70 research outputs found

    Finite-time synchronization of Markovian neural networks with proportional delays and discontinuous activations

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    In this paper, finite-time synchronization of neural networks (NNs) with discontinuous activation functions (DAFs), Markovian switching, and proportional delays is studied in the framework of Filippov solution. Since proportional delay is unbounded and different from infinite-time distributed delay and classical finite-time analytical techniques are not applicable anymore, new 1-norm analytical techniques are developed. Controllers with and without the sign function are designed to overcome the effects of the uncertainties induced by Filippov solutions and further synchronize the considered NNs in a finite time. By designing new Lyapunov functionals and using M-matrix method, sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee that the considered NNs realize synchronization in a settling time without introducing any free parameters. It is shown that, though the proportional delay can be unbounded, complete synchronization can still be realized, and the settling time can be explicitly estimated. Moreover, it is discovered that controllers with sign function can reduce the control gains, while controllers without the sign function can overcome chattering phenomenon. Finally, numerical simulations are given to show the effectiveness of theoretical results

    Fixed-time control of delayed neural networks with impulsive perturbations

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    This paper is concerned with the fixed-time stability of delayed neural networks with impulsive perturbations. By means of inequality analysis technique and Lyapunov function method, some novel fixed-time stability criteria for the addressed neural networks are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The settling time can be estimated without depending on any initial conditions but only on the designed controllers. In addition, two different controllers are designed for the impulsive delayed neural networks. Moreover, each controller involves three parts, in which each part has different role in the stabilization of the addressed neural networks. Finally, two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis

    Stability and pinning synchronization analysis of fractional order delayed Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with discontinuous activations

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    This article, we explore the asymptotic stability and asymptotic synchronization analysis of fractional order delayed Cohen–Grossberg neural networks with discontinuous neuron activation functions (FCGNNDDs). First, under the framework of Filippov theory and differ- ential inclusion theoretical analysis, the global existence of Filippov solution for FCGNNDDs is studied by means of the given growth condition. Second, by virtue of suitable Lyapunov functional, Young inequality and comparison theorem for fractional order delayed linear system, some global asymptotic stability conditions for such system is derived by limiting discontinuous neuron activations. Third, the global asymptotic synchronization condition for FCGNNDDs is obtained based on the pinning control. At last, two numerical simula- tions are given to verify the theoretical findings.N/

    Mittag–Leffler synchronization for impulsive fractional-order bidirectional associative memory neural networks via optimal linear feedback control

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    In this paper, we are concerned with the synchronization scheme for fractional-order bidirectional associative memory (BAM) neural networks, where both synaptic transmission delay and impulsive effect are considered. By constructing Lyapunov functional, sufficient conditions are established to ensure the Mittag–Leffler synchronization. Based on Pontryagin’s maximum principle with delay, time-dependent control gains are obtained, which minimize the accumulative errors within the limitation of actuator saturation during the Mittag–Leffler synchronization. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of theoretical results with the help of the modified predictor-corrector algorithm and the forward-backward sweep method

    New criteria on global Mittag-Leffler synchronization for Caputo-type delayed Cohen-Grossberg Inertial Neural Networks

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    Our focus of this paper is on global Mittag-Leffler synchronization (GMLS) of the Caputo-type Inertial Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks (ICGNNs) with discrete and distributed delays. This model takes into account the inertial term as well as the two types of delays, which greatly reduces the conservatism with respect to the model. A change of variables transforms the 2β 2\beta order inertial frame into β \beta order ordinary frame in order to deal with the effect of the inertial term. In the following steps, two novel types of delay controllers are designed for the purpose of reaching the GMLS. In conjunction with the novel controllers, utilizing differential mean-value theorem and inequality techniques, several criteria are derived to determine the GMLS of ICGNNs within the framework of Caputo-type derivative and calculus properties. At length, the feasibility of the results is further demonstrated by two simulation examples

    Exponential synchronization for reaction-diffusion neural networks with mixed time-varying delays via periodically intermittent control

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    This paper deals with the exponential synchronization problem for reaction-diffusion neural networks with mixed time-varying delays and stochastic disturbance. By using stochastic analysis approaches and constructing a novel Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, a periodically intermittent controller is first proposed to guarantee the exponential synchronization of reaction-diffusion neural networks with mixed time-varying delays and stochastic disturbance in terms of p-norm. The obtained synchronization results are easy to check and improve upon the existing ones. Particularly, the traditional assumptions on control width and time-varying delays are removed in this paper. This paper also presents two illustrative examples and uses simulated results of these examples to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scheme

    Synchronization of reaction–diffusion Hopfield neural networks with s-delays through sliding mode control

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    Synchronization of reaction–diffusion Hopfield neural networks with s-delays via sliding mode control (SMC) is investigated in this paper. To begin with, the system is studied in an abstract Hilbert space C([–r; 0];U) rather than usual Euclid space Rn. Then we prove that the state vector of the drive system synchronizes to that of the response system on the switching surface, which relies on equivalent control. Furthermore, we prove that switching surface is the sliding mode area under SMC. Moreover, SMC controller can also force with any initial state to reach the switching surface within finite time, and the approximating time estimate is given explicitly. These criteria are easy to check and have less restrictions, so they can provide solid theoretical guidance for practical design in the future. Three different novel Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals are used in corresponding proofs. Meanwhile, some inequalities such as Young inequality, Cauchy inequality, Poincaré inequality, Hanalay inequality are applied in these proofs. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the availability of our theoretical result, and the simulation is also carried out based on Runge–Kutta–Chebyshev method through Matlab

    Projective synchronization analysis for BAM neural networks with time-varying delay via novel control

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    In this paper, the projective synchronization of BAM neural networks with time-varying delays is studied. Firstly, a type of novel adaptive controller is introduced for the considered neural networks, which can achieve projective synchronization. Then, based on the adaptive controller, some novel and useful conditions are obtained to ensure the projective synchronization of considered neural networks. To our knowledge, different from other forms of synchronization, projective synchronization is more suitable to clearly represent the nonlinear systems’ fragile nature. Besides, we solve the projective synchronization problem between two different chaotic BAM neural networks, while most of the existing works only concerned with the projective synchronization chaotic systems with the same topologies. Compared with the controllers in previous papers, the designed controllers in this paper do not require any activation functions during the application process. Finally, an example is provided to show the effectiveness of the theoretical results
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