31,219 research outputs found

    Focus of B-to-B e-commerce initiatives and related benefits in manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises

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    Empirical research into business-to-business e-commerce issues involving manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is still embryonic. In an attempt to partially fill this gap, this paper presents empirical data from an electronic survey conducted among 96 manufacturing SMEs to investigate e-commerce initiatives and their related benefits. E-commerce initiatives are assessed using a set of 36 business processes that can be conducted electronically. These processes were classified according to their focus: customer (downstream), supplier (upstream) or in-house. The research findings point to four main profiles of manufacturing SMEs with different e-commerce focuses. The first group seems to lack any focus or may still be exploring e-commerce opportunities. The second and third groups are supplier- and customer-focused, respectively. The fourth group consists of the more involved SMEs that have leveraged their e-commerce initiatives with both their customers and their suppliers. Results also suggest the existence of a close alignment between e-commerce focus and related benefit

    Studies in Trade and Investment: The Development Impact of Information Technology in Trade Facilitation

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    Section A of this chapter deals with the role of SMEs in exports while section B details evolution in the use of IT for cargo clearance. Section C examines the impact of IT trade facilitation measures on SMEs. Section D presents stakeholder interviews on the impact of information technology automation in trade facilitation. Section E concludes the chapter and proposes some recommendations.Trade facilitation, ICT, IT, SMEs, export, customs, India

    An appropriate tool for entrepreneurial learning in SMEs? The case of the 20Twenty Leadership Programme

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    The 20Twenty Leadership Programme was developed by Cardiff Metropolitan University as an executive education programme to be delivered within South Wales to small businesses. It is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and administered by the Welsh European Funding Office and has the key aim of developing SME’s growth potential via a range of leadership and management skills, including a focus on ‘soft’ skills. The focus of this paper is to place the 20Twenty Leadership Programme within the wider context of entrepreneurship policy and SME training initiatives in particular, and then to examine the rationale and delivery methods of the Programme in relation to these. It also reflects on the Programme’s success (or otherwise) to date where possible. Finally, the paper seeks to suggest fruitful areas of further research both in terms of the 20Twenty Leadership Programme itself, but also with regard to evaluation in relation to other parallel programmes, and to SME training initiatives more generally

    Impact of information technology in trade facilitation on small and medium-sized enterprises in Bangladesh

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    This paper focuses specifically on one particular aspect of trade facilitation in the context of Bangladesh, i.e., impact on SMEs of IT in trade facilitation. It is hoped that the policy recommendations offered in this paper will be useful in furthering the cause of SME internationalization in Bangladesh.Trade Facilitation, Bangladesh, SMEs, Information Technology

    Adoption of Information and Communications Technology in Rural Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) : Case of MSEs in South Indian State of Kerala, India

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    ICT plays a significant role in the life of enterprises. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) have to be familiar and in tune with ICT applications, within the context of fast evolving global market dynamics. However, how far MSEs of rural India could address this challenge of adoption of ICT within their enterprise level? What are the challenges and opportunities that rural MSEs could accrue from ICT adoption?Micro and Small Enterprises; Rural Enterprises; India; ICT adoption

    Impact of IT related Trade Facilitation Measures on SMEs: An Overview of Indian Experience

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    This paper examine the extent of automation of trade facilitation in India and to assess the impact of automation on SMEs in the country.Impace of Information Techonology, SMEs, India

    e-Factors in e-Agribusiness

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    The Internet offers new opportunities for small businesses to conquer new markets and to find better and cheaper suppliers. Internet-based commerce is widely perceived as the new business logic that operates in a world without boundaries; a world characterized by speed, change, interactivity and connectivity. In this global commercial environment, e-business models appear to be the central conceptual component. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are changing the way in which companies trade with their suppliers and customers. The growing complexity of the food sector drives companies to adopt more sophisticated and effective e-business solutions. If we intend to adopt an e-business solution we have to consider more “e-factors” such as technological, individual, organizational, industrial and societal aspects

    The adoption of e-business technology by SMEs

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    The paper examines the key factors influencing the adoption ofe-business technology by SMEs. To this end, the paper draws on a rangeof literatures on the diffusion of new information and communicationtechnologies (ICTs), many of which have hitherto been treated asseparate. The reasons for this are two-fold. First, e-businesstechnologies are the latest in a line of new ICT technologies. Whenexploited successfully, ICTs have increased firm competitiveness eitherby raising the efficiency of internal communication and organisationand/or supply chain relationships, or by facilitating the development ofnew/improved products and services. Second, it is hypothesised that manyof the factors affecting the successful adoption of new technologies aregeneric in nature. With regards to SMEs specifically, consideration ofearlier research may assist us in identifying a set of enablers andbarriers to e-business adoption. Hence, by explicitly acknowledging thecontext and prior history of research in the area, we are able to mapout the dimensions of future theoretical and empirical research ine-business adoption by SMEs. In addition to drawing together factors identified by existing research,the paper highlights the implications of network externalities for thetiming of technology investments and the returns that accrue to earlyand late adopters. It also draws attention to a number of problemsassociated with the analytical concept of ‘the SME’ when it is appliedto this area. The research proceeds by clearly defining thetechnological and organisational characteristics of the e-business modeland a brief consideration of the trends in adoption in the UK vis-à-visadoption in the other G7 countries. Together these set up a detailedconsideration of the internal and external factors influencing adoption.A qualitative approach, in the form of a detailed case study, is thenused to explore the potential usefulness of the factors that have beenidentified. The results of these findings are then drawn together in theconcluding section of the paper.economics of technology ;

    Graduate recruitment to SMEs. Final report

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