8 research outputs found

    Can Image Enhancement be Beneficial to Find Smoke Images in Laparoscopic Surgery?

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    Laparoscopic surgery has a limited field of view. Laser ablation in a laproscopic surgery causes smoke, which inevitably influences the surgeon's visibility. Therefore, it is of vital importance to remove the smoke, such that a clear visualization is possible. In order to employ a desmoking technique, one needs to know beforehand if the image contains smoke or not, to this date, there exists no accurate method that could classify the smoke/non-smoke images completely. In this work, we propose a new enhancement method which enhances the informative details in the RGB images for discrimination of smoke/non-smoke images. Our proposed method utilizes weighted least squares optimization framework~(WLS). For feature extraction, we use statistical features based on bivariate histogram distribution of gradient magnitude~(GM) and Laplacian of Gaussian~(LoG). We then train a SVM classifier with binary smoke/non-smoke classification task. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on Cholec80 dataset. Experiments using our proposed enhancement method show promising results with improvements of 4\% in accuracy and 4\% in F1-Score over the baseline performance of RGB images. In addition, our approach improves over the saturation histogram based classification methodologies Saturation Analysis~(SAN) and Saturation Peak Analysis~(SPA) by 1/5\% and 1/6\% in accuracy/F1-Score metrics.Comment: In proceedings of IST, Color and Imaging Conference (CIC 26). Congcong Wang and Vivek Sharma contributed equally to this work and listed in alphabetical orde

    Анализ методов обработки последовательностей видеоизображений в приложении к задаче раннего обнаружения пожаров

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    THE ANALYSIS OF VISION-BASED METHODS FOR EARLY FIRE DETECTION / N. BROVKO, R. BOGUSHРаннее и надежное обнаружение очагов пожаров на открытых пространствах, в зданиях, на территориях промышленных предприятий – важная составляющая любой системы пожарной безопасности. К перспективным направлениям повышения эффективности работы таких систем относят применение видеодетекторов пожаров. В данной работе рассмотрены общие принципы построения алгоритмов автоматического обнаружения на видеопоследовательностях пламени и дыма как основных факторов пожаров. Представлен сравнительный анализ применяемых подходов для цветовой сегментации пламени и дыма, обнаружения движущихся областей, анализа пространственных изменений яркости и временной изменчивости границы области пламени или дыма, отмечены их достоинства и недостатки. Показаны направления развития алгоритмического обеспечения видеодетекторов

    An Efficient Algorithm Proposed For Smoke Detection in Video Using Hybrid Feature Selection Techniques

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    As an emerging development in the digital technology era, video processing is useful in a wide range of applications. In the current paper, an algorithm is proposed which is useful for smoke detection in video processing. The algorithm quickly detects fire by eliminating common interruptions like noise, overlapping due to the collision, etc. The proposed algorithm is composed of several techniques such as Haar feature, Bhattacharya distance method, SIFT descriptors, Gabor wavelets approach and SVM classifier to identify the smoke by video processing. Foreground object is identified using a moving object algorithm by predicting the movement of smoke in stable images. The implementation has been carried out in MATLAB

    Metodología para la identificación automática de flama/humo por medio de análisis de patrones dinámicos de imágenes digitales en entornos abiertos

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    pesar de los avances en el campo de la visión artificial, los métodos computacionales para la detección de incendios desde imágenes en el rango espectral visible aun presentan tasas de falsas alarmas significativas. En este proyecto se propone una metodología para la detección automática de incendios en el rango espectral visible, a partir de la extracción de características para discriminar eventos de flama/humo y la selección de técnicas para el análisis y procesamiento de secuencias de imágenes. Se compararon varios modelos de color para establecer el espacio de representación más apropiado para la detección de flama/humo. Secuencias de imágenes se segmentaron con técnicas de detección de movimiento aplicando dos configuraciones: una topología en cascada y otra en paralelo, mezclando segmentación por movimiento y color. Para la segmentación por movimiento se usan dos funciones de Matlab, la función Riff que identifica las diferencias en valor absoluto de los frame y la función Bitxor que identifica la diferencia binaria entre los frame. Para la segmentación por color, se exploraron siete modelos de color RGB, YCbCr, CMY, CMYK, HSI, HSL, y HSV. Finalmente, con las imágenes segmentadas se generó una matriz de características a partir de las cuales se entrenó un clasificador y se realizó validación cruzada para determinar la mejor metodología para la detección de flama/humo en una secuencia de imágenes. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la detección de fuego en secuencias de imágenes logra una precisión del 93.1% al utilizar el modelo de color CMYK, usando la técnica de detección de movimiento Bitxor en la topología en paraleloDespite the advances on the field of computer vision, the computational methods for video fire detection in the visible spectral range still have significant false alarm rates. This project proposes a methodology for automatic fire detection in the visible spectral range, through feature extraction to discriminate flame/smoke and the selection of techniques for analysis and processing of sequences of images. Several color models were compared to establish the most suitable representation space for flame/smoke detection. Image sequences were segmented with motion detection techniques by applying two configurations: cascade and parallel topologies, using both motion and color segmentation. For motion segmentation, this work used two Matlab functions, Diff function identifies the absolute difference value and Bitxor function identifies the binary difference among frames. For the color segmentation, this project explored seven color model RGB, YCbCr, CMY, CMYK, HIS, HSL and HSV. Finally, a matrix of features was generated from the segmented images, a classifier was trained and cross validation was performed to determine the best methodology for flame/smoke detection from a sequence of images. The obtained results showed that fire detection in image sequences achieves a precision of 93.1% when using the CMYK color model and Bitxor motion detection technique in the parallel topologyMagister en Automatización y Contro

    Multi-modal video analysis for early fire detection

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    In dit proefschrift worden verschillende aspecten van een intelligent videogebaseerd branddetectiesysteem onderzocht. In een eerste luik ligt de nadruk op de multimodale verwerking van visuele, infrarood en time-of-flight videobeelden, die de louter visuele detectie verbetert. Om de verwerkingskost zo minimaal mogelijk te houden, met het oog op real-time detectie, is er voor elk van het type sensoren een set ’low-cost’ brandkarakteristieken geselecteerd die vuur en vlammen uniek beschrijven. Door het samenvoegen van de verschillende typen informatie kunnen het aantal gemiste detecties en valse alarmen worden gereduceerd, wat resulteert in een significante verbetering van videogebaseerde branddetectie. Om de multimodale detectieresultaten te kunnen combineren, dienen de multimodale beelden wel geregistreerd (~gealigneerd) te zijn. Het tweede luik van dit proefschrift focust zich hoofdzakelijk op dit samenvoegen van multimodale data en behandelt een nieuwe silhouet gebaseerde registratiemethode. In het derde en tevens laatste luik van dit proefschrift worden methodes voorgesteld om videogebaseerde brandanalyse, en in een latere fase ook brandmodellering, uit te voeren. Elk van de voorgestelde technieken voor multimodale detectie en multi-view lokalisatie zijn uitvoerig getest in de praktijk. Zo werden onder andere succesvolle testen uitgevoerd voor de vroegtijdige detectie van wagenbranden in ondergrondse parkeergarages