6 research outputs found

    Haptic guidance with force feedback to assist teleoperation systems via high speed networks

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    The employment of haptic devices in teleoperation systems and the use of motion restrictions during robot teleoperation provide the operator with increased awareness and can considerably improve the feeling of immersion and moreover his ability to perform complex tasks. In the last decade Internet has become one of the major sources of information. It already connects millions of computers and more than a billion people. Its spectacular growth have lead to the creation of new high speed networks with new capabilities. In the work described in this paper those networks that use recent-creation packet switched protocols like Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) with high Quality of Service (QoS) will serve as the communication channel for the teleoperation system.Peer Reviewe

    Bilateral haptic guided Robot teleoperation via packet switched networks using wave variables with impedance adaptation

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    This paper presents the use of haptic devices in teleoperation systems with motion restrictions during robot teleoperation in order to provide the operator with increased awareness and better feeling of immersion, hence, improving his ability to perform complex tasks. The use of wave variables in the proposed system renders passive the communication channel, and moreover the new packet switched protocols like Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) with high Quality of Service (QoS), provides differentiated services for control signals.Peer Reviewe

    Description of a robotics-oriented relational positioning methodology

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    This paper presents a relational positioning methodology for flexibly and intuitively specifying offline programmed robot tasks, as well as for assisting the execution of teleoperated tasks demanding precise movements. In relational positioning, the movements of an object can be restricted totally or partially by specifying its allowed positions in terms of a set of geometric constraints. These allowed positions are found by means of a 3D sequential geometric constraint solver called PMF – Positioning Mobile with respect to Fixed. PMF exploits the fact that in a set of geometric constraints, the rotational component can often be separated from the translational one and solved independently

    Smart Navigation in Surgical Robotics

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    La cirugía mínimamente invasiva, y concretamente la cirugía laparoscópica, ha supuesto un gran cambio en la forma de realizar intervenciones quirúrgicas en el abdomen. Actualmente, la cirugía laparoscópica ha evolucionado hacia otras técnicas aún menos invasivas, como es la cirugía de un solo puerto, en inglés Single Port Access Surgery. Esta técnica consiste en realizar una única incisión, por la que son introducidos los instrumentos y la cámara laparoscópica a través de un único trocar multipuerto. La principal ventaja de esta técnica es una reducción de la estancia hospitalaria por parte del paciente, y los resultados estéticos, ya que el trocar se suele introducir por el ombligo, quedando la cicatriz oculta en él. Sin embargo, el hecho de que los instrumentos estén introducidos a través del mismo trocar hace la intervención más complicada para el cirujano, que necesita unas habilidades específicas para este tipo de intervenciones. Esta tesis trata el problema de la navegación de instrumentos quirúrgicos mediante plataformas robóticas teleoperadas en cirugía de un solo puerto. En concreto, se propone un método de navegación que dispone de un centro de rotación remoto virtual, el cuál coincide con el punto de inserción de los instrumentos (punto de fulcro). Para estimar este punto se han empleado las fuerzas ejercidas por el abdomen en los instrumentos quirúrgicos, las cuales han sido medidas por sensores de esfuerzos colocados en la base de los instrumentos. Debido a que estos instrumentos también interaccionan con tejido blando dentro del abdomen, lo cual distorsionaría la estimación del punto de inserción, es necesario un método que permita detectar esta circunstancia. Para solucionar esto, se ha empleado un detector de interacción con tejido basado en modelos ocultos de Markov el cuál se ha entrenado para detectar cuatro gestos genéricos. Por otro lado, en esta tesis se plantea el uso de guiado háptico para mejorar la experiencia del cirujano cuando utiliza plataformas robóticas teleoperadas. En concreto, se propone la técnica de aprendizaje por demostración (Learning from Demonstration) para generar fuerzas que puedan guiar al cirujano durante la resolución de tareas específicas. El método de navegación propuesto se ha implantado en la plataforma quirúrgica CISOBOT, desarrollada por la Universidad de Málaga. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos validan tanto el método de navegación propuesto, como el detector de interacción con tejido blando. Por otro lado, se ha realizado un estudio preliminar del sistema de guiado háptico. En concreto, se ha empleado una tarea genérica, la inserción de una clavija, para realizar los experimentos necesarios que permitan demostrar que el método propuesto es válido para resolver esta tarea y otras similares

    Remote maintenance of real time controller software over the internet

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    The aim of the work reported in this thesis is to investigate how to establish a standard platform for remote maintenance of controller software, which provides remote monitoring, remote fault identification and remote performance recovery services for geographically distributed controller software over the Internet. A Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller is used as the benchmark for the control performance assessment; the LQG benchmark variances are estimated based on the Lyapunov equation and subspace matrices. The LQG controller is also utilized as the reference model of the actual controller to detect the controller failures. Discrepancies between control signals of the LQG and the actual controller are employed to a General Likelihood Ratio (GLR) test and the controller failure detection is characterized to detect sudden jumping points in the mean or variance of the discrepancies. To restore the degraded control performance caused by the controller failures, a compensator is designed and inserted into the post-fault control loop, which serially links with the faulty controller and recovers the degraded control performance into an acceptable range. Techniques of controller performance monitoring, controller failure detection and maintenance are extended into the Internet environment. An Internet-based maintenance system for controller software is developed, which provides remote control performance assessment and recovery services, and remote fault identification service over the Internet for the geographically distributed controller software. The integration between the mobile agent technology and the controller software maintenance is investigated. A mobile agent based controller software maintenance system is established; the mobile agent structure is designed to be flexible and the travelling agents can be remotely updated over the Internet. Also, the issue of heavy data process and transfer over the Internet is probed and a novel data process and transfer scheme is introduced. All the proposed techniques are tested on sirnulations or a process control unit. Simulation and experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Foundations of Trusted Autonomy

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    Trusted Autonomy; Automation Technology; Autonomous Systems; Self-Governance; Trusted Autonomous Systems; Design of Algorithms and Methodologie