantages of employing hybrid models which combine machine learning techniques, exclusively, to forecast financial variables. In Chapter four, a methodology for the estimation of volatility in renewable energy projects valuation through real options is presented. In this methodology, which is an extension of the implied volatility approach employed for financial options, the volatility of the project is the implied volatility obtained from the volatility surface of comparable firms for a certain valuation date and given debt-to-equity relation of a renewable energy project. In this analysis, the stochastic ‘alpha-beta-rho’ model is utilized to calibrate the volatility surface for real option valuation purposes. Finally, the conclusions derived from the mentioned chapters are presented at the end of the document as well as some recommendations for future research

    Empirical Analysis of Natural Gas Markets

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    Recent developments in the natural gas industry warrant new analysis of related issues. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments have accelerated the shift away from coal as the dominant source of electricity. Its low environmental impact, reduced volume, and broad availability make liquefied natural gas (LNG) a popular alternative, during this time of transition between traditional fuels and newer options. In the United States, the shale gas revolution has made natural gas a game changer. In this book, we focus on empirical analyses of the natural gas market and its growing relevance worldwide

    Stock Market Prediction Using Evolutionary Support Vector Machines: An Application To The ASE20 Index

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    The main motivation for this paper is to introduce a novel hybrid method for the prediction of the directional movement of financial assets with an application to the ASE20 Greek stock index. Specifically, we use an alternative computational methodology named evolutionary support vector machine (ESVM) stock predictor for modeling and trading the ASE20 Greek stock index extending the universe of the examined inputs to include autoregressive inputs and moving averages of the ASE20 index and other four financial indices. The proposed hybrid method consists of a combination of genetic algorithms with support vector machines modified to uncover effective short-term trading models and overcome the limitations of existing methods. For comparison purposes, the trading performance of the ESVM stock predictor is benchmarked with four traditional strategies (a naïve strategy, a buy and hold strategy, a moving average convergence/divergence and an autoregressive moving average model), and a multilayer perceptron neural network model. As it turns out, the proposed methodology produces a higher trading performance, even during the financial crisis period, in terms of annualized return and information ratio, while providing information about the relationship between the ASE20 index and DAX30, NIKKEI225, FTSE100 and S&P500 indices

    Liquidity and the dynamic pattern of price adjustment: a global view

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    Global liquidity expansion has been very dynamic since 2001. Contrary to conventional wisdom, high money growth rates have not coincided with a concurrent rise in goods prices. At the same time, however, asset prices have increased sharply, significantly outpacing the subdued development in consumer prices. This paper examines the interactions between money, goods and asset prices at the global level. Using aggregated data for major OECD countries, our VAR results support the view that different price elasticities on asset and goods markets explain the recently observed relative price change between asset classes and consumer goods. --Global liquidity,inflation control,monetary policy transmission,asset prices

    Analysis of Nifty 50 index stock market trends using hybrid machine learning model in quantum finance

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    Predicting equities market trends is one of the most challenging tasks for market participants. This study aims to apply machine learning algorithms to aid in accurate Nifty 50 index trend predictions. The paper compares and contrasts four forecasting methods: artificial neural networks (ANN), support vector machines (SVM), naive bayes (NB), and random forest (RF). In this study, the eight technical indicators are used, and then the deterministic trend layer is used to translate the indications into trend signals. The principal component analysis (PCA) method is then applied to this deterministic trend signal. This study's main influence is using the PCA technique to find the essential components from multiple technical indicators affecting stock prices to reduce data dimensionality and improve model performance. As a result, a PCA-machine learning (ML) hybrid forecasting model was proposed. The experimental findings suggest that the technical factors are signified as trend signals and that the PCA approach combined with ML models outperforms the comparative models in prediction performance. Utilizing the first three principal components (percentage of explained variance=80%), experiments on the Nifty 50 index show that support vector classifer (SVC) with radial basis function (RBF) kernel achieves good accuracy of (0.9968) and F1-score (0.9969), and the RF model achieves an accuracy of (0.9969) and F1-Score (0.9968). In area under the curve (AUC) performance, SVC (RBF and Linear kernels) and RF have AUC scores of 1

    On the interaction between market and credit risk: a factor-augmented vector autoregressive (FAVAR) approach

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    The aim of the paper is to understand the interaction between market and credit risk. Using a comprehensive set of Italian data, we apply a factor model to identify the common sources of risk driving fluctuations in the real and financial sectors. The common latent factors are then inserted in a VAR framework via a Factor Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) approach to analyse the role of risk interactions with monetary policy shocks. We find that the impact of a restrictive monetary policy shock on credit risk is amplified when considering the feedback effect deriving from macroeconomic and equity market risk. Thus, neglecting dynamic interactions among risks may lead to biased estimates of the overall risk measure. The approach provides a framework for modelling macro and financial feedback dynamics, shedding some light on the complex interdependence between the financial sector and the real economy.FAVAR approach, credit risk, market risk, factor model