205,939 research outputs found

    Customer Relationship Management and Service Quality: a qualitative study

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    This study examined customer relationship management effectiveness and Service quality on international customers in a single University in the UK higher education sector. We adopted the qualitative research design with focus group interview approach. Focus group discussions were carried out with twelve purposively sample units of analysis from the case University. The study primary data was analysed using thematic template technique with Nvivo 10. The study found that the CRM programme of the case University is effective following the various students‟ oriented social and academic programs. Findings also showed that its CRM program influenced international students‟ satisfaction and positive advocacy behaviour. The study found six emerging themes for evaluating customer relationship management effectiveness in the higher education sector. Thus, recommended the need for strategic policy makers in the higher education sector to enhance investments on building stronger customer relationship management infrastructure.KEYWORDS: Customer Relationship Management, Service Quality, Qualitative Stud

    Designing a smooth service experience: Finding the balance between online and offline service

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ, kuinka digitaalisen ja analogisen palvelun voi paremmin yhdistÀÀ kokonaispalveluksi niin, ettĂ€ asiakas saa mahdollisimman sujuvan palvelukokemuksen. Tutkimuksen aihe nousee Tunteesta arvoa palvelulle –hankkeesta, jossa toteutettiin palvelumuotoilun kehitysprojekteja yhdessĂ€ viiden yrityksen kanssa. NiistĂ€ useammassa konseptien osana oli digitaalinen palvelu, mutta haasteeksi nousi digitaalisen kanavan yhdistĂ€minen analogiseen, eli fyysisessĂ€ tilassa tapahtuvaan palveluun. NykypĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ digitaalisten palveluiden yleisyys on kasvanut ja ihmiset ovat yhĂ€ tottuneempia kĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn digitaalisia kanavia osana palvelukokonaisuutta. Toisaalta kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€t ovat myös tietoisia digitaalisten kanavien tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista ja siten heidĂ€n odotuksensa ja vaatimuksensa palvelua kohtaan kasvavat. Eri palvelukanavien vĂ€lillĂ€ on kuitenkin havaittavissa eroavaisuuksia ja siten yhtenĂ€isen ja sujuvan palvelukokemuksen syntyminen asiakkaalle on vaikeaa. Asiakkaan tarpeiden ja odotusten sekĂ€ yrityksen tavoitteiden huomioiden palvelupolun luomisessa mahdollistavat palvelun sujuvan etenemisen palvelukanavien vĂ€lillĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ on laadullisessa tutkimuksessa tutkimusaineisto on kerĂ€tty puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina. Tutkimusaineisto on analysoitu teemoittelemalla ja tutkimuksen löydökset vastaavat kysymyksiin, miten sujuva palvelukokemus muotoillaan palvelumuotoilun menetelmin, ja miten digitaalisia ja analogisia palvelukanavia tasapainotetaan palvelupolussa. Tutkimuksen tuloksen muodostaa seitsemĂ€stĂ€ osasta koostuva työkalu, jonka tarkoituksena on toimia palvelun muotoilun ja kehittĂ€misen tukena.While working as a research assistant in Value through Emotion research project at University of Lapland and doing service design projects with several companies, I noticed that there is a challenge in designing a service that combines online and offline service channels. Nowadays the trend is to have an online service, such as service application, as a part of the overall service path, but there is often a gap between the online and offline elements of the service in regards of the communication and the quality of service delivery. The customers are more and more used to digital service channels and they are aware of the possibilities that online channels can provide. Therefore the customers have high expectations about the service delivery. Designing a service that keeps the continuity throughout the service despite the form of delivery channel would be a solution for providing the customer a smooth service experience. In this research I study how a smooth service experience can be built using service design methods. I also study how the balance between online and offline service channels can be found in the overall service path. The research data of partly structured theme interviews are analysed by qualitative research methods. As a result for this case study I present a toolkit with seven templates that can be used as a guideline and support in the service design process when combining online and offline service elements as a smooth service experience

    Online revenue model adoption in the media sector: in-depth results from an exploratory study in the Netherlands

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    Especially for companies in the media sector such as publishers, the Internet has created new strategic and commercial opportunities. However, many companies in the media sector are struggling with how to adapt their business and revenue model for doing profitable business online. This exploratory study goes into the success factors and the level of adoption of online revenue models by media sector companies. We use Chaffey (2002) in determining online revenue models in which we included Osterwalder’s (2001) four ‘pillars’ of business models. These four pillars cover the twelve critical success factors for e-businesses as identified by Sung (2004). This theoretical framework was used for in-depth interviews with 20 senior managers within the media sector in the Netherlands. From this, it appeared that advertising is the most used online revenue model, with targeting advertising, lead generation and a combination of content and customer profiles as most promising. Ease of use is distinguished by all senior managers as success factor. Still, in order to be successful, all factors should be applied, and this appears not to be the case. Organizations in the media sector need to invest in technical and organizational expertise by hiring the right employees with the right knowledge. Emphasis on target advertising and lead generation are most promising. A combination of content and customer profiles is a focus-point for the near future

    Towards to the future success in the European markets: Highly innovative food products from Slovakia

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    Internationalisation and international linkages between producers, marketing partners and customers in various geographical areas has become an everyday reality for contemporary firms. The core area of this paper includes the process of internationalization of the small and medium enterprises and the role of the trends at the food market, particularly those which may be a potential stimulator for the internationalisation process and the most efficient way to segment markets. The study represents a qualitative process- based research. The strategy of the study is descriptive and explorative. Interviews, questionnaires, panel discussions and analysis of documents form the basis for the research material. The main emphasis is on 7 small and medium enterprises in Slovakia, specialized in production of cereal products and sweets. Present position at the market, market trends, product quality, process of innovation and relationships of these firms to their business networks are taken into account. The research process explores the opportunities for further expansion in the segment of highly innovative products in the Europe and worldwide.innovative product, market segmentation, internationalisation, healthy food products, Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,

    New Media, New Influencers and Implications for Public Relations

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    Marketers and public relations professionals today are confronted with an astounding array of new communications channels. Internet-based social media tools like blogs, podcasts, online video and social networks are giving voice to the opinions of millions of consumers. While mainstream media continues to play a vital role in the dissemination of information, even these traditional channels are increasingly being influenced by online conversations. The "new influencers" are beginning to tear at the fabric of marketing as it has existed for 100 years, giving rise to a new style of marketing that is characterized by conversation and community. Marketers are responding to these forces with a mixture of excitement, fear and fascination. They're alarmed at the prospect of ceding control of their messages to a community of unknowns. Yet at the same time they're excited about the prospect of leveraging theese same tools to speak directly to their constituents without the involvement of media intermediaries.The Society for New Communications Research set out to conduct an examination of how influence patterns are changing and how communications professionals are addressing those changes by adopting social media. The goals were to discover how organizations:Define new influencers;Communicate and create relationships with them;Use social media to create influence; andMeasure the effects of these efforts.Another goal of the study was to use these discoveries to offer a set of recommendations to professional communicators

    Monetary Policy

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    When do trade credit discounts matter? Evidence from Italian firm-level data

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    Italian firms are top users of trade credit in an international comparison. The paper offers some clues to the determinants of this stylised fact exploiting the answers of about 1900 manufacturing firms on a wide range of contractual features, separately for domestic and foreign counterparties. The main finding is that, with the almost totality of commercial transactions made on credit, there is no evidence that trade credit is more expensive than loans. An econometric investigation shows that discounts offered have the expected effect of reducing payment delays only for customers located abroad, where customary credit periods are shorter. The result is consistent with the poor explanatory power of the discounts received for the trade debt period of domestic firms and with the evidence of larger buyers willing to exploit their market power with suppliers.Trade credit; Late payments; Credit rationing

    Design improvement of toner cartridge using design for assembly method

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    DFMA or known as Design for Manufacture and Assembly, consists of two main components which are Design for Manufacturing and Design for Assembly. To review the design for product evaluation, DFMA is an important methodolgy to be used. Reducing the number of parts to be assembled in a product is very significant. This can contribute to reducing the cost of assembly and assembly time for manufacturer. DFMA methodology is therefore applied to reduce the cost of the product by selecting a consumer product which is a toner cartridge as a case study of the product. The DFA Worksheet table is used for product evaluation and the original product design is reviewed, improved and re-evaluated. The significant result shows the new toner cartridge design is achievable with fewer parts from 32 to 27 parts. This method is also eligible for application to manufacturing industries to improve the effectiveness of their design

    Improving customer churn prediction by data augmentation using pictorial stimulus-choice data

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    The purpose of this paper is to determine the added value of pictorial stimulus-choice data in customer churn prediction. Using Random Forests and 5 times 2 fold cross-validation, this study analyzes how much pictorial stimulus choice data and survey data increase the AUC of a churn model over and above administrative, operational and complaints data. The finding is that pictorial-stimulus choice data significantly increases AUC of models with administrative and operational data. The practical implication of this finding is that companies should start considering mining pictorial data from social media sites (e.g. Pinterest), in order to augment their internal customer database. This study is original in that it is the first that assesses the added value of pictorial stimulus-choice data in predictive models. This is important because more and more social media websites are focusing on pictures
