3,473 research outputs found

    Resource-constrained project scheduling.

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    Abstract: Resource-constrained project scheduling involves the scheduling of project activities subject to precedence and resource constraints in order to meet the objective(s) in the best possible way. The area covers a wide variety of problem types. The objective of this paper is to provide a survey of what we believe are important recent in the area . Our main focus will be on the recent progress made in and the encouraging computational experience gained with the use of optimal solution procedures for the basic resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) and important extensions. The RCPSP involves the scheduling of a project its duration subject to zero-lag finish-start precedence constraints of the PERT/CPM type and constant availability constraints on the required set of renewable resources. We discuss recent striking advances in dealing with this problem using a new depth-first branch-and-bound procedure, elaborating on the effective and efficient branching scheme, bounding calculations and dominance rules, and discuss the potential of using truncated branch-and-bound. We derive a set of conclusions from the research on optimal solution procedures for the basis RCPSP and subsequently illustrate how effective and efficient branching rules and several of the strong dominance and bounding arguments can be extended to a rich and realistic variety of related problems. The preemptive resource-constrained project scheduling problem (PRCPSP) relaxes the nonpreemption condition of the RCPSP, thus allowing activities to be interrupted at integer points in time and resumed later without additional penalty cost. The generalized resource-constrained project scheduling (GRCPSP) extends the RCPSP to the case of precedence diagramming type of precedence constraints (minimal finish-start, start-start, start-finish, finish-finish precedence relations), activity ready times, deadlines and variable resource availability's. The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with generalized precedence relations (RCPSP-GPR) allows for start-start, finish-start and finish-finish constraints with minimal and maximal time lags. The MAX-NPV problem aims at scheduling project activities in order to maximize the net present value of the project in the absence of resource constraints. The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows (RCPSP-DC) aims at the same non-regular objective in the presence of resource constraints. The resource availability cost problem (RACP) aims at determining the cheapest resource availability amounts for which a feasible solution exists that does not violate the project deadline. In the discrete time/cost trade-off problem (DTCTP) the duration of an activity is a discrete, non-increasing function of the amount of a single nonrenewable resource committed to it. In the discrete time/resource trade-off problem (DTRTP) the duration of an activity is a discrete, non-increasing function of the amount of a single renewable resource. Each activity must then be scheduled in one of its possible execution modes. In addition to time/resource trade-offs, the multi-mode project scheduling problem (MRCPSP) allows for resource/resource trade-offs and constraints on renewable, nonrenewable and doubly-constrained resources. We report on recent computational results and end with overall conclusions and suggestions for future research.Scheduling; Optimal;

    Polynomial-time approximation schemes for scheduling problems with time lags

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    We identify two classes of machine scheduling problems with time lags that possess Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes (PTASs). These classes together, one for minimizing makespan and one for minimizing total completion time, include many well-studied time lag scheduling problems. The running times of these approximation schemes are polynomial in the number of jobs, but exponential in the number of machines and the ratio between the largest time lag and the smallest positive operation time. These classes constitute the first PTAS results for scheduling problems with time lags

    Project scheduling under undertainty – survey and research potentials.

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    The vast majority of the research efforts in project scheduling assume complete information about the scheduling problem to be solved and a static deterministic environment within which the pre-computed baseline schedule will be executed. However, in the real world, project activities are subject to considerable uncertainty, that is gradually resolved during project execution. In this survey we review the fundamental approaches for scheduling under uncertainty: reactive scheduling, stochastic project scheduling, stochastic GERT network scheduling, fuzzy project scheduling, robust (proactive) scheduling and sensitivity analysis. We discuss the potentials of these approaches for scheduling projects under uncertainty.Management; Project management; Robustness; Scheduling; Stability;

    Solution and quality robust project scheduling: a methodological framework.

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    The vast majority of the research efforts in project scheduling over the past several years has concentrated on the development of exact and suboptimal procedures for the generation of a baseline schedule assuming complete information and a deterministic environment. During execution, however, projects may be the subject of considerable uncertainty, which may lead to numerous schedule disruptions. Predictive-reactive scheduling refers to the process where a baseline schedule is developed prior to the start of the project and updated if necessary during project execution. It is the objective of this paper to review possible procedures for the generation of proactive (robust) schedules, which are as well as possible protected against schedule disruptions, and for the deployment of reactive scheduling procedures that may be used to revise or re-optimize the baseline schedule when unexpected events occur. We also offer a methodological framework that should allow project management to identify the proper scheduling methodology for different project scheduling environments. Finally, we survey the basics of Critical Chain scheduling and indicate in which environments it is useful.Framework; Information; Management; Processes; Project management; Project scheduling; Project scheduling under uncertainty; Stability; Robust scheduling; Quality; Scheduling; Stability; Uncertainty;

    A permutation flowshop model with time-lags and waiting time preferences of the patients

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    The permutation flowshop is a widely applied scheduling model. In many real-world applications of this model, a minimum and maximum time-lag must be considered between consecutive operations. We can apply this model to healthcare systems in which the minimum time-lag could be the transfer times, while the maximum time-lag could refer to the number of hours patients must wait. We have modeled a MILP and a constraint programming model and solved them using CPLEX to find exact solutions. Solution times for both methods are presented. We proposed two metaheuristic algorithms based on genetic algorithm and solved and compared them with each other. A sensitivity of analysis of how a change in minimum and maximum time-lags can impact waiting time and Cmax of the patients is performed. Results suggest that constraint programming is a more efficient method to find exact solutions and changes in the values of minimum and maximum time-lags can impact waiting times of the patients and Cmax significantly

    A survey of scheduling problems with setup times or costs

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    Author name used in this publication: C. T. NgAuthor name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Optimization Algorithms in Project Scheduling

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    Scheduling, or planning in a general perspective, is the backbone of project management; thus, the successful implementation of project scheduling is a key factor to projects’ success. Due to its complexity and challenging nature, scheduling has become one of the most famous research topics within the operational research context, and it has been widely researched in practical applications within various industries, especially manufacturing, construction, and computer engineering. Accordingly, the literature is rich with many implementations of different optimization algorithms and their extensions within the project scheduling problem (PSP) analysis field. This study is intended to exhibit the general modelling of the PSP, and to survey the implementations of various optimization algorithms adopted for solving the different types of the PSP

    Application of Idle/ Waiting Time Operator Oi,W on Two Stage Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Arbitrary Lags

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    In this paper an attempt is made to study n jobs over two machines where processing times are associated with respective probabilities and also Idle/Waiting Time Operator Oi,w is used for equivalent job block as well as transportation time in addition with arbitrary lags i.e. start lag or stop lag. The objective of the study is to propose an algorithm by which we can minimize the total elapsed time in two stage flow shop scheduling with considering various system parameters. A numerical illustration is also given to clarify the proposed concept. Keywords: Flow shop, Start Lag, Stop Lag, Transportation Time, idle waiting operator. Subject Classification Number: 90B35, 90B36