120 research outputs found

    Folksonomies : Indexing and Retrieval in Web 2.0

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    One of the defining principles of Web 2.0 when it first emerged was that the collective intelligence of users should be harnessed in order to enrich services for that user community (O’Reilly, 2005). This so-called ‘network effect’ principle remains as central to the Web 2.0 thesis then as it does five years on (O’Reilly and Battelle, 2009). Folksonomies, or collaborative tagging systems, have become the epitome of the network effect; using collective intelligence to organise and retrieve information on the Web. In Folksonomies: indexing and retrieval in Web 2.0, author Isabella Peters explores the use of folksonomies in ‘collaborative information services’, a catch-all term used by Peters to encompass the heterogeneous nature of the Web 2.0 services that use tagging systems. The stated purpose of Folksonomies is to provide a degree of insight into folksonomy applications, as well as discuss their strengths, weaknesses and how their problems can be ameliorated by applying recognised information retrieval models and formal knowledge representation methods

    Collective tagging and libraries

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    Članak se bavi fenomenom naglog širenja društvenog označivanja, te njegovog utjecaja na knjižničnu zajednicu. Pod društvenim označivanjem podrazumijeva se organizacijska metoda uz pomoć koje se mrežni sadržaji, čiji broj sve više raste, nastoje organizirati, sačuvati, pretražiti i razmijeniti. Krajnji korisnici u postupku društvenog označivanja indeksiraju mrežne sadržaje (omiljene poveznice, mrežne stranice, online fotografije, video zapise itd.) dodjeljujući im ključne riječi /oznake, koji svi zajedno čine folksonomiju. Rad donosi usporedbu tradicionalnoga predmetnog označivanja s društvenim označivanjem, osvrćući se na njihove prednosti i nedostatke, te izlaže, uz primjere, mogućnosti poboljšanja folksonomije uz pomoć taksonomije. U drugom djelu članka ukratko su opisane neke od najpoznatijih mrežnih službi koje omogućuju društveno označivanje (Delicious, Library Thing, Flickr) te neke knjižnice koje svojim korisnicima nude mogućnost društvenog označivanja knjižničnog fonda na mreži. Zaključeno je da društveno označivanje ne može zamijeniti postojeća stručna pomagala i metode organizacije znanja, ali ih može nadopuniti, te tako doprinijeti boljoj organizaciji i dostupnosti sadržaja na mreži.The article deals with the rapidly spreading phenomenon of collective tagging and its impact on library community. The term collective tagging implies the method of organization which is used in order to organize, preserve, search, and exchange the constantly increasing number of web resources. In the process of collective tagging the end-users are those who index web resources (favorite links, websites, online photographs, videos, etc.) by adding key words/tags which constitute folksonomies. The article draws a comparison between traditional subject indexing and collective tagging with reference to their advantages and disadvantages, and presents, with examples, the possibilities to improve folksonomy with the help of taxonomy. The second part of the article briefly describes some of the best-known web services which provide collective tagging (Delicious, Library Thing, Flickr) as well as some libraries which provide their users with the option of online collective tagging of library holdings. It is concluded that although collective tagging cannot replace the already existing professional tools and methods of organizing knowledge, it can serve as their supplement, thus contributing to better organization and availability of web resources

    Classroom Research and the Digital Learning Media

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Controlled Vocabulary Enhancement through Crowdsourcing: Project Andvari, Micropasts, and Public Quality Assurance

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    Proceedings paper published by Society of American Archivists. Presented at conference in 2015 in Cleveland, OH (http://www2.archivists.org/proceedings/research-forum/2015/agenda#papers). Published by SAA in 2016.This paper presents an experimental approach of using crowdsourcing to test controlled vocabularies for digital collections of cultural objects. For a digital humanities initiative project, Project Andvari, which is intended to create a digital portal of early medieval northern European artifacts, it was recognized that there was a need to develop a semantically structured iconographic thesaurus to describe the iconographic content of distributed artefactual collections from a variety of contributing institutions. This paper discusses a workflow of planning and development process of controlled vocabularies for the project and a testing process of the vocabularies to determine both the usability of controlled vocabularies and the feasibility of quality assurance approach. This paper demonstrates an applicability of crowdsourcing in developing controlled vocabularies

    Subjective paradigm in subject indexing

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    Iako sadržajno označivanje pripada konceptualnoj jezgri informacijskih znanosti i knjižničarstva, ono je obilježeno dvojbama u teorijskim raspravama i praktičnim rješenjima. One proizlaze iz činjenice da je riječ o postupku koji je po svojoj prirodi subjektivan i podliježe interpretaciji, dok su istovremeno neutralnost, objektivnost, nepristranost i ujednačenost/dosljednost ugrađene u temeljna načela označivanja. Prevladavajući pristup označivanju u knjižnicama i drugim informacijskim ustanovama po svojoj je prirodi nomološki, utemeljen na objektivnim načelima i s dokumentom kao polazištem sadržajne analize. Ovaj će rad pregledom i analizom radova preispitati neke uvriježene teorijske okvire i praktična načela sadržajnog označivanja, kritički se osvrnuti na standarde i smjernice na kojima je utemeljena praksa u knjižnicama te ih promotriti u svjetlu novih tzv. korisničkih pristupa u označivanju, koji upućuju na konceptualni zaokret prema subjektivnim, korisničkim i kontekstualno usmjerenim pristupima sadržajnom označivanju.Although subject indexing is part of the conceptual core of library and information sciences, it is characterized by theoretical and practical ambiguities. These are a result of the fact that subject indexing is inherently a subjective and interpretative process, while at the same time, neutrality, objectivity and consistency are core principles of subject indexing. Libraries and other information institutions base their subject indexing on objective, nomological and document-centered principles. This paper, based on desk research and literature analysis, will re-examine common theoretical frameworks and practical principles in subject indexing, critically assess standards and guidelines used in libraries and analyse them in the light of user tagging, which implies a conceptual turn towards a subjective, user-oriented and contextual approach to subject indexing

    Dynamic Tagging for Enterprise Knowledge Sharing and Representation

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    The development of Web 2.0 technology provides an easy way for people to transfer and share knowledge. As a collaborative tagging tool, folksonomy is an efficient indexing method in Web 2.0 environments. After analyzing the pros and cons of current knowledge management systems, this research proposes a dynamic Tagging system that combines folksonomy technologies with other approaches including automatic schema enrichment and training. The proposed system improves access to a large, growing collection by supporting users collaboratively contribute to the building of tags. In addition, the proposed system provides an efficient way for firms to represent knowledge and share knowledge with customers and other firms

    Umls-based analysis of medical terminology coverage for tags in diabetes-related blogs

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    There is a well-known terminology disparity between laypeople and health professionals. Using the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), this study explores an exploratory study on the terminology usages of laypeople, focusing on diabetes. We explain the analysis pipeline of extracting laypeople’s medical terms and matching them to the existing medical controlled vocabulary system. The preliminary result shows the promise of using the UMLS and Tumblr data for such analysis