22,126 research outputs found

    Visualizing supercurrents in ferromagnetic Josephson junctions with various arrangements of 0 and \pi segments

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    Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic barrier can have positive or negative critical current depending on the thickness dFd_F of the ferromagnetic layer. Accordingly, the Josephson phase in the ground state is equal to 0 (a conventional or 0 junction) or to π\pi (π\pi junction). When 0 and π\pi segments are joined to form a "0-π\pi junction", spontaneous supercurrents around the 0-π\pi boundary can appear. Here we report on the visualization of supercurrents in superconductor-insulator-ferromagnet-superconductor (SIFS) junctions by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM). We discuss data for rectangular 0, π\pi, 0-π\pi, 0-π\pi-0 and 20 \times 0-π\pi junctions, disk-shaped junctions where the 0-π\pi boundary forms a ring, and an annular junction with two 0-π\pi boundaries. Within each 0 or π\pi segment the critical current density is fairly homogeneous, as indicated both by measurements of the magnetic field dependence of the critical current and by LTSEM. The π\pi parts have critical current densities jcπj_c^\pi up to 35\units{A/cm^2} at T = 4.2\units{K}, which is a record value for SIFS junctions with a NiCu F-layer so far. We also demonstrate that SIFS technology is capable to produce Josephson devices with a unique topology of the 0-π\pi boundary.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    EBSD mapping of herringbone domain structures in tetragonal piezoelectrics

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    Herringbone domain structures have been mapped using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in two tetragonal piezoelectrics, lead zirconate titanate, [Pb(Zr,Ti)O<sub>3</sub>] and bismuth ferrite – lead titanate, [(PbTi)<sub>0.5</sub>(BiFe)<sub>0.5</sub>O<sub>3</sub>]. Analysis of the domain misorientations across the band junctions shows that the structures correspond very well to crystallographic models. High resolution mapping with a 20 nm step size allowed the crystal rotation across one of these band junctions in lead zirconate titanate to be studied in detail and allowed an improved estimation of the peak strain at the junction, of 0.56 GPa. The significance of this for crack nucleation and propagation in such materials is discussed

    CAD-model-based vision for space applications

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    A pose acquisition system operating in space must be able to perform well in a variety of different applications including automated guidance and inspections tasks with many different, but known objects. Since the space station is being designed with automation in mind, there will be CAD models of all the objects, including the station itself. The construction of vision models and procedures directly from the CAD models is the goal of this project. The system that is being designed and implementing must convert CAD models to vision models, predict visible features from a given view point from the vision models, construct view classes representing views of the objects, and use the view class model thus derived to rapidly determine the pose of the object from single images and/or stereo pairs

    Attention in Depth: Disparity and Occlusion Cues Facilitate Multi-Element Visual Tracking

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    Human observers can track up to five moving targets in a display with ten identical elements (Pylyshyn and Storm, 1988; Yantis, 1992). Previous experiments manipulated element trajectories to prevent intersections of element boundaries, evidently in the belief that transient overlaps among homogeneous elements make the task too hard. We examine whether depth cues such as occlusion (T-junctions) and disparity affect performance in a tracking task when element boundaries, as projected onto the two-dimensional plane of the monitor screen, are allowed to intersect. Elements move smoothly in depth, as well as in horizontal and vertical position, throughout a 7-second tracking period. A probe is then flashed, and subjects report whether the flash occurred on a target or on a non-target. Overlapping circular objects form T-junctions when shaded to appear like spheres or figure eight regions when rendered as disks. Two factors, disparity and T-junctions, are considered. Results from eight naive observers show that performance improves for displays with depth information (T-junctions or disparity), suggesting that depth cues are useful for multi-element tracking.National Science Foundation (IRI-94-01659); Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-1309, N00014-95-1-0657, N00014-94-1-0597, N00014-95-1-0409

    Advantageous grain boundaries in iron pnictide superconductors

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    High critical temperature superconductors have zero power consumption and could be used to produce ideal electric power lines. The principal obstacle in fabricating superconducting wires and tapes is grain boundaries-the misalignment of crystalline orientations at grain boundaries, which is unavoidable for polycrystals, largely deteriorates critical current density. Here, we report that High critical temperature iron pnictide superconductors have advantages over cuprates with respect to these grain boundary issues. The transport properties through well-defined bicrystal grain boundary junctions with various misorientation angles (thetaGB) were systematically investigated for cobalt-doped BaFe2As2 (BaFe2As2:Co) epitaxial films fabricated on bicrystal substrates. The critical current density through bicrystal grain boundary (JcBGB) remained high (> 1 MA/cm2) and nearly constant up to a critical angle thetac of ~9o, which is substantially larger than the thetac of ~5o for YBCO. Even at thetaGB > thetac, the decay of JcBGB was much smaller than that of YBCO.Comment: to appear in Nature Communication

    GeoSay: A Geometric Saliency for Extracting Buildings in Remote Sensing Images

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    Automatic extraction of buildings in remote sensing images is an important but challenging task and finds many applications in different fields such as urban planning, navigation and so on. This paper addresses the problem of buildings extraction in very high-spatial-resolution (VHSR) remote sensing (RS) images, whose spatial resolution is often up to half meters and provides rich information about buildings. Based on the observation that buildings in VHSR-RS images are always more distinguishable in geometry than in texture or spectral domain, this paper proposes a geometric building index (GBI) for accurate building extraction, by computing the geometric saliency from VHSR-RS images. More precisely, given an image, the geometric saliency is derived from a mid-level geometric representations based on meaningful junctions that can locally describe geometrical structures of images. The resulting GBI is finally measured by integrating the derived geometric saliency of buildings. Experiments on three public and commonly used datasets demonstrate that the proposed GBI achieves the state-of-the-art performance and shows impressive generalization capability. Additionally, GBI preserves both the exact position and accurate shape of single buildings compared to existing methods

    Dynamics of Attention in Depth: Evidence from Mutli-Element Tracking

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    The allocation of attention in depth is examined using a multi-element tracking paradigm. Observers are required to track a predefined subset of from two to eight elements in displays containing up to sixteen identical moving elements. We first show that depth cues, such as binocular disparity and occlusion through T-junctions, improve performance in a multi-element tracking task in the case where element boundaries are allowed to intersect in the depiction of motion in a single fronto-parallel plane. We also show that the allocation of attention across two perceptually distinguishable planar surfaces either fronto-parallel or receding at a slanting angle and defined by coplanar elements, is easier than allocation of attention within a single surface. The same result was not found when attention was required to be deployed across items of two color populations rather than of a single color. Our results suggest that, when surface information does not suffice to distinguish between targets and distractors that are embedded in these surfaces, division of attention across two surfaces aids in tracking moving targets.National Science Foundation (IRI-94-01659); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-95-1-0657

    Josephson critical currents in annular superconductors with Pearl vortices

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    We investigate the influence of Pearl vortices in the vicinity of an edge-type Josephson junction for a superconducting thin-film loop in the form of an annulus, under uniform magnetic field. Specifically, we obtain the exact analytic formulation that allows to describe the circulating current density and the gauge invariant phase increment Δϕ\Delta\phi across the junction. The main properties of Δϕ\Delta\phi and their influence on the critical current pattern Ic(B)I_c(B) are described quantitatively in terms of the loop's width to radius ratio W/RW/R and of the vortex position within the loop rv{\bf r}_v. It is shown that narrow loops (W/R<0.3W/R < 0.3) may be well described by the straight geometry limit. However, such approximation fails to predict a number of distinctive features captured by our formulation, as the node lifting effect of the Ic(B)I_c(B) pattern in wide loops or the actual influence of a vortex pinned at different positions.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
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