185 research outputs found

    Advances in Sustainable River Management

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    The main objective of this Special Issue is to contribute in understanding and provide science-based knowledge, new ideas/approaches and solutions in sustainable river management, to improve water management policies and practices following different environmental requirements aspects

    Tourism Demand Modeling and Forecasting: A Review of Literature Related to Greater China

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    Factors Impacting Consumers’ Sharing Behavior under Sharing Economy: A UTAUT-Based Model

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    Sharing economy is emerging gradually in China, which is a field worth studying, especially the use behavior of participants in e-commerce background. Based on the UTAUT model, this research considers the characteristics of sharing economy and establishes the basic framework of influencing factors of sharing behaviors. It takes P2P sharing riding as an example to do some empirical analysis through Smart PLS and SPSS PROCESS. It explores the influencing factors of participation behavior, the mediation effect of sharing intention. The study finds that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence have significant positive influence on the sharing intention. The facility condition, social entertainment motivation and sustainable motivation have significant positive influence on the sharing behavior through the mediation of sharing intention

    Spatiotemporal patterns and driving mechanism of tourism ecological security in Guangxi, China

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    Tourism ecological security (TES) is an important index reflecting the sustainable development of the regional economy. The construction of the China and ASEAN Free Trade Area has increased the total tourist consumption of Guangxi province by 36.48%. Unfortunately, overconsumption of resources, air pollution, disturbance of indigenous life, and other environmental degradation problems emerged due to the significant increase in tourists. Measuring the resilience of the tourism ecosystem is an urgent need to promote the high-quality development of tourism in Guangxi. To explore the dynamic changes in TES and its driving mechanism, the DPSIR (driver–pressure–state–impact–response) model for the tourism ecosystem was developed. The dynamic changes in TES and its driving mechanism from 2010 to 2019 were analyzed using fuzzy matter-element analysis, Markov chains, Geodetector, and other methods. The results show that: (1) the TES value increased steadily by 72.73%; the improvement speed was Northeast > Southwest > Southeast > Northwest; (2) TES was negatively correlated with location, 14 cities developed independently; (3) the TES has a smaller probability to shift the lower level; (4) urbanization, water consumption, green area, tourism revenue, and the number of students in colleges had significant effects on TES. Four policies were proposed to improve TES: (1) developing forest tourism; (2) implementing greening projects in abandoned mining areas; (3) increasing tourism technical personnel; and (4) reducing clearance time for inbound tourists

    Tourism area development from an evolutionary economic geography perspective: The case of Guilin, China

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    The dissertation is concerned with the emergence, rise and decline of tourism area development from an evolutionary economic geography perspective. In particular, two concepts derived from evolutionary economic geography, namely path dependence and coevolution are argued to bring the debate around the literature of tourism area life cycle substantially forward. In this respect, I develop two alternative theoretical models for analyzing and explaining tourism area evolution, namely an alternative path dependence model and a coevolutionary framework of tourism areas. To further test the validity and utility of the two proposed models, I apply the two theoretical frameworks to a case study of a tourism destination, Guilin, China. The case research reveals that Guilin has experienced path preformation, path creation, lock-in and a new turn of path creation phases of tourism area development. The interaction and coevolution of tourism products, sectors and institutional environments suggest that external environments, policy changes and product innovation are the main coevolutionary mechanisms for tourism development in Guilin over time

    Tourism destination modelling: building a sustainable planning tool for Australian tourism destinations

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    The Ningaloo Destination Model is a tourism planning tool for the Ningaloo Coast region of Western Australia that assesses the economic, social and environmental impacts of different planning decisions and events. This report describes the features of the tourism destination model, and analyses its application in the region and to other parts of Australia. Destination modelling integrates a number of research methodologies developed through past STCRC projects (on visitor spending and characteristics, social impacts and economic impacts), secondary data and ecological research. The key to this process is a model development technique that uses scenario planning methodologies to facilitate stakeholder engagement and conceptual modelling techniques to facilitate research integration. The report describes the methodologies used for model development and for data collection, provides two case studies demonstrating outputs, and explores applications of the Ningaloo Destination Model to the region, to other locations and to other sectors. The Ningaloo Destination Model provides estimates of the impacts of plans and events related to tourism in four dimensions: tourism specific; economy; social; and environmental (both resource use and ecological). These outputs are explored through two case studies: a nodal coastal development; and a large resort development. The model can be used for four broad (oftentimes overlapping) categories of assessment: operational planning and decision making for specific organisations and groups (such as local government or agencies that manage land or sea use), regional planning, participatory planning and collaborations and to assist monitoring and evaluation.The Ningaloo Destination Model will be available to the general public (in a limited format) through websites; to agencies through a desktop version; and through integration into a larger model of the region being developed by the CSIRO. Destination modelling is relevant for other tourism destinations and a process for the rapid and cost-effective application of destination modelling is feasible. While much of the data is available, a broader roll-out would require benchmarking of water, electricity and waste data, and developing a wireframe for all tourism destinations. Making destination modelling tools broadly available would significantly broaden the impacts considered in tourism planning and lead to enhancement of desirable effects of tourism development, and early mitigation of negative impacts across Australia. The techniques developed for destination modelling were also found to be applicable to other sectors

    Reflections on the future visions of UK tourism outlined in Burkart and Medlik's 1974 book: tourism: past, present, and future

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    Purpose – To explore the future visions outlined in one of the first academic books on UK tourism to venture into tourism futures. Through today’s lens, their visions are explored through three topics: Future Markets and Destinations; Future Resources; and the Future Organization of Tourism. Design/methodology/approach – Exploring the backstory, key drivers and tipping points of UK tourism development and tourism education during the 1960s and 1970s, they help to understand the rationale for the authors 1974 future visions of UK tourism. These visions are tested against reality, using a mixture of data, softer evidence and the authors’ judgements. Findings – Acknowledging the authors showed courage in presenting their future visions, when so little was known about the development of tourism, let alone tourism futures. The article highlights the successes and failures of their future visions across 20 tourism sectors, through 55 tourism forecasts. The reasons for weaknesses in some of their forecasts, and their foresight in highlighting little known issues are explored, along with key learning points for tourism futurists. Research limitations/implications – The future visions of UK tourism were tested against data and other evidence, but this was not always possible. Therefore, the success or failures of some of the visions are based on the authors’ judgement. Originality/value – Over the past 50 years, there has been a steady growth in tourism futures studies. Given the recent increase in awareness of history in driving futures thinking, perhaps now is the time to apply this viewpoint to previously published tourism futures studies because such reviews provide a timely reminder of the transient nature of tourism futures gazing

    Improving agricultural productivity for poverty alleviation through integrated service provision with public-private sector partnerships: Examples and issues

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    Irrigation management / Crop production / Productivity / Constraints / Poverty / Farmers’ associations / Public sector / Private sector / Models / Food security / Sugarcane / Rice

    Turismo na RepĂșblica Popular da China: polĂ­ticas e desenvolvimento econĂłmico

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    Mestrado em Estudos ChinesesO presente trabalho propĂ”e-se a investigar o percurso da indĂșstria do turismo na RepĂșblica Popular da China nos Ășltimos 50 anos, desde a fase em que o paĂ­s mergulhou numa polĂ­tica de completo isolamento em relação ao resto do mundo, atĂ© se ter tornado num dos principais intervenientes econĂłmicos e polĂ­ticos a nĂ­vel mundial. Paralelamente, o sector do turismo acompanhou essas mudanças que se foram desenvolvendo ao longo dos tempos, para passar a ser hoje um dos principais sectores da economia da China. O presente trabalho de investigação examina as principais mudanças ocorridas ao nĂ­vel das polĂ­ticas lançadas para o sector em questĂŁo, bem como o impacto que elas tiveram no desenvolvimento econĂłmico do paĂ­s. Pretende-se, portanto, determinar atĂ© que ponto os resultados econĂłmicos desta indĂșstria foram determinados pelas acçÔes e programas lançados pelo Governo ChinĂȘs ao longo dos Ășltimos 50 anos.This thesis researches the path that the tourism industry followed in the People’s Republic of China over the last fifty years, since the period when the country closed itself off from the rest of the world until it had become one of the big economic and politic players on the world scene. The tourism industry also followed the changes that were developing over time and became one of the most important economic sectors in China. This work examines the major policy changes that occurred within the sector, as well as the impact they had on the economy. It attempts to determine the extent to which the economic results accomplished by this industry were determined by the actions and programmes launched by the Chinese Government
