980 research outputs found

    Modeling and Analysis of Fault Tolerant Multistage Interconnection Networks

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    Performance and reliability are two of the most crucial issues in today\u27s high-performance instrumentation and measurement systems. High speed and compact density multistage interconnection networks (MINs) are widely-used subsystems in different applications. New performance models are proposed to evaluate a novel fault tolerant MIN arrangement, thereby assuring performance and reliability with high confidence level. A concurrent fault detection and recovery scheme for MINs is considered by rerouting over redundant interconnection links under stringent real-time constraints for digital instrumentation as sensor networks. A switch architecture for concurrent testing and diagnosis is proposed. New performance models are developed and used to evaluate the compound effect of fault tolerant operation (inclusive of testing, diagnosis, and recovery) on the overall throughput and delay. Results are shown for single transient and permanent stuck-at faults on links and storage units in the switching elements. It is shown that performance degradation due to fault tolerance is graceful while performance degradation without fault recovery is unacceptable

    Self-Similarity in a multi-stage queueing ATM switch fabric

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    Recent studies of digital network traffic have shown that arrival processes in such an environment are more accurately modeled as a statistically self-similar process, rather than as a Poisson-based one. We present a simulation of a combination sharedoutput queueing ATM switch fabric, sourced by two models of self-similar input. The effect of self-similarity on the average queue length and cell loss probability for this multi-stage queue is examined for varying load, buffer size, and internal speedup. The results using two self-similar input models, Pareto-distributed interarrival times and a Poisson-Zeta ON-OFF model, are compared with each other and with results using Poisson interarrival times and an ON-OFF bursty traffic source with Ge ometrically distributed burst lengths. The results show that at a high utilization and at a high degree of self-similarity, switch performance improves slowly with increasing buffer size and speedup, as compared to the improvement using Poisson-based traffic

    Modeling of Topologies of Interconnection Networks based on Multidimensional Multiplicity

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    Modern SoCs are becoming more complex with the integration of heterogeneous components (IPs). For this purpose, a high performance interconnection medium is required to handle the complexity. Hence NoCs come into play enabling the integration of more IPs into the SoC with increased performance. These NoCs are based on the concept of Interconnection networks used to connect parallel machines. In response to the MARTE RFP of the OMG, a notation of multidimensional multiplicity has been proposed which permits to model repetitive structures and topologies. This report presents a modeling methodology based on this notation that can be used to model a family of Interconnection Networks called Delta Networks which in turn can be used for the construction of NoCs


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    El crecimiento de los computadores paralelos basados en redes de altas prestaciones ha aumentado el interés y esfuerzo de la comunidad investigadora en desarrollar nuevas técnicas que permitan obtener el mejor rendimiento de estas redes. En particular, el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas que permitan un encaminamiento eficiente y que reduzcan la latencia de los paquetes, aumentando así la productividad de la red. Sin embargo, una alta tasa de utilización de la red podría conllevar el que se conoce como "congestión de red", el cual puede causar una degradación del rendimiento. El control de la congestión en redes multietapa es un problema importante que no está completamente resuelto. Con el fin de evitar la degradación del rendimiento de la red cuando aparece congestión, se han propuesto diferentes mecanismos para el control de la congestión. Muchos de estos mecanismos están basados en notificación explícita de la congestión. Para este propósito, los switches detectan congestión y dependiendo de la estrategia aplicada, los paquetes son marcados con la finalidad de advertir a los nodos origenes. Como respuesta, los nodos origenes aplican acciones correctivas para ajustar su tasa de inyección de paquetes. El propósito de esta tesis es analizar las diferentes estratégias de detección y corrección de la congestión en redes multietapa, y proponer nuevos mecanismos de control de la congestión encaminados a este tipo de redes sin descarte de paquetes. Las nuevas propuestas están basadas en una estrategia más refinada de marcaje de paquetes en combinación con un conjunto de acciones correctivas justas que harán al mecanismo capaz de controlar la congestión de manera efectiva con independencia del grado de congestión y de las condiciones de tráfico.Ferrer Pérez, JL. (2012). DESIGN OF EFFICIENT PACKET MARKING-BASED CONGESTION MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES FOR CLUSTER INTERCONNECTS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18197Palanci

    Information Switching Processor (ISP) contention analysis and control

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    Future satellite communications, as a viable means of communications and an alternative to terrestrial networks, demand flexibility and low end-user cost. On-board switching/processing satellites potentially provide these features, allowing flexible interconnection among multiple spot beams, direct to the user communications services using very small aperture terminals (VSAT's), independent uplink and downlink access/transmission system designs optimized to user's traffic requirements, efficient TDM downlink transmission, and better link performance. A flexible switching system on the satellite in conjunction with low-cost user terminals will likely benefit future satellite network users

    Performance Tuning of Dual-priority Delta Networks through Queuing Scheduling Disciplines

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    Differentiated Services (DiffServ) and other scheduling strategies are now widespread in the traditional, “best effort” Internet. These Internet Architectures offer Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees for important customers at the same time as supporting less critical applications of lower priority. Strict priority queuing (PQ), weighted round robin (WRR), and class-based weighted fair queuing (CBWFQ) are three common scheduling disciplines for differentiation of services in telecommunication networks. In this paper, a comparative performance study of the above PQ, WRR and CBWFQ queuing scheduling policies applied on a double-buffered, 6-stage Multistage Interconnection Network (MIN) that natively supports a 2-class priority mechanism is presented and analyzed using simulation experiments. We also consider a 10-stage MIN, to validate that the conclusions drawn from the 6-stage MIN apply to MINs of different sizes. The findings of this paper can be used by MIN designers to optimally configure their networks