6 research outputs found


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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisa pengaruh budaya kerja dan teknologi informasi terhadap keungguan bersaing dalam meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan, dengan studi kasus pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Untuk melakukan analisis terhadap tujuan yang telah ditetapkan, data dikumpulkan dari sampel 105 responden BPR di Provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Selanjutnya data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif melalui nilai indeks dan analisis inferensial dengan teknik Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil pengujian hipotesis yang dilakukan dengan teknik SEM menunjukkan bahwa: budaya kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap keunggulan bersaing; budaya kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan; teknologi informasi berpengaruh positif terhadap keunggulan bersaing; teknologi informasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan; dan keunggulan bersaing berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung budaya kerja dan teknologi informasi terhadap kinerja perusahaan, menunjukkan satu komparasi yang mengarah pada lebih tingginya pengaruh tidak langsung dari budaya kerja dan teknologi informasi terhadap kinerja perusahaan, artinya keunggulan bersaing mampu memediasi pengaruh budaya kerja dan teknologi informasi terhadap kinerja perusahaa

    Contemporary Change Management Practices and Its Relevance: Application of Maybank

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    The aim of the study is to analyzes and evaluates the application of contemporary change management practices and its relevance to a Malaysian bank, especially Malayan Banking Berhad. Three selected models namely Lewin, Three-step model, Bullock and Batten Planned Change, and Kotter’s Eight-Step Model are applied. The findings show that to be the leader in the region as well, Maybank needs to manage the people and change the organization accordingly. To the point, they have to divide the corporate strategy into short-term, medium-term, and long-term so that they can implement their action more promptly and get the outcome immediately. Policy recommendations are addressed

    Efisiensi Kantor Cabang Bank (Studi Kasus: Kantor Kas Bank XYZ di DKI Jakarta)

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    This research aimed to analyze the technical efficiency of XYZ Bank Cash Office in DKI Jakarta. Factors affecting the efficiency level of cash office were also identified i.e. the building rental cost, work force cost, other operational costs, competence of cash office chief, and location of cash office. The performance efficiency was analyzed by Two Stage DEA Analysis using Variable Return to Scale (VRS) with an output maximization approach. Multiple regression technique using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) was utilized to determine the factors affecting the cash office efficiency level in 2015. The results of efficiency analysis showed that the average efficiency score of XYZ Bank cash office in DKI Jakarta in the period of 2013-2015 was relatively inefficient. The regression analysis identified that significant factors statistically affected the efficiency score of cash office in 2015 were the building rental and work force costs. Meanwhile, the other operational costs had no effects on the efficiency level. Dummy variables of cash office chief competence and cash office location affected the efficiency level of BTN bank cash office in DKI Jakarta at a significant rate of (α) 10%. The technical efficiency of XYZ bank cash office in DKI Jakarta was still relatively low, yet it showed an increase in the period of 2013-2015. Cash Offices in different locations have different scores on efficiency level. The selection of qualified and competent human resources in their field and the right selection of cash office location will affect the success of community funding which later affects the office efficiency level. Keywords: OLS, cash office, production approach, two-stage DEA Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efisiensi teknis dari Kantor Kas milik Bank XYZ di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Selanjutnya mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi dari kantor kas yaitu biaya sewa gedung, biaya tenaga kerja, biaya operasional lainnya, kompetensi kepala kantor kas dan lokasi kantor kas. Analisis kinerja efisiensi dilakukan dengan Analisa Two Stage DEA menggunakan Variable Return to Scale (VRS) dengan pendekatan maksimisasi output. Teknik regresi berganda menggunakan Ordinary Least Square (OLS) digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi kantor kas pada 2015. Hasil analisa efisiensi memperlihatkan bahwa rata-rata skor efisiensi kantor kas bank XYZ di wilayah DKI Jakarta pada tahun 2013–2015 secara relatif masih belum efisien. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang signifikan secara statistik memengaruhi skor efisiensi kantor kas pada tahun 2015, yaitu biaya sewa gedung dan biaya tenaga kerja. Sementara itu, biaya operasional lainnya tidak memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi. Variabel dummy kompetensi kepala kantor kas dan lokasi kantor kas memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi kantor kas bank btn di wilayah DKI Jakarta pada tingkat signifikansi (α) 10%. Efisiensi teknis kantor kas bank XYZ di DKI Jakarta relatif masih rendah namun menunjukkan peningkatan selama tahun 2013–2015. Kantor Kas pada lokasi yang berbeda memiliki rata-rata tingkat efisiensi yang berbeda-beda pula. Pemilihan SDM yang berkualitas dan kompeten dibidangnya dan pemilihan lokasi kantor kas yang tepat akan memengaruhi keberhasilan penghimpunan dana masyarakat sehingga dapat memengaruhi tingkat efisiensi kantornya. Kata kunci: OLS, kantor kas, pendekatan produksi, two stage DE

    The moderating effect of information technology capability on the relationship between business continuity management factors and organizational performance

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    Despite the enormous acknowledgement of the importance of Business Continuity Management (BCM) in sustaining organization survival, very limited studies have focused on the effects of BCM on organizational performance. Hence, the purpose of this study is to provide the empirical evidences that support the relationships that exist between BCM Factors and Organizational Performance with the moderating effects of Information Technology Capability (IT Capability) in organizations from various sectors in Malaysia. Based on the existing literature, BCM Factors are operationalized by Management Support, External Requirement, Organization Preparedness, and Embeddedness of Continuity Practices. A combination of selfadministered and mail survey was deployed involving 147 ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 certified organizations representing both public and private sectors. These organizations were selected as they are deemed to possess a considerably higher sense of commitment towards embracing BCM best practices to enhance their business resilience. At the end of the data collection phase, the study managed to obtain 77 usable responses constituting an effective response rate of 55 percent. The findings indicate that BCM Factors namely External Requirement and Embeddedness of Continuity Practices are significantly related to Overall Organizational Performance and Non-Financial Performance. However, only External Requirement is found significantly related to Financial Performance. The results also reveal that fully supported relationships are found between IT Capability and all Organizational Performance dimensions. In addition, the findings show that IT Capability moderates the relationship between BCM Factors and Organizational Performance. These results provide valuable insights to both practitioners and academia for further understanding the effects of BCM Factors and IT Capability on Organizational Performance. Finally, the research limitations are discussed and suggestions on extended area of research are recommended for future researchers

    Diagnóstico y propuesta de mejora para el rediseño del proceso de otorgamiento de créditos pymes en una entidad financiera del Perú

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    El propósito de la investigación es desarrollar una propuesta de rediseño del proceso de otorgamiento de créditos de una entidad financiera del Perú. El objetivo general de la investigación es rediseñar los procesos de otorgamiento de créditos PYMES que favorezcan niveles superiores de eficiencia y rentabilidad de la entidad financiera. Los tres problemas más relevantes que presenta la entidad financiera son: demasiado tiempo y costo en la atención de la aprobación del crédito; alto número de créditos observados en el comité de créditos; alto costo operativo de pasar propuestas de crédito fuera de los horarios establecidos La propuesta de rediseño del proceso de aprobación de créditos se ha obtenido aplicando la metodología Análisis del Valor Agregado (AVA) y la metodología Elimine, Simplifique, Integre y Automatice (ESIA). Se concluye que la propuesta de rediseño del proceso de aprobación de créditos en la Entidad Financiera contribuye en la reducción de los tiempos en el rediseño del proceso mismo, en la automatización de la plataforma y en la aplicación móvil; también, se logra el incremento de productividad debido al mayor número de colocaciones. La ganancia neta es de S/. 2,301,628 y una tasa de rentabilidad de 68%. Por lo tanto, el proyecto de rediseño de procesos en la entidad financiera es técnica y económicamente viable y factible.The purpose of the research is to develop a proposal to redesign the process of granting loans from a Peruvian financial institution. The general objective of the research is to redesign the process of granting PYMES credits that favor higher levels of efficiency and profitability of the financial institution. The three most relevant problems presented by the financial institution are: too much time and cost in the attention of the credit approval; high number of credits observed in the credit committee; high operating cost of passing credit proposals outside the established hours. He proposal for the redesign of the loan approval process has been obtained by applying the Value Added Analysis (AVA) methodology and the Eliminate, Simplify, Integrate and Automate (ESIA) methodology. It is concluded that the proposed redesign of the credit approval process in the Financial Entity contributes to the reduction of the time in the redesign of the process itself, in the automation of the platform and in the mobile application; also, the increase in productivity is achieved due to the greater number of placements. The net gain is S /. 2,301,628 and a profitability rate of 68%. Therefore, the process redesign project in the financial institution is technically and economically viable and feasibleTesi