85 research outputs found

    Силабус навчальної дисципліни вільного вибору «Інфраструктура транспортних систем» для здобувачів вищої освіти першого (бакалаврського) та другого (магістерського) рівнів всіх освітньо-професійних програм спеціальностей НУВГП

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    Метою навчальної дисципліни „Інфраструктура транспортних систем” є здобуття знань та забезпечення предметних компетентностей стосовно формування системи знань і розумінь концептуальних основ інфраструктурного забезпечення ефективного функціонування транспортних систем, набуття вмінь щодо наукового обґрунтування раціонального складу та розташування інфраструктурних об’єктів у містах. Завдання навчальної дисципліни передбачає навчання ефективної організації та раціонального розташування інфраструктурних об’єктів, що пов’язано з досконалим знанням організації та технології процесів, які протікають в транспортних системах. Навчальна дисципліна «Інфраструктура транспортних систем» відноситься блоку дисциплін вільного вибору

    Possibilities of using the flexsim program in a manufacturing company

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    From the macroeconomic point of view, distribution is the process of goods relocation from producers to end customers. According to the microeconomic approach, distribution is more identified with the sales and delivery process, and the main tasks of the distribution centre include the storage of goods owned by suppliers and distributing them to recipients according to the specific instructions of the goods’ owner. This article presents costs reduction and productivity improvement issues in warehouses and distribution centres. The objective of this article is to define order picking problems and to choose the best route for the operator using real simulation and optimisation

    Possibilities of using the flexsim program in a manufacturing company

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    From the macroeconomic point of view, distribution is the process of goods relocation from producers to end customers. According to the microeconomic approach, distribution is more identified with the sales and delivery process, and the main tasks of the distribution centre include the storage of goods owned by suppliers and distributing them to recipients according to the specific instructions of the goods’ owner. This article presents costs reduction and productivity improvement issues in warehouses and distribution centres. The objective of this article is to define order picking problems and to choose the best route for the operator using real simulation and optimisation

    Commercial-off-the-shelf simulation package interoperability: Issues and futures

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    Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Simulation Packages (CSPs) are widely used in industry to simulate discrete-event models. Interoperability of CSPs requires the use of distributed simulation techniques. Literature presents us with many examples of achieving CSP interoperability using bespoke solutions. However, for the wider adoption of CSP-based distributed simulation it is essential that, first and foremost, a standard for CSP interoperability be created, and secondly, these standards are adhered to by the CSP vendors. This advanced tutorial is on an emerging standard relating to CSP interoperability. It gives an overview of this standard and presents case studies that implement some of the proposed standards. Furthermore, interoperability is discussed in relation to large and complex models developed using CSPs that require large amount of computing resources. It is hoped that this tutorial will inform the simulation community of the issues associated with CSP interoperability, the importance of these standards and its future

    Reducción de operaciones en una línea de producción.

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    Se presenta el uso de la simulación como una herramienta para reducir operaciones en una línea de producción. El modelo de simulación es presentado utilizando FlexSim. Los datos requeridos para alimentar el modelo son obtenidos mediante una combinación de varias herramientas de ingeniería. En particular, es importante señalar el uso de una aplicación en Excel, propiedad de la empresa, la cual es ampliamente utilizada para el Diseño de Sistemas de Producción. Se tomaron mediciones de tiempo de cada operación manual y de cada operación de carga y descarga. También se recolectaron los ciclos de todas las máquinas y los cambios de número de parte. El modelo de simulación de los procesos es obtenido cuando se alimentan los requerimientos en FlexSim. Posteriormente, se aplica la herramienta OptiQuest para obtener una optimización del modelo de simulación del sistema que se está estudiando. La optimización generada por FlexSim, le ha permitido a la empresa maquiladora liberar espacio en la nave industrial. Ese espacio extra podría ser utilizado para adquirir nuevos clientes. En caso de no conseguir nuevos productos, entonces se benéfica al reducir gente, máquinas y energía

    Simulation Modelling and Analysis of Impact of 3D Feedback Workflow on Prefabrication of Industrial Construction

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    The construction industry has not been experiencing the same level of productivity increase as the manufacturing industry, due to their divergent production methods. While traditional construction projects are unique, craft-based, and typically done on-site, manufacturing is able to mass produce standardized products on assembly lines in a controlled environment. Efforts to improve construction productivity take advantage of the more established and mature manufacturing processes and techniques, such as modularization and off-site assembly. As civil industry work requirements become more demanding, and modular component tolerance continues to decrease for more complex projects, there exists a need to incorporate and utilize quality control technologies similar to what have been used in the manufacturing and automotive industries for years. Rework of items that failed quality checks leads to significant waste of resources, resulting in reduced overall productivity represented by additional time and manpower spent on correcting the errors. The solution set to this problem ultimately needs to address lost productivity due to rework, and generate value from its operation in the industrial fabrication workflow. The use of 3D data acquisition and 3D feedback is proposed to be part of the quality control process of pipe spool fabrication, which takes place during fitting and before shipment to site. The existing prevailing workflow and the proposed workflow using the new technology are assessed using discrete-event simulation, and three implementation scenarios are investigated, which are: (1) nuclear projects, (2) small bore non-nuclear projects, and (3) large bore non-nuclear projects. They represent different quality control processes for their particular requirements, as well as their specific activity process times given the nature of their assemblies. The analysis of the simulation results show that the revised workflow improved performance for all three project types, specifically in rework reduction and overall fabrication time reduction. Risk assessment was also carried out, in order to quantify the risk mitigation and accrued benefits by implementing the revised fabrication workflow for pipe spool assembly. The difference in risk was considered as a project benefit under economic analysis, and it was found that the relatively short payback period for the fabricator justifies the initial technology investment required to set up the platform for 3D feedback in the revised workflows

    Implementação e Teste de Algoritmos de Planeamento e Escalonamento para Frotas AGV

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    Os Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV) são veículos de transporte sem condutor e a sua incorporação nas empresas, para transporte de materiais e apoio à produção, está a ser cada vez mais frequente, pois cada vez mais se pretende ter eficácia e eficiência na logística das fábricas e na entrega da quantidade necessária de materiais na produção, na altura certa e pela ordem correta, obtendo-se maiores lucros e rendimentos de produção nas indústrias. Recorrendo apenas a colaboradores e transportadores, como empilhadores, ´e provocado na fábrica bastante tráfego e muitas das vezes ocorrem velocidades elevadas dos transportadores. Isto pode causar problemas, tais como, danificação de materiais (levando a desperdício e à necessidade de produzir novos materiais) e acidentes. Recorrendo aos AGV é possível evitar estes problemas, uma vez que conseguem transportar os materiais com fiabilidade, trabalhar junto dos colaboradores em segurança e, ainda, garantir uma cadência de ritmo das suas tarefas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi implementar e testar algoritmos de planeamento de trajetórias e escalonamento de tarefas para frotas de AGV. Neste sentido, foram criados layouts fabris onde os AGV percorrem caminhos com menor custo realizam as tarefas pretendidas. Os vários modelos foram analisados e foram também apresentadas as características de cada um. Este projeto proporcionou a oportunidade de aprofundar conhecimentos na área da modelação e simulação de AGV, e em algoritmos de planeamento de trajetórias e escalonamento de tarefas.AGV are driverless vehicles for transportation and their incorporation in companies, for transportation of materials and production support, is becoming more frequent, because more and more is intended to have effectiveness and efficiency in the factory logistics and the delivery of the quantity of materials in production, at the right time and in the right order, resulting in higher profits and production yields for industrial companies. Thus, using only employees and transportation vehicles, such as forklifts, there is a lot of traffic in the factory floor and many times high vehicles speeds. This can cause problems, such as, damage to materials (leading to waste and the need to produce new materials) and accidents. Using AGV, is possible to avoid these problems, since they can transport the materials with reliability, work safely with the employees and still ensure a cadence of their tasks. The objective of this work was the development and testing of models that simulate factory layouts with AGV fleets. For that purpose were implemented planning and scheduling algorithms for controlling the displacement and task allocation for the different vehicles. The implemented models were analyzed and its main characteristics were also presented. This project provided the opportunity to deepen knowledge in the area of AGV modeling and simulation, and in trajectory planning and scheduling algorithms

    Customized lean 3D simulation environment for intralogistics

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to summarize the author's work, experiences, and publications in the form of a presentation of a coherent concept (requirements) for a simulation environment dedicated to intralogistics and based on Lean principles.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Methodology is based on taking into account the achievements of Lean and building it into the methodology of simulation modeling of intralogistics.FINDINGS: The findings include defined criteria for the evaluation of general-purpose simulation programs and dedicated program and their evaluation.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The presented approach and methodology is practically used in the LogABS simulation application introduced to didactics and offered on the market.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: As an original author contribution, this concept is, simulation modeling referred to as "one-to-one" in the description of processes carried out in the enterprise, changing the method of creating simulation models by defining mechanisms that automate the construction of models, adopting as the basis the analysis of the operations performed and not the states of the objects performing the operations, implementation of a cycle-based approach and cycle management, separation of the executive level from the decision level.peer-reviewe