13,868 research outputs found

    A Novel Hybrid Framework for Co-Optimization of Power and Natural Gas Networks Integrated With Emerging Technologies

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    In a power system with high penetration of renewable power sources, gas-fired units can be considered as a back-up option to improve the balance between generation and consumption in short-term scheduling. Therefore, closer coordination between power and natural gas systems is anticipated. This article presents a novel hybrid information gap decision theory (IGDT)-stochastic cooptimization problem for integrating electricity and natural gas networks to minimize total operation cost with the penetration of wind energy. The proposed model considers not only the uncertainties regarding electrical load demand and wind power output, but also the uncertainties of gas load demands for the residential consumers. The uncertainties of electric load and wind power are handled through a scenario-based approach, and residential gas load uncertainty is handled via IGDT approach with no need for the probability density function. The introduced hybrid model enables the system operator to consider the advantages of both approaches simultaneously. The impact of gas load uncertainty associated with the residential consumers is more significant on the power dispatch of gas-fired plants and power system operation cost since residential gas load demands are prior than gas load demands of gas-fired units. The proposed framework is a bilevel problem that can be reduced to a one-level problem. Also, it can be solved by the implementation of a simple concept without the need for Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions. Moreover, emerging flexible energy sources such as the power to gas technology and demand response program are considered in the proposed model for increasing the wind power dispatch, decreasing the total operation cost of the integrated network as well as reducing the effect of system uncertainties on the total operating cost. Numerical results indicate the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed model under different working conditions

    Heuristic optimization of clusters of heat pumps: A simulation and case study of residential frequency reserve

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    The technological challenges of adapting energy systems to the addition of more renewables are intricately interrelated with the ways in which markets incentivize their development and deployment. Households with own onsite distributed generation augmented by electrical and thermal storage capacities (prosumers), can adjust energy use based on the current needs of the electricity grid. Heat pumps, as an established technology for enhancing energy efficiency, are increasingly seen as having potential for shifting electricity use and contributing to Demand Response (DR). Using a model developed and validated with monitoring data of a household in a plus-energy neighborhood in southern Germany, the technical and financial viability of utilizing household heat pumps to provide power in the market for Frequency Restoration Reserve (FRR) are studied. The research aims to evaluate the flexible electrical load offered by a cluster of buildings whose heat pumps are activated depending on selected rule-based participation strategies. Given the prevailing prices for FRR in Germany, the modelled cluster was unable to reduce overall electricity costs and thus was unable to show that DR participation as a cluster with the heat pumps is financially viable. Five strategies that differed in the respective contractual requirements that would need to be agreed upon between the cluster manager and the aggregator were studied. The relatively high degree of flexibility necessary for the heat pumps to participate in FRR activations could be provided to varying extents in all strategies, but the minimum running time of the heat pumps turned out to be the primary limiting physical (and financial) factor. The frequency, price and duration of the activation calls from the FRR are also vital to compensate the increase of the heat pumps’ energy use. With respect to thermal comfort and self-sufficiency constraints, the buildings were only able to accept up to 34% of the activation calls while remaining within set comfort parameters. This, however, also depends on the characteristics of the buildings. Finally, a sensitivity analysis showed that if the FRR market changed and the energy prices were more advantageous, the proposed approaches could become financially viable. This work suggests the need for further study of the role of heat pumps in flexibility markets and research questions concerning the aggregation of local clusters of such flexible technologies.Comisión Europea 69596

    Integrated Natural Gas-Electricity Resource Adequacy Planning In Latin America

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    Managing Flexible Loads in Residential Areas

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    Load flexibility in households is a promising option for efficient and reliable operation of future power systems. Due to the distributed nature of residential demand, coordination mechanisms have to cope with a large number of flexible units. This thesis provides a model for demand response analysis and proposes different mechanisms for coordinating flexible loads. In particular, the potential to match intermittent output of renewable generators with electricity demand is investigated
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