437,445 research outputs found

    Alternating strain regimes for failure propagation in flexural systems

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    We consider both analytical and numerical studies of a steady-state fracture process inside a discrete mass-beam structure, composed of periodically placed masses connected by Euler-Bernoulli beams. A fault inside the structure is assumed to propagate with a constant speed and this occurs as a result of the action of a remote sinusoidal, mechanical load. The established regime of fracture corresponds to the case of an alternating generalised strain regime. The model is reduced to a Wiener-Hopf equation and its solution is presented. We determine the minimum feeding wave energy required for the steady-state fracture process to occur. In addition, we identify the dynamic features of the structure during the steady-state fracture regime. A transient analysis of this problem is also presented, where the existence of steady-state fracture regimes, revealed by the analytical model, are verified and the associated transient features of this process are discussed

    Hierarchical scale-free network is fragile against random failure

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    We investigate site percolation in a hierarchical scale-free network known as the Dorogovtsev- Goltsev-Mendes network. We use the generating function method to show that the percolation threshold is 1, i.e., the system is not in the percolating phase when the occupation probability is less than 1. The present result is contrasted to bond percolation in the same network of which the percolation threshold is zero. We also show that the percolation threshold of intentional attacks is 1. Our results suggest that this hierarchical scale-free network is very fragile against both random failure and intentional attacks. Such a structural defect is common in many hierarchical network models.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    How big is too big? Critical Shocks for Systemic Failure Cascades

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    External or internal shocks may lead to the collapse of a system consisting of many agents. If the shock hits only one agent initially and causes it to fail, this can induce a cascade of failures among neighoring agents. Several critical constellations determine whether this cascade remains finite or reaches the size of the system, i.e. leads to systemic risk. We investigate the critical parameters for such cascades in a simple model, where agents are characterized by an individual threshold \theta_i determining their capacity to handle a load \alpha\theta_i with 1-\alpha being their safety margin. If agents fail, they redistribute their load equally to K neighboring agents in a regular network. For three different threshold distributions P(\theta), we derive analytical results for the size of the cascade, X(t), which is regarded as a measure of systemic risk, and the time when it stops. We focus on two different regimes, (i) EEE, an external extreme event where the size of the shock is of the order of the total capacity of the network, and (ii) RIE, a random internal event where the size of the shock is of the order of the capacity of an agent. We find that even for large extreme events that exceed the capacity of the network finite cascades are still possible, if a power-law threshold distribution is assumed. On the other hand, even small random fluctuations may lead to full cascades if critical conditions are met. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the size of the "big" shock is not the problem, as the systemic risk only varies slightly for changes of 10 to 50 percent of the external shock. Systemic risk depends much more on ingredients such as the network topology, the safety margin and the threshold distribution, which gives hints on how to reduce systemic risk.Comment: 23 pages, 7 Figure

    Modeling material failure with a vectorized routine

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    The computational aspects of modelling material failure in structural wood members are presented with particular reference to vector processing aspects. Wood members are considered to be highly orthotropic, inhomogeneous, and discontinuous due to the complex microstructure of wood material and the presence of natural growth characteristics such as knots, cracks and cross grain in wood members. The simulation of strength behavior of wood members is accomplished through the use of a special purpose finite element/fracture mechanics routine, program STARW (Strength Analysis Routine for Wood). Program STARW employs quadratic finite elements combined with singular crack tip elements in a finite element mesh. Vector processing techniques are employed in mesh generation, stiffness matrix formation, simultaneous equation solution, and material failure calculations. The paper addresses these techniques along with the time and effort requirements needed to convert existing finite element code to a vectorized version. Comparisons in execution time between vectorized and nonvectorized routines are provided

    Proof that Wittgenstein is correct about Gödel

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    The conventional notion of a formal system is adapted to conform to the sound deductive inference model operating on finite strings. Finite strings stipulated to have the semantic property of Boolean true provide the sound deductive premises. Truth preserving finite string transformation rules provide valid the deductive inference. Conclusions of sound arguments are derived from truth preserving finite string transformations applied to true premises

    Design analysis of ductile failure in dovetail connections

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    The static plastic collapse of ductile dovetail structures is investigated by three analysis methods: slip-line field (SLF) theory based on a sheet drawing model, finite element limit analysis, and linear elastic finite element analysis with adapted pressure vessel design stress linearization and categorization methods. A range of angles and heights are considered in the investigation. Three experimental test cases are also presented. The limit analysis results are found to give the best comparison with the limited experimental results, indicating similar collapse loads and modes of ductile collapse. The SLF solution is found to give conservative but useful failure loads for small dovetail angles but, at angles greater than 30°, the solution is not generally conservative. The pressure vessel design by the analysis stress categorization procedure was adapted for dovetail analysis and was found to give reasonably conservative collapse loads in most cases. However, the procedure requires the designer to consider a number of different stress classification lines to ensure that a conservative collapse load is identified. It is concluded that the finite element limit analysis approach provides the best and most direct route to calculating the allowable load for the joint and is the preferred method when appropriate finite element analysis facilities are available