952 research outputs found

    Improved Use of Foot Force Sensors and Mobile Phone GPS for Mobility Activity Recognition

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    User Mobility Detection using Foot Force Sensors and Mobile Phone GPS.

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    PhDA user (or human) mobility context is defined as a type of user context that describes a type of whole body posture (e.g., standing versus sitting) and/or a type of travel or transportation mode (e.g., walking, cycling, travel by bus, etc). Such a context can be derived from low-level sensor data and spatial contexts, including location coordinates, 3D-orientation, direction (with respect to magnetic north), velocity and acceleration. Different value-added services can be adapted to users’ mobility contexts such as assessing how eco-friendly our travel is, and adapting travel information services such as maps to different transportation modes. Current sensor-based methods for user mobility detection have several key limitations: narrow range of recognition, coarse user mobility recognition capability, and low recognition accuracy. In this thesis, a new Foot-Force and GPS (FF+GPS) sensor method is proposed to overcome these challenges that leverages a set of wearable FF sensors in combination with mobile phone GPS. The novelty of this approach is that it provides a more comprehensive recognition capability in terms of reliably recognising various fine-grained human postures and transportation modes. In addition, by comparing the new FF+GPS method with both an accelerometer (ACC) method (62% accuracy) and an ACC+GPS based method (70% accuracy) as baseline methods, it obtains a higher accuracy (90%) with less computational complexity, when tested on a dataset obtained from ten individuals. In addition, the new FF+GPS method has been further extended and evaluated. More specifically, the trade-off between the computation and resources needed to support lower versus higher number of features and sensors has been investigated. The improved FF+GPS method reduced the number of classification features from 31 to 12, reduced the number of FF sensors from 8 to 4, and reduced the use of GPS in mobility activity recognition

    Realtime tracking of passengers on the London underground transport by matching smartphone accelerometer footprints

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    Passengers travelling on the London underground tubes currently have no means of knowing their whereabouts between stations. The challenge for providing such service is that the London underground tunnels have no GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or any kind of terrestrial signals to leverage. This paper presents a novel yet practical idea to track passengers in realtime using the smartphone accelerometer and a training database of the entire London underground network. Our rationales are that London tubes are self-driving transports with predictable accelerations, decelerations, and travelling time and that they always travel on the same fixed rail lines between stations with distinctive bumps and vibrations, which permit us to generate an accelerometer map of the tubes’ movements on each line. Given the passenger’s accelerometer data, we identify in realtime what line they are travelling on and what station they depart from, using a pattern-matching algorithm, with an accuracy of up to about 90% when the sampling length is equivalent to at least 3 station stops. We incorporate Principal Component Analysis to perform inertial tracking of passengers’ positions along the line when trains break away from scheduled movements during rush hours. Our proposal was painstakingly assessed on the entire London underground, covering approximately 940 km of travelling distance, spanning across 381 stations on 11 different lines

    Mobility increases localizability: A survey on wireless indoor localization using inertial sensors

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    Wireless indoor positioning has been extensively studied for the past 2 decades and continuously attracted growing research efforts in mobile computing context. As the integration of multiple inertial sensors (e.g., accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer) to nowadays smartphones in recent years, human-centric mobility sensing is emerging and coming into vogue. Mobility information, as a new dimension in addition to wireless signals, can benefit localization in a number of ways, since location and mobility are by nature related in the physical world. In this article, we survey this new trend of mobility enhancing smartphone-based indoor localization. Specifically, we first study how to measure human mobility: what types of sensors we can use and what types of mobility information we can acquire. Next, we discuss how mobility assists localization with respect to enhancing location accuracy, decreasing deployment cost, and enriching location context. Moreover, considering the quality and cost of smartphone built-in sensors, handling measurement errors is essential and accordingly investigated. Combining existing work and our own working experiences, we emphasize the principles and conduct comparative study of the mainstream technologies. Finally, we conclude this survey by addressing future research directions and opportunities in this new and largely open area.</jats:p

    Entity Recognition via Multimodal Sensor Fusion with Smart Phones

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    This thesis serves as an exploration that takes the sensors within a cell phone beyond the current state of recognition activities. Current state of the art sensor recognition processes tend to focus on recognizing user activity. Utilizing the same sensors available for user activity classification, this thesis validates the ability to gather data about entities separate from the user carrying the smart phone. With the ability to sense entities, the ability to recognize and classify a multitude of items, situations, and phenomena opens a new realm of possibilities for how devices perceive and react to their environment

    Vehicular Networks and Outdoor Pedestrian Localization

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    This thesis focuses on vehicular networks and outdoor pedestrian localization. In particular, it targets secure positioning in vehicular networks and pedestrian localization for safety services in outdoor environments. The former research topic must cope with three major challenges, concerning users’ privacy, computational costs of security and the system trust on user correctness. This thesis addresses those issues by proposing a new lightweight privacy-preserving framework for continuous tracking of vehicles. The proposed solution is evaluated in both dense and sparse vehicular settings through simulation and experiments in real-world testbeds. In addition, this thesis explores the benefit given by the use of low frequency bands for the transmission of control messages in vehicular networks. The latter topic is motivated by a significant number of traffic accidents with pedestrians distracted by their smartphones. This thesis proposes two different localization solutions specifically for pedestrian safety: a GPS-based approach and a shoe-mounted inertial sensor method. The GPS-based solution is more suitable for rural and suburban areas while it is not applicable in dense urban environments, due to large positioning errors. Instead the inertial sensor approach overcomes the limitations of previous technique in urban environments. Indeed, by exploiting accelerometer data, this architecture is able to precisely detect the transitions from safe to potentially unsafe walking locations without the need of any absolute positioning systems

    Recognition of Crowd Behavior from Mobile Sensors with Pattern Analysis and Graph Clustering Methods

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    Mobile on-body sensing has distinct advantages for the analysis and understanding of crowd dynamics: sensing is not geographically restricted to a specific instrumented area, mobile phones offer on-body sensing and they are already deployed on a large scale, and the rich sets of sensors they contain allows one to characterize the behavior of users through pattern recognition techniques. In this paper we present a methodological framework for the machine recognition of crowd behavior from on-body sensors, such as those in mobile phones. The recognition of crowd behaviors opens the way to the acquisition of large-scale datasets for the analysis and understanding of crowd dynamics. It has also practical safety applications by providing improved crowd situational awareness in cases of emergency. The framework comprises: behavioral recognition with the user's mobile device, pairwise analyses of the activity relatedness of two users, and graph clustering in order to uncover globally, which users participate in a given crowd behavior. We illustrate this framework for the identification of groups of persons walking, using empirically collected data. We discuss the challenges and research avenues for theoretical and applied mathematics arising from the mobile sensing of crowd behaviors

    SLS: Smart localization service: human mobility models and machine learning enhancements for mobile phone’s localization

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    In recent years we are witnessing a noticeable increment in the usage of new generation smartphones, as well as the growth of mobile application development. Today, there is an app for almost everything we need. We are surrounded by a huge number of proactive applications, which automatically provide relevant information and services when and where we need them. This switch from the previous generation of passive applications to the new one of proactive applications has been enabled by the exploitation of context information. One of the most important and most widely used pieces of context information is location data. For this reason, new generation devices include a localization engine that exploits various embedded technologies (e.g., GPS, WiFi, GSM) to retrieve location information. Consequently, the key issue in localization is now the efficient use of the mobile localization engine, where efficient means lightweight on device resource consumption, responsive, accurate and safe in terms of privacy. In fact, since the device resources are limited, all the services running on it have to manage their trade-off between consumption and reliability to prevent a premature depletion of the phone’s battery. In turn, localization is one of the most demanding services in terms of resource consumption. In this dissertation I present an efficient localization solution that includes, in addition to the standard location tracking techniques, the support of other technologies already available on smartphones (e.g., embedded sensors), as well as the integration of both Human Mobility Modelling (HMM) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The main goal of the proposed solution is the provision of a continuous tracking service while achieving a sizeable reduction of the energy impact of the localization with respect to standard solutions, as well as the preservation of user privacy by avoiding the use of a back-end server. This results in a Smart Localization Service (SLS), which outperforms current solutions implemented on smartphones in terms of energy consumption (and, therefore, mobile device lifetime), availability of location information, and network traffic volume
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