150 research outputs found

    Deep Eyedentification: Biometric Identification using Micro-Movements of the Eye

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    We study involuntary micro-movements of the eye for biometric identification. While prior studies extract lower-frequency macro-movements from the output of video-based eye-tracking systems and engineer explicit features of these macro-movements, we develop a deep convolutional architecture that processes the raw eye-tracking signal. Compared to prior work, the network attains a lower error rate by one order of magnitude and is faster by two orders of magnitude: it identifies users accurately within seconds

    The Role of Eye Gaze in Security and Privacy Applications: Survey and Future HCI Research Directions

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    For the past 20 years, researchers have investigated the use of eye tracking in security applications. We present a holistic view on gaze-based security applications. In particular, we canvassed the literature and classify the utility of gaze in security applications into a) authentication, b) privacy protection, and c) gaze monitoring during security critical tasks. This allows us to chart several research directions, most importantly 1) conducting field studies of implicit and explicit gaze-based authentication due to recent advances in eye tracking, 2) research on gaze-based privacy protection and gaze monitoring in security critical tasks which are under-investigated yet very promising areas, and 3) understanding the privacy implications of pervasive eye tracking. We discuss the most promising opportunities and most pressing challenges of eye tracking for security that will shape research in gaze-based security applications for the next decade

    Biometric Spoofing: A JRC Case Study in 3D Face Recognition

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    Based on newly available and affordable off-the-shelf 3D sensing, processing and printing technologies, the JRC has conducted a comprehensive study on the feasibility of spoofing 3D and 2.5D face recognition systems with low-cost self-manufactured models and presents in this report a systematic and rigorous evaluation of the real risk posed by such attacking approach which has been complemented by a test campaign. The work accomplished and presented in this report, covers theories, methodologies, state of the art techniques, evaluation databases and also aims at providing an outlook into the future of this extremely active field of research.JRC.G.6-Digital Citizen Securit

    Biometric antispoofing methods: A survey in face recognition

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. Galbally, S. Marcel and J. Fierrez, "Biometric Antispoofing Methods", IEEE Access, vol.2, pp. 1530-1552, Dec. 2014In recent decades, we have witnessed the evolution of biometric technology from the rst pioneering works in face and voice recognition to the current state of development wherein a wide spectrum of highly accurate systems may be found, ranging from largely deployed modalities, such as ngerprint, face, or iris, to more marginal ones, such as signature or hand. This path of technological evolution has naturally led to a critical issue that has only started to be addressed recently: the resistance of this rapidly emerging technology to external attacks and, in particular, to spoo ng. Spoo ng, referred to by the term presentation attack in current standards, is a purely biometric vulnerability that is not shared with other IT security solutions. It refers to the ability to fool a biometric system into recognizing an illegitimate user as a genuine one by means of presenting a synthetic forged version of the original biometric trait to the sensor. The entire biometric community, including researchers, developers, standardizing bodies, and vendors, has thrown itself into the challenging task of proposing and developing ef cient protection methods against this threat. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview on the work that has been carried out over the last decade in the emerging eld of antispoo ng, with special attention to the mature and largely deployed face modality. The work covers theories, methodologies, state-of-the-art techniques, and evaluation databases and also aims at providing an outlook into the future of this very active eld of research.This work was supported in part by the CAM under Project S2009/TIC-1485, in part by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Bio-Shield Project under Grant TEC2012-34881, in part by the TABULA RASA Project under Grant FP7-ICT-257289, in part by the BEAT Project under Grant FP7-SEC-284989 through the European Union, and in part by the Cátedra Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Telefónica
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