7,109 research outputs found

    Time-Dependent 2-D Vector Field Topology: An Approach Inspired by Lagrangian Coherent Structures

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    This paper presents an approach to a time-dependent variant of the concept of vector field topology for 2-D vector fields. Vector field topology is defined for steady vector fields and aims at discriminating the domain of a vector field into regions of qualitatively different behaviour. The presented approach represents a generalization for saddle-type critical points and their separatrices to unsteady vector fields based on generalized streak lines, with the classical vector field topology as its special case for steady vector fields. The concept is closely related to that of Lagrangian coherent structures obtained as ridges in the finite-time Lyapunov exponent field. The proposed approach is evaluated on both 2-D time-dependent synthetic and vector fields from computational fluid dynamics

    Three-dimensional structure of a low-Reynolds-number turbulent boundary layer

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    A low-Reynolds-number zero-pressure-gradient incompressible turbulent boundary layer was investigated using a volumetric imaging technique. The Reynolds number based on momentum thickness was 700. The flow was tagged with a passive scalar from two spanwise dye slots to distinguish between fluid motions originating in the inner and outer portions of the boundary layer. The resulting volumetric scalar field was interrogated using a laser sheet scanner developed for this study. Two- and three-dimensional time-dependent visualizations of a 50 volume time series are presented (equivalent to 17δ in length). In the outer portion of the boundary layer, scalar structures were observed to lie along lines in the (x, z)-plane, inclined to the streamwise (x-)direction in the range ±50°. The ejection of brightly dyed fluid packets from the near-wall region was observed to be spatially organized, and related to the passage of the large-scale scalar structures.Carl J Delo, Richard M Kelson and Alexander J Smit

    Streamwise vortex structure in plane mixing layers

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    The development of three-dimensional motions in a plane mixing layer was investigated experimentally. It is shown that superimposed on the primary, spanwise vortex structure there is a secondary, steamwise vortex structure. Three aspects of this secondary structure were studied. First, the spanwise vortex instability that generates the secondary structure was characterized by measurements of the critical Reynolds number and the spanwise wavelength at several flow conditions. While the critical Reynolds number was found to depend on the velocity ratio, density ratio and initial shear-layer-profile shape, the mean normalized wavelength is independent of these parameters. Secondly, flow visualization in water was used to obtain cross-sectional views of the secondary structure associated with the streamwise counter-rotating vortices. A model is proposed in which those vortices are part of a single vortex line winding back and forth between the high-speed side of a primary vortex and the low-speed side of the following one. Finally, the effect of the secondary structure on the spanwise concentration field was measured in a helium-nitrogen mixing layer. The spatial organization of the secondary structure produces a well-defined spanwise entrainment pattern in which fluid from each stream is preferentially entrained at different spanwise locations. These measurements show that the spanwise scale of the secondary structure increases with downstream distance

    Visualizing the geometry of state space in plane Couette flow

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    Motivated by recent experimental and numerical studies of coherent structures in wall-bounded shear flows, we initiate a systematic exploration of the hierarchy of unstable invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. We construct a dynamical, 10^5-dimensional state-space representation of plane Couette flow at Re = 400 in a small, periodic cell and offer a new method of visualizing invariant manifolds embedded in such high dimensions. We compute a new equilibrium solution of plane Couette flow and the leading eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of known equilibria at this Reynolds number and cell size. What emerges from global continuations of their unstable manifolds is a surprisingly elegant dynamical-systems visualization of moderate-Reynolds turbulence. The invariant manifolds tessellate the region of state space explored by transiently turbulent dynamics with a rigid web of continuous and discrete symmetry-induced heteroclinic connections.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanic

    Ground-based PIV and numerical flow visualization results from the surface tension driven convection experiment

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    The Surface Tension Driven Convection Experiment (STDCE) is a Space Transportation System flight experiment to study both transient and steady thermocapillary fluid flows aboard the United States Microgravity Laboratory-1 (USML-1) Spacelab mission planned for June, 1992. One of the components of data collected during the experiment is a video record of the flow field. This qualitative data is then quantified using an all electric, two dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique called Particle Displacement Tracking (PDT), which uses a simple space domain particle tracking algorithm. Results using the ground based STDCE hardware, with a radiant flux heating mode, and the PDT system are compared to numerical solutions obtained by solving the axisymmetric Navier Stokes equations with a deformable free surface. The PDT technique is successful in producing a velocity vector field and corresponding stream function from the raw video data which satisfactorily represents the physical flow. A numerical program is used to compute the velocity field and corresponding stream function under identical conditions. Both the PDT system and numerical results were compared to a streak photograph, used as a benchmark, with good correlation

    Study of optical techniques for the Ames unitary wind tunnel: Digital image processing, part 6

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    A survey of digital image processing techniques and processing systems for aerodynamic images has been conducted. These images covered many types of flows and were generated by many types of flow diagnostics. These include laser vapor screens, infrared cameras, laser holographic interferometry, Schlieren, and luminescent paints. Some general digital image processing systems, imaging networks, optical sensors, and image computing chips were briefly reviewed. Possible digital imaging network systems for the Ames Unitary Wind Tunnel were explored

    Experimental and analytical study of close-coupled ventral nozzles for ASTOVL aircraft

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    Flow in a generic ventral nozzle system was studied experimentally and analytically with a block version of the PARC3D computational fluid dynamics program (a full Navier-Stokes equation solver) in order to evaluate the program's ability to predict system performance and internal flow patterns. For the experimental work a one-third-size model tailpipe with a single large rectangular ventral nozzle mounted normal to the tailpipe axis was tested with unheated air at steady-state pressure ratios up to 4.0. The end of the tailpipe was closed to simulate a blocked exhaust nozzle. Measurements showed about 5 1/2 percent flow-turning loss, reasonable nozzle performance coefficients, and a significant aftward axial component of thrust due to flow turning loss, reasonable nozzle performance coefficients, and a significant aftward axial component of thrust due to flow turning more than 90 deg. Flow behavior into and through the ventral duct is discussed and illustrated with paint streak flow visualization photographs. For the analytical work the same ventral system configuration was modeled with two computational grids to evaluate the effect of grid density. Both grids gave good results. The finer-grid solution produced more detailed flow patterns and predicted performance parameters, such as thrust and discharge coefficient, within 1 percent of the measured values. PARC3D flow visualization images are shown for comparison with the paint streak photographs. Modeling and computational issues encountered in the analytical work are discussed

    Some comments on particle image displacement velocimetry

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    Laser speckle velocimetry (LSV) or particle image displacement velocimetry, is introduced. This technique provides the simultaneous visualization of the two-dimensional streamline pattern in unsteady flows as well as the quantification of the velocity field over an entire plane. The advantage of this technique is that the velocity field can be measured over an entire plane of the flow field simultaneously, with accuracy and spatial resolution. From this the instantaneous vorticity field can be easily obtained. This constitutes a great asset for the study of a variety of flows that evolve stochastically in both space and time. The basic concept of LSV; methods of data acquisition and reduction, examples of its use, and parameters that affect its utilization are described