96 research outputs found

    PVSNet: Palm Vein Authentication Siamese Network Trained using Triplet Loss and Adaptive Hard Mining by Learning Enforced Domain Specific Features

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    Designing an end-to-end deep learning network to match the biometric features with limited training samples is an extremely challenging task. To address this problem, we propose a new way to design an end-to-end deep CNN framework i.e., PVSNet that works in two major steps: first, an encoder-decoder network is used to learn generative domain-specific features followed by a Siamese network in which convolutional layers are pre-trained in an unsupervised fashion as an autoencoder. The proposed model is trained via triplet loss function that is adjusted for learning feature embeddings in a way that minimizes the distance between embedding-pairs from the same subject and maximizes the distance with those from different subjects, with a margin. In particular, a triplet Siamese matching network using an adaptive margin based hard negative mining has been suggested. The hyper-parameters associated with the training strategy, like the adaptive margin, have been tuned to make the learning more effective on biometric datasets. In extensive experimentation, the proposed network outperforms most of the existing deep learning solutions on three type of typical vein datasets which clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method.Comment: Accepted in 5th IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), 2019, Hyderabad, Indi

    Fingervein Verification using Convolutional Multi-Head Attention Network

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    Biometric verification systems are deployed in various security-based access-control applications that require user-friendly and reliable person verification. Among the different biometric characteristics, fingervein biometrics have been extensively studied owing to their reliable verification performance. Furthermore, fingervein patterns reside inside the skin and are not visible outside; therefore, they possess inherent resistance to presentation attacks and degradation due to external factors. In this paper, we introduce a novel fingervein verification technique using a convolutional multihead attention network called VeinAtnNet. The proposed VeinAtnNet is designed to achieve light weight with a smaller number of learnable parameters while extracting discriminant information from both normal and enhanced fingervein images. The proposed VeinAtnNet was trained on the newly constructed fingervein dataset with 300 unique fingervein patterns that were captured in multiple sessions to obtain 92 samples per unique fingervein. Extensive experiments were performed on the newly collected dataset FV-300 and the publicly available FV-USM and FV-PolyU fingervein dataset. The performance of the proposed method was compared with five state-of-the-art fingervein verification systems, indicating the efficacy of the proposed VeinAtnNet.Comment: Accepted in IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 202

    A hybrid learning scheme towards authenticating hand-geometry using multi-modal features

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    Usage of hand geometry towards biometric-based authentication mechanism has been commercially practiced since last decade. However, there is a rising security problem being surfaced owing to the fluctuating features of hand-geometry during authentication mechanism. Review of existing research techniques exhibits the usage of singular features of hand-geometric along with sophisticated learning schemes where accuracy is accomplished at the higher cost of computational effort. Hence, the proposed study introduces a simplified analytical method which considers multi-modal features extracted from hand geometry which could further improve upon robust recognition system. For this purpose, the system considers implementing hybrid learning scheme using convolution neural network and Siamese algorithm where the former is used for feature extraction and latter is used for recognition of person on the basis of authenticated hand geometry. The main results show that proposed scheme offers 12.2% of improvement in accuracy compared to existing models exhibiting that with simpler amendment by inclusion of multi-modalities, accuracy can be significantly improve without computational burden

    DiffVein: A Unified Diffusion Network for Finger Vein Segmentation and Authentication

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    Finger vein authentication, recognized for its high security and specificity, has become a focal point in biometric research. Traditional methods predominantly concentrate on vein feature extraction for discriminative modeling, with a limited exploration of generative approaches. Suffering from verification failure, existing methods often fail to obtain authentic vein patterns by segmentation. To fill this gap, we introduce DiffVein, a unified diffusion model-based framework which simultaneously addresses vein segmentation and authentication tasks. DiffVein is composed of two dedicated branches: one for segmentation and the other for denoising. For better feature interaction between these two branches, we introduce two specialized modules to improve their collective performance. The first, a mask condition module, incorporates the semantic information of vein patterns from the segmentation branch into the denoising process. Additionally, we also propose a Semantic Difference Transformer (SD-Former), which employs Fourier-space self-attention and cross-attention modules to extract category embedding before feeding it to the segmentation task. In this way, our framework allows for a dynamic interplay between diffusion and segmentation embeddings, thus vein segmentation and authentication tasks can inform and enhance each other in the joint training. To further optimize our model, we introduce a Fourier-space Structural Similarity (FourierSIM) loss function, which is tailored to improve the denoising network's learning efficacy. Extensive experiments on the USM and THU-MVFV3V datasets substantiates DiffVein's superior performance, setting new benchmarks in both vein segmentation and authentication tasks

    Machine Learning Methods for Human Identification from Dorsal Hand Images

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    Person identification is a process that uniquely identifies an individual based on physical or behavioural traits. This study investigates methods for the analysis of images of the human hand, focusing on their uniqueness and potential use for human identification. The human hand has significant and distinctive characteristics, and is highly complex and interesting, yet it has not been explored in much detail, particularly in the context of the contemporary high level of digitalisation and, more specifically, the advances in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and computer vision (CV). This research area is highly multi-disciplinary, involving anatomists, anthropologists, bioinformaticians, image analysts and, increasingly, computer scientists. A growing pool of advanced methods based on AI, ML and CV can benefit and relate directly to a better representation of the human hand in computer analysis. Historically, the research methods in this area relied on ‘handcrafted’ features such as the local binary pattern (LBP) and histogram of gradient (HOG) extraction, which necessitated human intervention. However, such approaches struggle to encode the human hand in variable conditions effectively, because of the change in camera viewpoint, hand pose, rotation, image quality, and self-occlusion. Thus, their performance is limited. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in deep learning neural network (DLNN) approaches, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), due to the highly accurate results achieved in many applications and the wide availability of images. This work investigates advanced methods based on ML and DLNN for segmenting hand images with various rotation changes into different patches (e.g., knuckles and fingernails). The thesis focuses on developing ML methods like pre-trained CNN models on the 'ImageNet' dataset to learn the underlying structure of the human hand by extracting robust features from hand images with diverse conditions of rotation, and image quality. Also, this study investigates fine-tuning the pre-trained models of DLNN on subsets of hand images, as well as using various similarity metrics to find the best match of the individual’s hand. Furthermore, this work explores different types of ensemble learning or fusions, those of different region and similarity metrics to improve human identification results. This thesis also presents a study of a Siamese network on sub-images or segments of human dorsal hands for identification tasks. All presented approaches are compared with the state-of-the-art methods. This study advances the understanding of variations in and the uniqueness of humans using patches of their hands (e.g., different types of knuckles and fingernails). Lastly, it compares the matching performances of the left- and right-hand patches using various hand datasets and investigates whether the fingernail produces better identification results than the knuckles. This research shows that the proposed framework for person identification based on hand components led to better person identification results. The framework consists of vital feature extractions based on deep learning neural network (DLNN) and similarity metrics. These elements enhanced the performance. Also, the fingernails' shape performed better than other hand components, including the base, major, and minor knuckles. The left hand can be more distinguishable to individuals than the right hand. The fine-tuning of the hand components and ensemble learning improved the identification results

    Biometric presentation attack detection: beyond the visible spectrum

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    The increased need for unattended authentication in multiple scenarios has motivated a wide deployment of biometric systems in the last few years. This has in turn led to the disclosure of security concerns specifically related to biometric systems. Among them, presentation attacks (PAs, i.e., attempts to log into the system with a fake biometric characteristic or presentation attack instrument) pose a severe threat to the security of the system: any person could eventually fabricate or order a gummy finger or face mask to impersonate someone else. In this context, we present a novel fingerprint presentation attack detection (PAD) scheme based on i) a new capture device able to acquire images within the short wave infrared (SWIR) spectrum, and i i) an in-depth analysis of several state-of-theart techniques based on both handcrafted and deep learning features. The approach is evaluated on a database comprising over 4700 samples, stemming from 562 different subjects and 35 different presentation attack instrument (PAI) species. The results show the soundness of the proposed approach with a detection equal error rate (D-EER) as low as 1.35% even in a realistic scenario where five different PAI species are considered only for testing purposes (i.e., unknown attacks

    Convolutional neural networks for face recognition and finger-vein biometric identification

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    The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), a variant of the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), has shown promise in solving complex recognition problems, particularly in visual pattern recognition. However, the classical LeNet-5 CNN model, which most solutions are based on, is highly compute-intensive. This CNN also suffers from long training time, due to the large number of layers that ranges from six to eight. In this research, a CNN model with a reduced complexity is proposed for application in face recognition and finger-vein biometric identification. A simpler architecture is obtained by fusing convolutional and subsampling layers into one layer, in conjunction with a partial connection scheme applied between the first two layers in the network. As a result, the total number of layers is reduced to four. The number of feature maps at each layer is optimized according to the type of image database being processed. Consequently, the numbers of network parameters (including neurons, trainable parameters and connections) are significantly reduced, essentially increasing the generalization ability of the network. The Stochastic Diagonal Levenberg-Marquadt (SDLM) backpropagation algorithm is modified and applied in the training of the proposed network. With this learning algorithm, the convergence rate is accelerated such that the proposed CNN converges within 15 epochs. For face recognition, the proposed CNN achieves recognition rates of 100.00% and 99.50% for AT&T and AR Purdue face databases respectively. Recognition time on the AT&T database is less than 0.003 seconds. These results outperform previous existing works. In addition, when compared with the other CNN-based face recognizer, the proposed CNN model has the least number of network parameters, hence better generalization ability. A training scheme is also proposed to recognize new categories without full CNN training. In this research, a novel CNN solution for the finger-vein biometric identification problem is also proposed. To the best of knowledge, there is no previous work reported in literature that applied CNN for finger-vein recognition. The proposed method is efficient in that simple preprocessing algorithms are deployed. The CNN design is adapted on a finger-vein database, which is developed in-house and contains 81 subjects. A recognition accuracy of 99.38% is achieved, which is similar to the results of state-of-the-art work. In conclusion, the success of the research in solving face recognition and finger-vein biometric identification problems proves the feasibility of the proposed CNN model in any pattern recognition system