724 research outputs found

    Multivariable control strategy for a bucket wheel reclaimer / Estratégia de controle multivariável de retomadora de roda de alcatruzes

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    Mining operations are generally done by large machines working in very harsh environments and historically having shy embedded technology. The use of control strategies, in many cases, dramatically increases the operating efficiency without large financial investments. In this context, this paper presents the method of choice and practical application of a multivariable control strategy for a bucket wheel ore reclaimer. This strategy adopts PI and PID controllers following a type override strategy acting on the manipulated variable: the slewing angular velocity. This manipulated variable was chosen because its actions affect the controlled variable very fast, so, allowing correcting disturbances in an adequate time. In addition, a fuzzy type controller was implemented to act on a second manipulated variable: the translation step. The second manipulated variable aims at taking the first one (angular speed) out of saturation states. When working together, these controllers seek to increase the equipment and process performance, taking into account, however, their operating limitations. Finally, a statistical analysis of results was performed in order to validate the feasibility of the implanted strategy when compared with the method previously in operation

    Environmental Management for Sustainable Growth in an Integrated Iron and Steel Plant

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    The manufacture of steel involves a large number of processing which lead to complex problems of environme-ntal pollution. Coke making and sintering are two of the major areas in so far as pollution is concerned. Slag constitutes the major portion of solid wastes. Waste generation adversely affects productivity and contributes to the high cost of production. It has been shown that improving the efficiency of operation and fuel saving measures help in reducing pollution in steel plants. Utilization of slag, mill scale, sludge and dusts, safe disposal of hazardous wastes and minimization of emissions of CO, C02, 502, NOx, cyanides, volatile organic compounds (VOC), NH3, suspended particulate matters (SPM) etc, are essential steps towards environmental management

    Determining the Capacity of Unloading Bulk Cargo Terminal Using Queuing Theory

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    Hierarchical structure of the system, river terminals for bulk cargo unloading, connected with queuing and servicing and stochastic character of the input/output values are underlined. The approach using the queuing theory is developed for engineering use as simpler faster and more convenient than the approach using simulation. Results obtained using the queuing theory and previously obtained results using simulation modelling are shown alongside. The obtained results can be used at the beginning of the design process when rough estimations of the system behaviour are needed. Some of the obtained results are applied and verified on the existing system

    Cleaning by Greening: Adaptive Reuse of America's Open-Pit Mines

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    Surface mines are a common sight in mineral-rich areas. One such area is the Mesabi Iron Range in northern Minnesota. These mines will eventually become abandoned, as many in the eastern United States, as well as many along the Mesabi Iron Range already have. Abandoned surface mines can be hazardous if they are allowed to erode, settle, or even collapse. As the United States becomes increasingly environmentally aware, this research may act as a partial solution to deforestation that occurs to expand our communities near these mines. The mines have already taken out forests, so why not build within them rather than expand further into our wilderness? This thesis will attempt to create a framework to reclaim these mines as symbiotic partner communities to the cities nearby rather than allowing them to sit vacant and deteriorate

    The evaluation of iron ore logistics efficiency of the port based on the DEA model

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    This paper presents a chance-constrained integer programming approach based on the linear method to solve the longterm open pit mine production scheduling problem. Specifically, a single stockpile has been addressed for storing excess low-grade material based on the availability of processing capacity and for possible future processing. The proposed scheduling model maximizes the project NPV while respecting a series of physical and economic constraints. Differently from common practice, where deterministic models are used to calculate the average grade for material in the stockpiles, in this work a stochastic approach was performed, starting from the time of planning before the stockpile realization. By performing a probability analysis on two case studies (on iron and gold deposits), it was proven that the stockpile attributes can be treated as normally distributed random variables. Afterwards, the stochastic programming model was formulated in an open pit gold mine in order to determine the optimum amount of ore dispatched from different bench levels in the open pit and at the same time a low-grade stockpile to the mill. The chance-constrained programming was finally applied to obtain the equivalent deterministic solution of the primary model. The obtained results have shown a better feed grade for the processing plant with a higher NPV and probability of grade blending constraint satisfaction, with respect to using the traditional stockpile deterministic model.Rad prikazuje uporabu vjerojatnosnoga cjelobrojnog programiranja, temeljenoga na linearnome algoritmu, za dugoročno rješavanje proizvodnje u rudniku otvorenoga kopa. Obrađeno je jedno odlagalište jalovine sa „siromašnom” koncentracijom rude u cilju aktiviranja toga materijala u budućoj preradbi korisne sirovine. Takav projekt maksimizira trenutačnu vrijednost rudarenja uzimajući u obzir niz fizičkih i ekonomskih varijabli. Posebnost u odnosu na determinističke modele koji se danas uglavnom koriste za izračun granične prosječne vrijednosti koncentracije rude prije odlaganja kao jalovine izražena je stohastikom. Ona je uključila vjerojatnosnu analizu dvaju slučajeva, tj. za ležište željeza i zlata. U obama je dokazano kako se varijable određene na odlagalištu mogu opisati normalnom razdiobom. Stohastički model programiran je za rudnik zlata te je uzeta u obzir optimalna vrijednost rude razvrstane na različitim rudničkim razinama, a prije slanja na obradbu (mljevenje). Optimizirani model zatim je primijenjen za dobivanje usporednoga determinističkog modela. Rezultati su upozorili na to da je konačno rješenje pokazalo znatno bolji odabir granične koncentracije rude koja se mogla poslati na daljnju obradbu. Time je uvećana i ukupna vrijednost rudnika/ležišta

    Bulk Raw Materials Handling and Blending Techniques of Sinter Plant: A Case Study of Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited, Kogi State, Nigeria

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    Bulk raw materials handling plant and sintering plant preparatory plants are established to receive, blend, stockpile, prepare and supply specified grades of raw materials for smooth operations of iron making plant (Blast furnace), steel making plant (Basic oxygen converter) and lime Plant(calcinations plant). The study discusses bulk raw materials handling and some general problem of scientific analysis and documentation of basic equipment details, stockyard facilities, bulk materials transport systems and sinter processes, for the general knowledge and operational procedures of these plant for effective and efficient operational processes for optical results. Iron ore concentrate supplied from the mines to some extent fluctuate in their chemical composition as a result of the nature of the deposit with various factors controlling beneficiation processes and addition of metal-bearing materials collected as a waste product from the Rolling Mills, Blast Furnace and Sinter Plant which must be recycled through Iron ore concentrate stockyard. The part of the sinter mixture is melted at a temperature about 1300-1480 ° C and a sequence of reactions shaping the sinter cake to be loaded into the blast furnace to produce iron from a pig

    The application of a stockpile stochastic model into long-term open pit mine production scheduling to improve the feed grade for the processing plant

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    This paper presents a chance-constrained integer programming approach based on the linear method to solve the long-term open pit mine production scheduling problem. Specifically, a single stockpile has been addressed for storing excess low-grade material based on the availability of processing capacity and for possible future processing. The proposed scheduling model maximizes the project NPV while respecting a series of physical and economic constraints. Differently from common practice, where deterministic models are used to calculate the average grade for material in the stockpiles, in this work a stochastic approach was performed, starting from the time of planning before the stockpile realization. By performing a probability analysis on two case studies (on iron and gold deposits), it was proven that the stockpile attributes can be treated as normally distributed random variables. Afterwards, the stochastic programming model was formulated in an open pit gold mine in order to determine the optimum amount of ore dispatched from different bench levels in the open pit and at the same time a low-grade stockpile to the mill. The chance-constrained programming was finally applied to obtain the equivalent deterministic solution of the primary model. The obtained results have shown a better feed grade for the processing plant with a higher NPV and probability of grade blending constraint satisfaction, with respect to using the traditional stockpile deterministic model.

    Report of the LSPI/NASA Workshop on Lunar Base Methodology Development

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    Groundwork was laid for computer models which will assist in the design of a manned lunar base. The models, herein described, will provide the following functions for the successful conclusion of that task: strategic planning; sensitivity analyses; impact analyses; and documentation. Topics addressed include: upper level model description; interrelationship matrix; user community; model features; model descriptions; system implementation; model management; and plans for future action

    Upward Capillary Mass Transfer as a Process for Growing Concentration Zones

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    The natural process of circulation of ground and atmospheric water through evaporation from the surface and precipitation from the atmosphere to the surface leads to colonization of the surface soil layer. The main source of salts in the soil is groundwater. Groundwater reaches the surface soil layer and evaporates, and its constituent salts accumulate in the soil. The concentration of salts on the surface can reach to 100% (crust). This process is widespread. Vast areas of solonetzes are located in deserts and semideserts of Asia, Australia, South America, northern Africa, and the western United States. This natural process can be applied in the field of extraction of natural resources from the bowels. The process of salting the soil surface is low and gradual and is subject to study for possible use in technological solutions for the extraction of minerals. In this chapter, the authors intend to show the beneficial advantages of the phenomenon of surface salinization of the soil layer. Water-soluble salts due to their high mobility allow directional mass transfer along the capillary system of the soil and deposition in the aeration zone. However, the utility does not belong to plant biota. This phenomenon can be effective and safely used in the creation of near-surface concentration zones. The natural process of the filtration upward of salt solutions from the depths of the massif to the surface will purposefully carry out the transfer of valuable components with deposition in the area of the evaporation barrier. The speed of the process of ascending capillary mass transfer is technologically low but rather suitable as a preparatory operation at the place of storage of industrial wastes and burials and in the formation of zones of high concentration of small substandard natural mineral deposits. The chapter presents the results of experimental studies of ascending mass transfer of useful components from the waste material of the concentrating production of nonferrous metals