15 research outputs found

    Forecasting Tourist Arrivals Using a Combination of Long Short-Term Memory and Fourier Series

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    The sector that contributes most to the nation's economy nowadays is tourism. Policymakers, decision-makers, and organisations involved in the tourist sector can use tourism demand forecasting to gather important information for planning and making important decisions. However, it is difficult to produce an accurate forecast because tourism data is critical, especially when a periodic pattern, such as seasonality, trends, and non-linearity, is present in a dataset. In this research, we present a hybrid modelling approach for modelling tourist arrivals time series data that combines the long short-term memory (LSTM) with the Fourier series method. This method is proposed to capture the components of seasonality and trend in the data set. Various single models, such as ARIMA and LSTM, as well as a modified ARIMA model based on Fourier series, are evaluated to confirm the suggested model's accuracy. The efficiency of the proposed model is compared using monthly tourism arrivals data from Langkawi Island, which has a notable pattern and seasonality. The findings reveal that the proposed model is more reliable than the other models in forecasting tourist arrivals series

    Genetic Algorithms for Cross-Calibration of Categorical Data

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    The probabilistic problem of cross-calibration of two categorical variables is addressed. A probabilistic forecast of the categorical variables is obtained based on a sample of observed data. This forecast is the output of a genetic algorithm based approach, which makes no assumption on the type of relationship between the two variables and applies a scoring rule to assess the fitness of the chromosomes. It converges to a good-quality point probability forecast of the joint distribution of the two variables. The proposed approach is applied both at stationary points in time and across time. Its performance is enhanced when additional sampled data is included, and can be designed with different scoring rules or made to account for missing data

    Quantification of survey expectations by means of symbolic regression via genetic programming to estimate economic growth in central and eastern european economies

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    Tendency surveys are the main source of agents' expectations. This study has a twofold aim. First, it proposes a new method to quantify survey-based expectations by means of symbolic regression (SR) via genetic programming. Second, it combines the main SR-generated indicators to estimate the evolution of GDP, obtaining the best results for the Czech Republic and Hungary. Finally, it assesses the impact of the 2008 financial crisis, finding that the capacity of agents' expectations to anticipate economic growth in most Central and Eastern European economies improved after the crisis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Quantification of Survey Expectations by Means of Symbolic Regression via Genetic Programming to Estimate Economic Growth in Central and Eastern European Economies

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    Tendency surveys are the main source of agents' expectations. The main aim of this study is twofold. First, we propose a new method to quantify survey-based expectations by means of symbolic regression (SR) via genetic programming. Second, we combine the main SR-generated indicators to estimate the evolution of GDP, obtaining the best results for the Czech Republic and Hungary. Finally, we assess the impact of the 2008 financial crisis, finding an improvement in the capacity of agents' expectations in most Central and Eastern European economies to anticipate economic growth after the crisis

    Sri Lanka – the wonder of Asia: analyzing monthly tourist arrivals in the post-war era

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    Using the monthly time series data, ranging over the period June 2009 to December 2018, the study applied the generalized Box-Jenkins SARIMA approach in an attempt to model and forecast international tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka.The ADF tests indicate that the tourism series is I (1). The study identified the minimum MAPE value and subsequently presented the SARIMA (0, 1, 1)(0, 1, 1)12 model as the optimal model to forecast tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka. Analysis of the residuals of the SARIMA (0, 1, 1)(0, 1, 1)12 model indicate that the selected model is stable and acceptable for forecasting tourism demand in Sri Lanka. The forecasted international tourist arrivals over the period January 2019 to December 2020 show a generally upward trend.In order to accommodate the forecasted growing numbers of international tourists, there is need for the construction of more infrastructure facilities

    Forecasting tourism demand with an improved mixed data sampling model

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    Search query data reflect users’ intentions, preferences and interests. The interest in using such data to forecast tourism demand has increased in recent years. The mixed data sampling (MIDAS) method is often used in such forecasting, but is not effective when moving average (MA) dynamics are involved. To investigate the relevance of the MA components in MIDAS models to tourism demand forecasting, an improved MIDAS model that integrates MIDAS and the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average process is proposed. Its performance is tested by forecasting monthly tourist arrivals in Hong Kong from mainland China with daily composite indices constructed from a large number of search queries using the generalised dynamic factor model. The forecasting results suggest that this new model significantly outperforms the benchmark model. In addition, comparing the forecasts and nowcasts shows that the latter generally outperform the former

    Estimation of Container Traffic at Seaports by Using Several Soft Computing Methods: A Case of Turkish Seaports

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    Container traffic forecasting is important for the operations and the design steps of a seaport facility. In this study, performances of the novel soft computing models were compared for the container traffic forecasting of principal Turkish seaports (Istanbul, Izmir, and Mersin seaports) with excessive container traffic. Four forecasting models were implemented based on Artificial Neural Network with Artificial Bee Colony and Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithms (ANN-ABC and ANN-LM), Multiple Nonlinear Regression with Genetic Algorithm (MNR-GA), and Least Square Support Vector Machine (LSSVM). Forecasts were carried out by using the past records of the gross domestic product, exports, and population of the Turkey as indicators of socioeconomic and demographic status. Performances of the forecasting models were evaluated with several performance metrics. Considering the testing period, the LSSVM, ANN-ABC, and ANN-LM models performed better than the MNR-GA model considering overall fitting and prediction performances of the extreme values in the testing data. The LSSVM model was found to be more reliable compared to the ANN models. Forecasting part of the study suggested that container traffic of the seaports will be increased up to 60%, 67%, and 95% at the 2023 for the Izmir, Mersin, and Istanbul seaports considering official growth scenarios of Turkey

    Analysing and forecasting tourism demand in Vietnam with artificial neural networks

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    Mestrado APNORVietnam has experienced a tourism boom over the last decade with more than 18 million international tourists in 2019, compared to 1.5 million twenty-five years ago. Tourist spending has translated into rising employment and income for the tourism sector, making it the key driver to the socio-economic development of the country. Facing the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam´s tourism has suffered extreme economic losses. However, the number of international tourists is expected to reach the pre-pandemic levels in the next few years after the COVID-19 pandemic subsides. Forecasting tourism demand plays an essential role in predicting future economic development. Accurate predictions of tourism volume would facilitate decision-makers and managers to optimize resource allocation as well as to balance environmental and economic aspects. Various methods to predict tourism demand have been introduced over the years. One of the most prominent approaches is Artificial Neural Network (ANN) thanks to its capability to handle highly volatile and non-linear data. Given the significance of tourism to the economy, a precise forecast of tourism demand would help to foresee the potential economic growth of Vietnam. First, the research aims to analyse Vietnam´s tourism sector with a special focus on international tourists. Next, several ANN architectures are experimented with the datasets from 2008 to 2020, to predict the monthly number of international tourists traveling to Vietnam including COVID-19 lockdown periods. The results showed that with the correct selection of ANN architectures and data from the previous 12 months, the best ANN models can forecast the number of international tourists for next month with a MAPE between 7.9% and 9.2%. As the method proves its forecasting accuracy, it would serve as a valuable tool for Vietnam´s policymakers and firm managers to make better investment and strategic decisions to promote tourism after the COVID-19 situation.O Vietname conheceu um boom turístico na última década com mais de 18 milhões de turistas internacionais em 2019, em comparação com 1,5 milhões há vinte e cinco anos. As despesas turísticas traduziram-se num aumento do emprego e de receitas no sector do turismo, tornando-o no principal motor do desenvolvimento socioeconómico do país. Perante a pandemia da COVID-19, o turismo no Vietname sofreu perdas económicas extremas. Porém, espera-se que o número de turistas internacionais, pós pandemia da COVID-19, atinja os níveis pré-pandémicos nos próximos anos. A previsão da procura turística desempenha um papel essencial na previsão do desenvolvimento económico futuro. Previsões precisas facilitariam os decisores e gestores a otimizar a afetação de recursos, bem como o equilíbrio entre os aspetos ambientais e económicos. Vários métodos para prever a procura turística têm sido introduzidos ao longo dos anos. Uma das abordagens mais proeminentes assenta na metodologia das Redes Neuronais Artificiais (ANN) dada a sua capacidade de lidar com dados voláteis e não lineares. Dada a importância do turismo para a economia, uma previsão precisa da procura turística ajudaria a prever o crescimento económico potencial do Vietname. Em primeiro lugar, a investigação tem por objetivo analisar o sector turístico do Vietname com especial incidência nos turistas internacionais. Em seguida, várias arquiteturas de ANN são experimentadas com um conjunto de dados de 2008 a 2020, para prever o número mensal de turistas internacionais que se deslocam ao Vietname, incluindo os períodos de confinamento relacionados com a COVID-19. Os resultados mostraram, com a correta seleção de arquiteturas ANN e dados dos 12 meses anteriores, os melhores modelos ANN podem prever o número de turistas internacionais para o próximo mês com uma MAPE entre 7,9% e 9,2%. Como o método evidenciou a sua precisão de previsão, o mesmo pode servir como uma ferramenta valiosa para os decisores políticos e gestores de empresas do Vietname, pois irá permitir fazer melhores investimentos e tomarem decisões estratégicas para promover o turismo pós situação da COVID-19