173 research outputs found

    Archetypal Analysis: Mining Weather and Climate Extremes

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    Conventional analysis methods in weather and climate science (e.g., EOF analysis) exhibit a number of drawbacks including scaling and mixing. These methods focus mostly on the bulk of the probability distribution of the system in state space and overlook its tail. This paper explores a different method, the archetypal analysis (AA), which focuses precisely on the extremes. AA seeks to approximate the convex hull of the data in state space by finding “corners” that represent “pure” types or archetypes through computing mixture weight matrices. The method is quite new in climate science, although it has been around for about two decades in pattern recognition. It encompasses, in particular, the virtues of EOFs and clustering. The method is presented along with a new manifold-based optimization algorithm that optimizes for the weights simultaneously, unlike the conventional multistep algorithm based on the alternating constrained least squares. The paper discusses the numerical solution and then applies it to the monthly sea surface temperature (SST) from HadISST and to the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) using sea level pressure (SLP) from ERA-40 over the Asian monsoon region. The application to SST reveals, in particular, three archetypes, namely, El Niño, La Niña, and a third pattern representing the western boundary currents. The latter archetype shows a particular trend in the last few decades. The application to the ASM SLP anomalies yields archetypes that are consistent with the ASM regimes found in the literature. Merits and weaknesses of the method along with possible future development are also discussed

    Locally Non-rigid Registration for Mobile HDR Photography

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    Image registration for stack-based HDR photography is challenging. If not properly accounted for, camera motion and scene changes result in artifacts in the composite image. Unfortunately, existing methods to address this problem are either accurate, but too slow for mobile devices, or fast, but prone to failing. We propose a method that fills this void: our approach is extremely fast---under 700ms on a commercial tablet for a pair of 5MP images---and prevents the artifacts that arise from insufficient registration quality

    Performance Assessment of Feature Detection Algorithms: A Methodology and Case Study on Corner Detectors

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    In this paper we describe a generic methodology for evaluating the labeling performance of feature detectors. We describe a method for generating a test set and apply the methodology to the performance assessment of three well-known corner detectors: the Kitchen-Rosenfeld, Paler et al. and Harris-Stephens corner detectors. The labeling deficiencies of each of these detectors is related to their discrimination ability between corners and various of the features which comprise the class of noncorners

    LIFT: Learned Invariant Feature Transform

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    We introduce a novel Deep Network architecture that implements the full feature point handling pipeline, that is, detection, orientation estimation, and feature description. While previous works have successfully tackled each one of these problems individually, we show how to learn to do all three in a unified manner while preserving end-to-end differentiability. We then demonstrate that our Deep pipeline outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a number of benchmark datasets, without the need of retraining.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 2016 (spotlight

    Improvements to the TCVD method to segment hand-drawn sketches

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    Tangent and Corner Vertices Detection (TCVD) is a method to detect corner vertices and tangent points in sketches using parametric cubic curves approximation, which is capable to detect corners with a high accuracy and a very low false positive rate, and also to detect tangent points far above other methods in literature. In this article, we present several improvements to TCVD method in order to establish mathematical conditions to detect corners and make the obtaining of curves independent from the scale, what increases the success ratio in transitions between lines and curves. The new conditions for obtaining corners use the radius as the inverse of the curvature, and the second derivative of the curvature. For the detection of curves, a new descriptor is presented, avoiding the parameters dependent of scale used in TCVD method. In order to obtain the performance of the implemented improvements, several tests have been carried out using a dataset which contains sketches more complex than those used for validation of TCVD algorithm (sketches with more curves and tangent points and sketches of different sizes). For corners detection, the accuracy obtained was pretty similar to that obtained with the previous TCVD, however, for curves and tangent points detection the accuracy increases significantly.Spanish Ministry of Science and Education and the FEDER Funds, through HYMAS project (Ref. DPI2010-19457) and INIA project VIS-DACSA (Ref. RTA2012-00062-C04-03) partially supported this work.Albert Gil, FE.; Aleixos Borrás, MN. (2017). Improvements to the TCVD method to segment hand-drawn sketches. Pattern Recognition. 63:416-426. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2016.10.024S4164266

    New method to find corner and tangent vertices in sketches using parametric cubic curves approximation

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    Some recent approaches have been presented as simple and highly accurate corner finders in the sketches including curves, which is useful to support natural human-computer interaction, but these in most cases do not consider tangent vertices (smooth points between two geometric entities, present in engineering models), what implies an important drawback in the field of design. In this article we present a robust approach based on the approximation to parametric cubic curves of the stroke for further radius function calculation in order to detect corner and tangent vertices. We have called our approach Tangent and Corner Vertices Detection (TCVD), and it works in the following way. First, corner vertices are obtained as minimum radius peaks in the discrete radius function, where radius is obtained from differences. Second, approximated piecewise parametric curves on the stroke are obtained and the analytic radius function is calculated. Then, curves are obtained from stretches of the stroke that have a small radius. Finally, the tangent vertices are found between straight lines and curves or between curves, where no corner vertices are previously located. The radius function to obtain curves is calculated from approximated piecewise curves, which is much more noise free than discrete radius calculation. Several tests have been carried out to compare our approach to that of the current best benchmarked, and the obtained results show that our approach achieves a significant accuracy even better finding corner vertices, and moreover, tangent vertices are detected with an Accuracy near to 92% and a False Positive Rate near to 2%.Spanish Ministry of Science and Education and the FEDER Funds, through CUESKETCH (Ref. DPI2007-66755-C02-01) and HYMAS projects (Ref. DPI2010-19457) partially supported this work.Albert Gil, FE.; García Fernández-Pacheco, D.; Aleixos Borrás, MN. (2013). New method to find corner and tangent vertices in sketches using parametric cubic curves approximation. Pattern Recognition. 46(5):1433-1448. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2012.11.006S1433144846