988 research outputs found

    Timing the Emergence of Resistance to Anti-HIV Drugs with Large Genetic Barriers

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    New antiretroviral drugs that offer large genetic barriers to resistance, such as the recently approved inhibitors of HIV-1 protease, tipranavir and darunavir, present promising weapons to avert the failure of current therapies for HIV infection. Optimal treatment strategies with the new drugs, however, are yet to be established. A key limitation is the poor understanding of the process by which HIV surmounts large genetic barriers to resistance. Extant models of HIV dynamics are predicated on the predominance of deterministic forces underlying the emergence of resistant genomes. In contrast, stochastic forces may dominate, especially when the genetic barrier is large, and delay the emergence of resistant genomes. We develop a mathematical model of HIV dynamics under the influence of an antiretroviral drug to predict the waiting time for the emergence of genomes that carry the requisite mutations to overcome the genetic barrier of the drug. We apply our model to describe the development of resistance to tipranavir in in vitro serial passage experiments. Model predictions of the times of emergence of different mutant genomes with increasing resistance to tipranavir are in quantitative agreement with experiments, indicating that our model captures the dynamics of the development of resistance to antiretroviral drugs accurately. Further, model predictions provide insights into the influence of underlying evolutionary processes such as recombination on the development of resistance, and suggest guidelines for drug design: drugs that offer large genetic barriers to resistance with resistance sites tightly localized on the viral genome and exhibiting positive epistatic interactions maximally inhibit the emergence of resistant genomes

    Learning dynamical information from static protein and sequencing data

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    Many complex processes, from protein folding to neuronal network dynamics, can be described as stochastic exploration of a high-dimensional energy landscape. While efficient algorithms for cluster detection in high-dimensional spaces have been developed over the last two decades, considerably less is known about the reliable inference of state transition dynamics in such settings. Here, we introduce a flexible and robust numerical framework to infer Markovian transition networks directly from time-independent data sampled from stationary equilibrium distributions. We demonstrate the practical potential of the inference scheme by reconstructing the network dynamics for several protein folding transitions, gene-regulatory network motifs and HIV evolution pathways. The predicted network topologies and relative transition time scales agree well with direct estimates from time-dependent molecular dynamics data, stochastic simulations and phylogenetic trees, respectively. Owing to its generic structure, the framework introduced here will be applicable to high-throughput RNA and protein sequencing datasets and future cryo-electronmicroscopy data

    A statistical physics perspective on alignment-independent protein sequence comparison.

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    Motivation: Within bioinformatics, the textual alignment of amino acid sequences has long dominated the determination of similarity between proteins, with all that implies for shared structure, function, and evolutionary descent. Despite the relative success of modern-day sequence alignment algorithms, so-called alignment-free approaches offer a complementary means of determining and expressing similarity, with potential benefits in certain key applications, such as regression analysis of protein structure-function studies, where alignment-base similarity has performed poorly. Results: Here, we offer a fresh, statistical physics-based perspective focusing on the question of alignment-free comparison, in the process adapting results from “first passage probability distribution” to summarize statistics of ensemble averaged amino acid propensity values. In this paper, we introduce and elaborate this approach

    VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods: Book of Abstracts

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    The VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (WCDANM) is going to be held on June 27-29, 2019, in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal and it is a unique opportunity to disseminate scientific research related to the areas of Mathematics in general, with particular relevance to the areas of Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods in theoretical and/or practical field, using new techniques, giving especial emphasis to applications in Medicine, Biology, Biotechnology, Engineering, Industry, Environmental Sciences, Finance, Insurance, Management and Administration. The meeting will provide a forum for discussion and debate of ideas with interest to the scientific community in general. With this meeting new scientific collaborations among colleagues, namely new collaborations in Masters and PhD projects are expected. The event is open to the entire scientific community (with or without communication/poster)

    Emergent phenomena in living systems: a statistical mechanical perspective

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    A natural phenomenon occurring in a living system is an outcome of the dynamics of the specific biological network underlying the phenomenon. The collective dynamics have both deterministic and stochastic components. The stochastic nature of the key processes like gene expression and cell differentiation give rise to fluctuations (noise) in the levels of the biomolecules and this combined with nonlinear interactions give rise to a number of emergent phenomena. In this review, we describe and discuss some of these phenomena which have the character of phase transitions in physical systems. We specifically focus on noise-induced transitions in a stochastic model of gene expression and in a population genetics model which have no analogs when the dynamics are solely deterministic in nature. Some of these transitions exhibit critical-point phenomena belonging to the mean-field Ising universality class of equilibrium phase transitions. A number of other examples, ranging from biofilms to homeostasis in adult tissues, are also discussed which exhibit behavior similar to critical phenomena in equilibrium and nonequilbrium phase transitions. The examples illustrate how the subject of statistical mechanics provides a bridge between theoretical models and experimental observations.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling Cell-to-Cell Communication Networks Using Response-Time Distributions.

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    Cell-to-cell communication networks have critical roles in coordinating diverse organismal processes, such as tissue development or immune cell response. However, compared with intracellular signal transduction networks, the function and engineering principles of cell-to-cell communication networks are far less understood. Major complications include: cells are themselves regulated by complex intracellular signaling networks; individual cells are heterogeneous; and output of any one cell can recursively become an additional input signal to other cells. Here, we make use of a framework that treats intracellular signal transduction networks as "black boxes" with characterized input-to-output response relationships. We study simple cell-to-cell communication circuit motifs and find conditions that generate bimodal responses in time, as well as mechanisms for independently controlling synchronization and delay of cell-population responses. We apply our modeling approach to explain otherwise puzzling data on cytokine secretion onset times in T cells. Our approach can be used to predict communication network structure using experimentally accessible input-to-output measurements and without detailed knowledge of intermediate steps