577 research outputs found

    One-Dimensional Control System for a Linear Motor of a Two-Dimensional Nanopositioning Stage Using Commercial Control Hardware

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    A two-dimensional (2D) nanopositioning platform stage (NanoPla) is in development at the University of Zaragoza. To provide a long travel range, the actuators of the NanoPla are four Halbach linear motors. These motors present many advantages in precision engineering, and they are custom made for this application. In this work, a one-dimensional (1D) control strategy for positioning a Halbach linear motor has been developed, implemented, and experimentally validated. The chosen control hardware is a commercial Digital Motor Control (DMC) Kit from Texas Instruments that has been designed to control the torque or the rotational speed of rotative motors. Using a commercial control hardware facilitates the applicability of the developed control system. Nevertheless, it constrains the design, which needs to be adapted to the hardware and optimized. Firstly, a dynamic characterization of the linear motor has been performed. By leveraging the dynamic properties of the motor, a sensorless controller is proposed. Then, a closed-loop control strategy is developed. Finally, this control strategy is implemented in the control hardware. It was verified that the control system achieves the working requirements of the NanoPla. It is able to work in a range of 50 mm and perform a minimum incremental motion of 1 mu m

    Preliminary Modelling and Implementation of the 2D-control for a Nanopositioning Long Range Stage

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    Different systems are recently developed to obtain effective positioning at nanometer scale with increased working ranges. For this purpose, a two-dimensional nanopositioning platform (NanoPla) has been design and manufactured. To assure the demanding metrological performance the drive and control system is being defined and validated. Based on four home-made linear motors as actuators, this work is focused on the study of the control-loop for 1D- and 2D-cases with the aim of the preliminary modelling and posterior implementation. The different required blocks are presented and an initial controller solution is proposed to achieve the established positioning requests

    Positioning Control System for a Large Range 2D Platform with Submicrometre Accuracy for Metrological and Manufacturing Applications

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    The importance of nanotechnology in the world of Science and Technology has rapidly increased over recent decades, demanding positioning systems capable of providing accurate positioning in large working ranges. In this line of research, a nanopositioning platform, the NanoPla, has been developed at the University of Zaragoza. The NanoPla has a large working range of 50 mm × 50 mm and submicrometre accuracy. The NanoPla actuators are four Halbach linear motors and it implements planar motion. In addition, a 2D plane mirror laser interferometer system works as positioning sensor. One of the targets of the NanoPla is to implement commercial devices when possible. Therefore, a commercial control hardware designed for generic three phase motors has been selected to control and drive the Halbach linear motors.This thesis develops 2D positioning control strategy for large range accurate positioning systems and implements it in the NanoPla. The developed control system coordinates the performance of the four Halbach linear motors and integrates the 2D laser system positioning feedback. In order to improve the positioning accuracy, a self calibration procedure for the characterisation of the geometrical errors of the 2D laser system is proposed. The contributors to the final NanoPla positioning errors are analysed and the final positioning uncertainty (k=2) of the 2D control system is calculated to be ±0.5 µm. The resultant uncertainty is much lower than the NanoPla required positioning accuracy, broadening its applicability scope.<br /

    Controlling a contactless planar actuator with manipulator

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    An existing magnetically levitated planar actuator with manipulator has been studied and improved from a control point of view. This prototype consists of a magnetically levitated six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) planar actuator with moving magnets, with a 2-DOF manipulator on top of it. This system contains three different contactless technologies: contactless bearing and propulsion of the planar actuator, wireless powering of the manipulator, and wireless communication and control of the manipulator. The planar actuator (PA) consists of a Halbach magnet array, which is levitated and controlled in all six DOF’s above a stationary coil array. The PA is propelled in two horizontal translational DOF’s while the other four DOF’s are stabilized to accomplish a stiff bearing. Each active coil contributes to the production of forces and torques acting on the magnet array. Since the number of active coils is much larger than the number of DOF’s, the desired force production can be distributed over many coils. Therefore, a commutation algorithm has to be used to invert the mapping of the forces and torques exerted by the set of active coils as a function of the coil currents and the position and orientation of the translator. One method for linearization and decoupling of the forces and torques was developed in the past. The method is called direct wrench decoupling and guaranties minimal dissipation of energy. However, no constraints on the maximum current can be given. This study proposes two novel, norm-based commutation methods: l8-norm and clipped l2-norm based commutation. Both methods can put bounds on the maximum currents in the coils to prevent saturation of the current amplifiers. The first method focuses on minimization of the maximum current whereas the second method limits the peak current while it minimizes the power losses. Consequently, a higher acceleration of the translator can be achieved and/or less powerful (cheaper) current amplifiers can be utilized and/or fewer commutation errors arise. Only a long-stroke translational movement of the moving magnet planar actuators has been considered in the past. The possibility of a completely propelled and controlled rotation about the vertical axis instead of just stabilizing it for bearing has been analyzed in this thesis from a control point of view. Enhancing the planar actuator with a long-range rotation will increase its utility value and opens new application areas. Based on this investigation, a novel coil array with a triangular grid of rounded coils has been proposed for better controllability in any orientation of the PA. In addition, other coil and magnet topologies have been studied from a control point of view for their suitability for full rotation. The influence of different kinds of error-causes on the commutation precision has been studied. From this investigation, it has been found that the offsets of the measurement system have the highest influence on the precision of the commutation. Investigation of the convergence of the procedure for estimation and elimination of these offsets has been performed. Although it was not proven that the procedure could be applied on the whole workspace of the PA, the convergence has been shown at least for all the investigated points. From this investigation, convergence for any position in the workspace of the PA is expected. It was found that it is possible to use the procedure also with different topologies and with different commutations. A novel wireless link has been developed for the real-time control of a fast motion system. The wireless link communicates via infrared-light transceivers and the link has a delay and a packet-loss ratio almost indistinguishable from the wired connection for the bandwidth of the system up to several kilohertz. The clipped l2-norm based commutation method has been successfully tested on the experimental setup after improving the measurement system, the contactless energy transfer and the wireless communication. With a new, interferometer sensor system, a well-controlled PA with two long-stroke DOF’s has become available. Improved contactless energy transfer does not cause increased electromagnetic interference during switching between the primary coils any more and the wireless connection using the infrared link provides a reliable communication channel between the manipulator and the fixed world. Several control approaches have been tested on the experimental setup. Both, the classical PID control, Sliding-mode control and Iterative learning control have been implemented. Each controller brought better performance than the previous one. Also, a fourth-order trajectory and enhanced feedforward control helped to improve performance. Finally, the tracking errors, in comparison to the initial situation, were reduced by a factor 10 (and even more than by a factor 50 with deactivated contactless energy transfer) while the velocity and acceleration of the system were a factor 4 and 14, respectively, higher

    Surface micromachined mechanisms and micromotors

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    Electric micromotors are sub-millimeter sized actuators capable of unrestrained motion in at least one degree of freedom. Polysilicon surface micromachining using heavily phosphorus-doped LPCVD polysilicon for the structural material, LPCVD silicon nitride for the electrical isolation and deposited silicon dioxide for the sacrificial material has formed the fabrication technology base for the development of these micromotors. Two polysilicon surface micromachining processes, referred to here as the center-pin and flange, have been demonstrated for the fabrication of passive mechanisms and micromotors. Passive mechanisms such as gear trains, cranks and manipulators have been implemented on silicon. Reported operational micromotors have been of the rotary variable-capacitance salient-pole and harmonic (or wobble) side-drive designs. These micromotors are capable of motive torques in the 10 pN m order of magnitude range. Preliminary progress has been made in studying the operational, friction and wear characteristics of these micromechanical devices. Typical operational voltages have been as low as 37 V and 26 V across 1.5 mu m air gap salient-pole and harmonic micromotors. These excitations correspond to electric field intensities above 10(8) Vm-1 in the micromotor air gaps. Salient-pole and wobble micromotors have been reported to operate at speeds as high as 15000 rpm and 700 rpm, respectively. Micromotor lifetimes of at least many millions of cycles over a period of several days have been reported

    2D positioning control system for the planar motion of a nanopositioning platform

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    A novel nanopositioning platform (referred as NanoPla) in development has been designed to achieve nanometre resolution in a large working range of 50 mm × 50 mm. Two-dimensional (2D) movement is performed by four custom-made Halbach linear motors, and a 2D laser system provides positioning feedback, while the moving part of the platform is levitating and unguided. For control hardware, this work proposes the use of a commercial generic solution, in contrast to other systems where the control hardware and software are specifically designed for that purpose. In a previous paper based on this research, the control system of one linear motor implemented in selected commercial hardware was presented. In this study, the developed control system is extended to the four motors of the nanopositioning platform to generate 2D planar movement in the whole working range of the nanopositioning platform. In addition, the positioning uncertainty of the control system is assessed. The obtained results satisfy the working requirements of the NanoPla, achieving a positioning uncertainty of ±0.5 µm along the whole working range

    Modeling and System Identification of a Variable Excited Linear Direct Drive

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    Linear actuators are deployed in a wide range of applications. This paper presents the modeling and system identification of a variable excited linear direct drive (LDD). The LDD is designed based on linear hybrid stepper technology exhibiting the characteristic tooth structure of mover and stator. A three-phase topology provides the thrust force caused by alternating strengthening and weakening of the flux of the legs. To achieve best possible synchronous operation, the phases are commutated sinusoidal. Despite the fact that these LDDs provide high dynamics and drive forces, noise emission limits their operation in calm workspaces. To overcome this drawback an additional excitation of the magnetic circuit is introduced to LDD using additional enabling coils instead of permanent magnets. The new degree of freedom can be used to reduce force variations and related noise by varying the excitation flux that is usually generated by permanent magnets. Hence, an identified simulation model is necessary to analyze the effects of this modification. Especially the force variations must be modeled well in order to reduce them sufficiently. The model can be divided into three parts: the current dynamics, the mechanics and the force functions. These subsystems are described with differential equations or nonlinear analytic functions, respectively. Ordinary nonlinear differential equations are derived and transformed into state space representation. Experiments have been carried out on a test rig to identify the system parameters of the complete model. Static and dynamic simulation based optimizations are utilized for identification. The results are verified in time and frequency domain. Finally, the identified model provides a basis for later design of control strategies to reduce existing force variations

    Automatic optimization of load angles for a linear hybrid stepper motor

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    The objective of this contribution is a linear direct drive based on the working principle of hybrid stepper technology. Herein, reluctant forces enable the thrust of this type of drive. In order to improve the dynamic performance a method adjusting the optimal load angle with respect to the driven velocity is presented. Commonly, the phases of the linear hybrid stepper motor (LHSM) are commutated sinusoidal with a constant load angle of 90 degrees. Due to delay times of sensors, actuators and hardware, the coils of the phases are not energized optimally in terms of maximum force application. Thus, variable load angles subject to velocity are introduced. This contribution comprises the optimization of the load angles. To solve this one-dimensional optimization task, bracketing methods can be used. These algorithms work without derivatives and find the minimum through iterative decreasing of the interval until a desired tolerance is achieved. Regarding the implementation, signal processing has to be done beside the optimization algorithm to ensure feasible solutions. The entire optimization process can be carried out automatically on the test rig. As a result, a characteristic curve is obtained describing the optimal load angle to velocity relation. Including the directionality, the characteristic curves are distinguished between forward and backward drive. Further properties of the optimization algorithm such as convergence and reproducibility are examined and discussed. The curves are implemented on a real-time system facilitating a comparison with constant load angle commutation. Velocity control measurements exhibit an improved performance, especially at high motion dynamics
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