29 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Latent Fingerprint Recognition Using Global Transform

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    Latent Fingerprints plays a vital role in identifying thefts, crime etc. Latent fingerprints are of 3 types. Noise in the Latent Fingerprints is removed by smoothing. Manual marking in Latent Fingerprint is slow and also latent examiner may make mistake while marking. The minutiae in the same latent marked by different latent examiners or even by the same examiner (but at different times) may not be the same. To overcome this issue new Orientation field estimation algorithm is introduced. It based on latent fingerprint feature extraction and edge detection. Orientation field estimation algorithm has dictionary construction stage. Dictionary Construction has 2 Stages. i) Offline stage ii) online stage. Orientation field estimation algorithm is applied for Overlapped fingerprint. Hough transform is used for detecting edges. It is shown that this method is slower to recognize latent fingerprint feature extraction and edge linking. In order to further increase the speed and perfect edge linking Hough transform method can be modified for better performance. Global transform is used for perfect edge linking and get the full fingerprint structure and comparison is made between two transforms to show which transform is better. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15034

    Public Enlightenment Education on the acceptance of Fingerprint Biometric Technology for administration in academic institutions and other organizations

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    This research presents the overview of the origin of fingerprint biometric technology, the opinion of the public on the acceptance of fingerprint biometric technology and the means of instilling confidence on the public for the total acceptance of the technology.  Data was collected with the aid of a lecture and structured questionnaires distributed to 50 respondents in NewLine Computer training Center Ltd. Abakpa. There were lectures and interviews conducted by the researcher and questionnaires completion by the selected population of 50 people comprising of age between 18 and 65 years. The 50 people consist of individuals from education, technology and government organisations.   The organisation was done by the Researchers and three members of staff of NewLine Computer training Center Ltd. Abakpa Nike Enugu. The lectures enlightened the 50 participants/respondents that fingerprint is a discontinuous variation and that no two persons have exactly the same fingerprint. The study revealed that it is obvious that confidence will be instilled in the public if there is public enlightenment as the number of respondents who believe that fingerprint cannot be stolen or copied is 92% although 8% of the respondents is still biased after the lectures. The research will instil confidence in the use of fingerprint biometric technology and will break the shackles of currently being a misunderstood novelty to a widespread, mainstream personal identity authentication tool. Keywords: Authentication, Biometric Technology, Chip Implantation, Fingerprint Acquisition, Identity Management

    Explore the Security ofthe Fingerprint Fuzzy Vault Scheme Which Based on N- Neighbor Matching

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    随着指纹识别技术在智能手机上的普及,指纹加密技术及其安全问题备受关注。指纹模糊金库算法能够将生物特征的模糊性和密钥的精确性有机地结合在一起,因为这一优点,近年来许多学者都对指纹模糊金库算法进行了深入的研究。大量的指纹模糊金库方案被提出,王的n邻域指纹模糊金库方案就是其中之一。该方案在上锁阶段利用指纹的n邻域结构创建指纹模糊金库;在解锁阶段通过对比n邻域结构实现身份验证。该方案在效率和精确度上都有着良好的表现,但是王并没有对该方案的安全性进行深入的研究。 科技飞速发展的今天,人们越来越关注安全性。因为科技的发展也带来了黑客科技的进步。近年来许多人受到口令猜测、钓鱼诈骗等攻击,而导致银行账号、密...With the popularity of fingerprint recognition on intelligent phone, the fingerprint encryption technology and its security are received much concern. The fingerprint fuzzy vault scheme integrate the obscure attribute of the biometric data into the exact attribute of the secret . And for this advantage , A lot of scholar work on the fingerprint fuzzy vault .A number of fingerprint fuzzy vault s...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机科学与技术学号:2302013115316

    Development of Fingerprint Biometric Attendance System for Non-Academic Staff in a Tertiary Institution

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    Institutions, companies and organisations where security and net productivity is vital, access to certain areas must be controlled and monitored through an automated system of attendance. Managing people is a difficult task for most of the organizations and maintaining the attendance record is an important factor in people management. When considering the academic institute, taking the attendance of non-academic staff on daily basis and maintaining the records is a major task. Manually taking attendance and maintaining it for a long time adds to the difficulty of this task as well as wastes a lot of time. For this reason, an efficient system is proposed in this paper to solve the problem of manual attendance. This system takes attendance electronically with the help of a fingerprint recognition system, and all the records are saved for subsequent operations. Staff biometric attendance system employs an automated system to calculate attendance of staff in an organization and do further calculations of monthly attendance summary in order to reduce human errors during calculations. In essence, the proposed system can be employed in curbing the problems of lateness, buddy punching and truancy in any institution, organization or establishment. The proposed system will also improve the productivity of any organization if properly implemented. Keywords: Institution, Attendance, Biometric, Fingerprin

    A fingerprint biometric cryptosystem in FPGA

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    Comunicación presentada al ICIT 2015 celebrado en Sevilla del 17 al 19 de marzo de 2015This paper presents the implementation of a complete fingerprint biometric cryptosystem in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). This is possible thanks to the use of a novel fingerprint feature, named QFingerMap, which is binary, length-fixed, and ordered. Security of Authentication on FPGA is further improved because information stored is protected due to the design of a cryptosystem based on Fuzzy Commitment. Several samples of fingers as well as passwords can be fused at feature level with codewords of an error correcting code to generate non-sensitive data. System performance is illustrated with experimental results corresponding to 560 fingerprints acquired in live by an optical sensor and processed by the system in a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA. Depending on the realization, more or less accuracy is obtained, being possible a perfect authentication (zero Equal Error Rate), with the advantages of real-time operation, low power consumption, and a very small devicePeer reviewe

    A bisector line field approach to interpolation of orientation fields

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    We propose an approach to the problem of global reconstruction of an orientation field. The method is based on a geometric model called "bisector line fields", which maps a pair of vector fields to an orientation field, effectively generalizing the notion of doubling phase vector fields. Endowed with a well chosen energy minimization problem, we provide a polynomial interpolation of a target orientation field while bypassing the doubling phase step. The procedure is then illustrated with examples from fingerprint analysis