18 research outputs found

    Vertically integrated analysis and transformation for embedded software

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    Journal ArticleProgram analyses and transformations that are more aggressive and more domain-specific than those traditionally performed by compilers are one possible route to achieving the rapid creation of reliable and efficient embedded software. We are creating a new framework for Vertically Integrated Program Analysis (VIPA) that makes use of information gathered at multiple levels of abstraction such as high-level models, source code, and assembly language. This paper describes our approach and shows how and why it will help create better embedded software

    Master of Science

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    thesisScientific libraries are written in a general way in anticipation of a variety of use cases that reduce optimization opportunities. Significant performance gains can be achieved by specializing library code to its execution context: the application in which it is invoked, the input data set used, the architectural platform and its backend compiler. Such specialization is not typically done because it is time-consuming, leads to nonportable code and requires performance-tuning expertise that application scientists may not have. Tool support for library specialization in the above context could potentially reduce the extensive under-standing required while significantly improving performance, code reuse and portability. In this work, we study the performance gains achieved by specializing the sparse linear algebra functions in PETSc (Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation) in the context of three scientific applications on the Hopper Cray XE6 Supercomputer at NERSC. This work takes an initial step towards automating the specialization of scientific libraries. We study the effects of the execution environment on sparse computations and design optimization strategies based on these effects. These strategies include novel techniques that augment well-known source-to-source transformations to significantly improve the quality of the instructions generated by the back end compiler. We use CHiLL (Composable High-Level Loop Transformation Framework) to apply source-level transformations tailored to the special needs of sparse computations. A conceptual framework is proposed where the above strategies are developed and expressed as recipes by experienced performance engineers that can be applied across execution environments. We demonstrate significant performance improvements of more than 1.8X on the library functions and overall gains of 9 to 24% on three scalable applications that use PETSc's sparse matrix capabilities

    Understanding Optimization Phase Interactions to Reduce the Phase Order Search Space

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    Compiler optimization phase ordering is a longstanding problem, and is of particular relevance to the performance-oriented and cost-constrained domain of embedded systems applications. Optimization phases are known to interact with each other, enabling and disabling opportunities for successive phases. Therefore, varying the order of applying these phases often generates distinct output codes, with different speed, code-size and power consumption characteristics. Most cur- rent approaches to address this issue focus on developing innovative methods to selectively evaluate the vast phase order search space to produce a good (but, potentially suboptimal) representation for each program. In contrast, the goal of this thesis is to study and reduce the phase order search space by: (1) identifying common causes of optimization phase interactions across all phases, and then devising techniques to eliminate them, and (2) exploiting natural phase independence to prune the phase order search space. We observe that several phase interactions are caused by false register dependence during many optimization phases. We explore the potential of cleanup phases, such as register remapping and copy propagation, at reducing false dependences. We show that innovative implementation and application of these phases not only reduces the size of the phase order search space substantially, but can also improve the quality of code generated by optimizing compilers. We examine the effect of removing cleanup phases, such as dead assignment elimination, which should not interact with other compiler phases, from the phase order search space. Finally, we show that reorganization of the phase order search into a multi-staged approach employing sets of mutually independent optimizations can reduce the search space to a fraction of its original size without sacrificing performance

    Compiler Transformations to Generate Reentrant C Programs to Assist Software Parallelization

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    As we move through the multi-core era into the many-core era it becomes obvi- ous that thread-based programming is here to stay. This trend in the development of general purpose hardware is augmented by the fact that while writing sequential programs is considered a non-trivial task, writing parallel applications to take ad- vantage of the advances in the number of cores in a processor severely complicates the process. Writing parallel applications requires programs and functions to be reentrant. Therefore, we cannot use globals and statics. However, globals and statics are useful in certain contexts. Globals allow an easy programming mecha- nism to share data between several functions. Statics provide the only mechanism of data hiding in C for variables that are global in scope. Writing parallel programs restricts users from using globals and statics in their programs, as doing so would make the program non-reentrant. Moreover, there is a large existing legacy code base of sequential programs that are non-reentrant, since they rely on statics and globals. Several of these sequential programs dis- play significant amounts of data parallelism by operating on independent chunks of input data, and therefore can be easily converted into parallel versions to ex- ploit multi-core processors. Indeed, several such programs have been manually converted into parallel versions. However, manually eliminating all globals and statics to make the program reentrant is tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone. In this paper we describe a system to provide a semi-automated mechanism for users to still be able to use statics and globals in their programs, and to let the compiler automatically convert them into their semantically-equivalent reentrant versions enabling their parallelization later

    Automatic creation of tile size selection models using neural networks

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    2010 Spring.Includes bibliographic references (pages 54-59).Covers not scanned.Print version deaccessioned 2022.Tiling is a widely used loop transformation for exposing/exploiting parallelism and data locality. Effective use of tiling requires selection and tuning of the tile sizes. This is usually achieved by hand-crafting tile size selection (TSS) models that characterize the performance of the tiled program as a function of tile sizes. The best tile sizes are selected by either directly using the TSS model or by using the TSS model together with an empirical search. Hand-crafting accurate TSS models is hard, and adapting them to different architecture/compiler, or even keeping them up-to-date with respect to the evolution of a single compiler is often just as hard. Instead of hand-crafting TSS models, can we automatically learn or create them? In this paper, we show that for a specific class of programs fairly accurate TSS models can be automatically created by using a combination of simple program features, synthetic kernels, and standard machine learning techniques. The automatic TSS model generation scheme can also be directly used for adapting the model and/or keeping it up-to-date. We evaluate our scheme on six different architecture-compiler combinations (chosen from three different architectures and four different compilers). The models learned by our method have consistently shown near-optimal performance (within 5% of the optimal on average) across the tested architecture-compiler combinations

    Tuning Parallel Applications in Parallel

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    Auto-tuning has recently received significant attention from the High Performance Computing community. Most auto-tuning approaches are specialized to work either on specific domains such as dense linear algebra and stencil computations, or only at certain stages of program execution such as compile time and runtime. Real scientific applications, however, demand a cohesive environment that can efficiently provide auto-tuning solutions at all stages of application development and deployment. Towards that end, we describe a unified end-to-end approach to auto-tuning scientific applications. Our system, Active Harmony, takes a search-based collaborative approach to auto-tuning. Application programmers, library writers and compilers collaborate to describe and export a set of performance related tunable parameters to the Active Harmony system. These parameters define a tuning search-space. The auto-tuner monitors the program performance and suggests adaptation decisions. The decisions are made by a central controller using a parallel search algorithm. The algorithm leverages parallel architectures to search across a set of optimization parameter values. Different nodes of a parallel system evaluate different configurations at each timestep. Active Harmony supports runtime adaptive code-generation and tuning for parameters that require new code (e.g. unroll factors). Effectively, we merge traditional feedback directed optimization and just-in-time compilation. This feature also enables application developers to write applications once and have the auto-tuner adjust the application behavior automatically when run on new systems. We evaluated our system on multiple large-scale parallel applications and showed that our system can improve the execution time by up to 46% compared to the original version of the program. Finally, we believe that the success of any auto-tuning research depends on how effectively application developers, domain-experts and auto-tuners communicate and work together. To that end, we have developed and released a simple and extensible language that standardizes the parameter space representation. Using this language, developers and researchers can collaborate to export tunable parameters to the tuning frameworks. Relationships (e.g. ordering, dependencies, constraints, ranking) between tunable parameters and search-hints can also be expressed

    Compilers that learn to optimise: a probabilistic machine learning approach

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    Compiler optimisation is the process of making a compiler produce better code, i.e. code that, for example, runs faster on a target architecture. Although numerous program transformations for optimisation have been proposed in the literature, these transformations are not always beneficial and they can interact in very complex ways. Traditional approaches adopted by compiler writers fix the order of the transformations and decide when and how these transformations should be applied to a program by using hard-coded heuristics. However, these heuristics require a lot of time and effort to construct and may sacrifice performance on programs they have not been tuned for.This thesis proposes a probabilistic machine learning solution to the compiler optimisation problem that automatically determines "good" optimisation strategies for programs. This approach uses predictive modelling in order to search the space of compiler transformations. Unlike most previous work that learns when/how to apply a single transformation in isolation or a fixed-order set of transformations, the techniques proposed in this thesis are capable of tackling the general problem of predicting "good" sequences of compiler transformations. This is achieved by exploiting transference across programs with two different techniques: Predictive Search Distributions (PSD) and multi-task Gaussian process prediction (multi-task GP). While the former directly addresses the problem of predicting "good" transformation sequences, the latter learns regression models (or proxies) of the performance of the programs in order to rapidly scan the space of transformation sequences.Both methods, PSD and multi-task GP, are formulated as general machine learning techniques. In particular, the PSD method is proposed in order to speed up search in combinatorial optimisation problems by learning a distribution over good solutions on a set of problem in¬ stances and using that distribution to search the optimisation space of a problem that has not been seen before. Likewise, multi-task GP is proposed as a general method for multi-task learning that directly models the correlation between several machine learning tasks, exploiting the shared information across the tasks.Additionally, this thesis presents an extension to the well-known analysis of variance (ANOVA) methodology in order to deal with sequence data. This extension is used to address the problem of optimisation space characterisation by identifying and quantifying the main effects of program transformations and their interactions.Finally, the machine learning methods proposed are successfully applied to a data set that has been generated as a result of the application of source-to-source transformations to 12 C programs from the UTDSP benchmark suite