4 research outputs found

    Multi-Modal Gaze Following in Conversational Scenarios

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    Gaze following estimates gaze targets of in-scene person by understanding human behavior and scene information. Existing methods usually analyze scene images for gaze following. However, compared with visual images, audio also provides crucial cues for determining human behavior.This suggests that we can further improve gaze following considering audio cues. In this paper, we explore gaze following tasks in conversational scenarios. We propose a novel multi-modal gaze following framework based on our observation ``audiences tend to focus on the speaker''. We first leverage the correlation between audio and lips, and classify speakers and listeners in a scene. We then use the identity information to enhance scene images and propose a gaze candidate estimation network. The network estimates gaze candidates from enhanced scene images and we use MLP to match subjects with candidates as classification tasks. Existing gaze following datasets focus on visual images while ignore audios.To evaluate our method, we collect a conversational dataset, VideoGazeSpeech (VGS), which is the first gaze following dataset including images and audio. Our method significantly outperforms existing methods in VGS datasets. The visualization result also prove the advantage of audio cues in gaze following tasks. Our work will inspire more researches in multi-modal gaze following estimation

    Say What You Are Looking At: An Attention-Based Interactive System for Autistic Children

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    Gaze-following is an effective way for intention understanding in human–robot interaction, which aims to follow the gaze of humans to estimate what object is being observed. Most of the existing methods require people and objects to appear in the same image. Due to the limitation in the view of the camera, these methods are not applicable in practice. To address this problem, we propose a method of gaze following that utilizes a geometric map for better estimation. With the help of the map, this method is competitive for cross-frame estimation. On the basis of this method, we propose a novel gaze-based image caption system, which has been studied for the first time. Our experiments demonstrate that the system follows the gaze and describes objects accurately. We believe that this system is competent for autistic children’s rehabilitation training, pension service robots, and other applications.</jats:p

    When I Look into Your Eyes: A Survey on Computer Vision Contributions for Human Gaze Estimation and Tracking

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    The automatic detection of eye positions, their temporal consistency, and their mapping into a line of sight in the real world (to find where a person is looking at) is reported in the scientific literature as gaze tracking. This has become a very hot topic in the field of computer vision during the last decades, with a surprising and continuously growing number of application fields. A very long journey has been made from the first pioneering works, and this continuous search for more accurate solutions process has been further boosted in the last decade when deep neural networks have revolutionized the whole machine learning area, and gaze tracking as well. In this arena, it is being increasingly useful to find guidance through survey/review articles collecting most relevant works and putting clear pros and cons of existing techniques, also by introducing a precise taxonomy. This kind of manuscripts allows researchers and technicians to choose the better way to move towards their application or scientific goals. In the literature, there exist holistic and specifically technological survey documents (even if not updated), but, unfortunately, there is not an overview discussing how the great advancements in computer vision have impacted gaze tracking. Thus, this work represents an attempt to fill this gap, also introducing a wider point of view that brings to a new taxonomy (extending the consolidated ones) by considering gaze tracking as a more exhaustive task that aims at estimating gaze target from different perspectives: from the eye of the beholder (first-person view), from an external camera framing the beholder’s, from a third-person view looking at the scene where the beholder is placed in, and from an external view independent from the beholder

    Gaze estimation and interaction in real-world environments

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    Human eye gaze has been widely used in human-computer interaction, as it is a promising modality for natural, fast, pervasive, and non-verbal interaction between humans and computers. As the foundation of gaze-related interactions, gaze estimation has been a hot research topic in recent decades. In this thesis, we focus on developing appearance-based gaze estimation methods and corresponding attentive user interfaces with a single webcam for challenging real-world environments. First, we collect a large-scale gaze estimation dataset, MPIIGaze, the first of its kind, outside of controlled laboratory conditions. Second, we propose an appearance-based method that, in stark contrast to a long-standing tradition in gaze estimation, only takes the full face image as input. Second, we propose an appearance-based method that, in stark contrast to a long-standing tradition in gaze estimation, only takes the full face image as input. Third, we study data normalisation for the first time in a principled way, and propose a modification that yields significant performance improvements. Fourth, we contribute an unsupervised detector for human-human and human-object eye contact. Finally, we study personal gaze estimation with multiple personal devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops.Der Blick des menschlichen Auges wird in Mensch-Computer-Interaktionen verbreitet eingesetzt, da dies eine vielversprechende Möglichkeit für natürliche, schnelle, allgegenwärtige und nonverbale Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Computer ist. Als Grundlage von blickbezogenen Interaktionen ist die Blickschätzung in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein wichtiges Forschungsthema geworden. In dieser Arbeit konzentrieren wir uns auf die Entwicklung Erscheinungsbild-basierter Methoden zur Blickschätzung und entsprechender “attentive user interfaces” (die Aufmerksamkeit des Benutzers einbeziehende Benutzerschnittstellen) mit nur einer Webcam für anspruchsvolle natürliche Umgebungen. Zunächst sammeln wir einen umfangreichen Datensatz zur Blickschätzung, MPIIGaze, der erste, der außerhalb von kontrollierten Laborbedingungen erstellt wurde. Zweitens schlagen wir eine Erscheinungsbild-basierte Methode vor, die im Gegensatz zur langjährigen Tradition in der Blickschätzung nur eine vollständige Aufnahme des Gesichtes als Eingabe verwendet. Drittens untersuchen wir die Datennormalisierung erstmals grundsätzlich und schlagen eine Modifizierung vor, die zu signifikanten Leistungsverbesserungen führt. Viertens stellen wir einen unüberwachten Detektor für Augenkontakte zwischen Mensch und Mensch und zwischen Mensch und Objekt vor. Abschließend untersuchen wir die persönliche Blickschätzung mit mehreren persönlichen Geräten wie Handy, Tablet und Laptop