115,113 research outputs found

    Achieving Effective Innovation Based On TRIZ Technological Evolution

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThis paper outlines the conception of effective innovation and discusses the method to achieve it. Effective Innovation is constrained on the path of technological evolution so that the corresponding path must be detected before conceptual design of the product. The process of products technological evolution is a technical developing process that the products approach to Ideal Final Result (IFR). During the process, the sustaining innovation and disruptive innovation carry on alternately. By researching and forecasting potential techniques using TRIZ technological evolution theory, the effective innovation can be achieved finally.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    Technology Forecasting - An Important Tool for Marketing in R&D

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    Technology Forecasting is an important aspect of every R&D Organisation At is Technology Forecasting that can improve the quality of technical decision-making . One of the major challenges in the management of innovation is a practical and useful implementation of Technology Forecasting . The pace of technological progress is a practical construct that has evolved from technological change theories.This article discusses the role of Technology Forecasting in R&D Organisations

    Innovation and Technological Development of Industrial Regions Under Social and Economic Insecurity

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    The article is devoted to the identification of the characteristics and priorities of innovation and technological development in the industrial regions of the Russian Federation in the context of the ongoing global crisis. The authors come from the hypothesis that, in these circumstances, the strategy of innovative development of industrial regions, in order to ensure their sustainability and the creation of conditions for further growth, should be an integral part of their industrial policies and focus primarily on the modernization and improvement of technical and technological level of basic units. On the basis of the analysis of statistical data about the status of the innovation capacity in the Russian Federation, the authors have identified the root causes of the continuing backlog of advanced foreign countries by the level of innovative development (raw-material orientation of the Russian economy that enhances the technological dependence of the developed countries; insufficient financial support for innovation activities by the state; the orientation of innovation in imitation and borrowing). The necessity to take into account in the development and implementation of the socio-economic strategic regions of the Russian Federation and the close relationship between the industrial-technological and innovation component of social development is proved. In order to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies, the classification of Russian regions considering their industrial and technological specialization is proposed, the required elements and characteristics of effective innovation systems for each type of region are allocated. In the article, the proposals on measures of the state support for innovation development of industrial regions, with the aim of improving their sustainability and competitiveness in the face of geopolitical and economic uncertainty are determined. The article is addressed to professionals in the field of theory and practice in the management of innovative processes.The article has been prepared with the support of Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, project 14–02–00331 Innovative and technological development of a region: assessment, forecasting, and ways of achievement»

    Nowcasting Business Cycles Using Toll Data

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    Nowcasting has been a challenge in the recent economic crisis. We introduce the Toll Index, a new monthly indicator for business cycle forecasting and demonstrate its relevance using German data. The index measures the monthly transportation activity performed by heavy transport vehicles across the country and has highly desirable availability properties (insignificant revisions, short publication lags) as a result of the innovative technology underlying its data collection. It is coincident with production activity due to the prevalence of just-in-time delivery. The Toll Index is a good early indicator of production as measured for instance by the German Production Index, provided by the German Statistical Office, which is a well-known leading indicator of the Gross National Product. The proposed new index is an excellent example of technological, innovation-driven economic telemetry, which we suggest should be established more around the world.telemetry, nowcasting, transportation, business cycles, production forecasting, macroeconomic forecasting, new products, evaluating forecasts, data mining

    Selected Instruments for Management of Technology Development

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    Polska dysponuje pewnymi możliwościami rozwijania nowoczesnych technologii, także tych, które aktualnie znajdują się w pierwszych fazach cyklu życia (np. nanotechnologii, spintroniki, fizykochemii zjawisk powierzchniowych, robotyki itd.), i mają wysoki potencjał generowania zysku przy relatywnie niskich (bo niezwiązanych z samymi kosztami produkcji) nakładach inwestycyjnych i niższych wymaganiach, jeśli chodzi o wcześniej zdobyte doświadczenie. Wykorzystanie tych możliwości wymaga rozszerzenia o nowe podejścia tradycyjnego instrumentarium zarządzania technologią, opartego głównie na dorobku teorii racjonalnych oczekiwań. Wśród tych nowych podejść na szczególną uwagę zasługuje foresight i towarzyszące mu: cykl życia technologii i mapowanie, które są przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu

    Financing innovation activity in Ukraine: realities and perspectives

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    The role of the European Union (EU) in direct investment into the real sector of the Ukrainian economy is discussed in the article. Activity indicators of Ukrainian industrial enterprises are analyzed. Assessment of the attraction of foreign direct investment from the EU to the real sector of the Ukrainian economy is provided. The correlation between the influence of the total amount of expenditures for financing innovation activity of industrial enterprises and gross domestic product of Ukraine in actual prices is calculated and forecasting of these expenditures by applying the theory of Markov chains is carried out. The research on the basis of correlation-regression analysis between the total amount of expenditures for financing innovation activity of industrial enterprises and gross domestic product of Ukraine in actual prices for the period of 2013-2017 made it possible to establish a sufficiently strong correlation between the indicators (the correlation coefficient is 1), which indicates that the positive dynamics of the increase in the total amount of expenditures for financing innovation activity of industrial enterprises will lead to a positive dynamics of Ukraine’s gross domestic product in actual prices. This, in turn, will improve practically all indicators of the industrial activity of the national economy

    Networks, obstacles, and resources for innovative performance: An analysis via neural networks for prediction in the manufacturing industry

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    This document aims to predict the level of innovation in manufacturing companies in Colombia between 2017-2018. A forecasting mechanism for innovation performance has been constructed using Neural Networks (NNs). This model considers the objectives of innovation, obstacles to innovation, knowledge networks, and technical information of each one of the firms. Results show that demand push, vertical sources, financial obstacles, and qualified personnel are the most important variables in predicting innovative performance. Our empirical analysis uses firm-level innovation survey data from the EDIT (Encuesta de Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica in Spanish, Technological Development, and Innovation Survey in English) for Colombia for the years 2017-2018