685 research outputs found

    This is not the End: Rethinking Serverless Function Termination

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    Elastic scaling is one of the central benefits provided by serverless platforms, and requires that they scale resource up and down in response to changing workloads. Serverless platforms scale-down resources by terminating previously launched instances (which are containers or processes). The serverless programming model ensures that terminating instances is safe assuming all application code running on the instance has either completed or timed out. Safety thus depends on the serverless platform's correctly determining that application processing is complete. In this paper, we start with the observation that current serverless platforms do not account for pending asynchronous I/O operations when determining whether application processing is complete. These platforms are thus unsafe when executing programs that use asynchronous I/O, and incorrectly deciding that application processing has terminated can result in data inconsistency when these platforms are used. We show that the reason for this problem is that current serverless semantics couple termination and response generation in serverless applications. We address this problem by proposing an extension to current semantics that decouples response generation and termination, and demonstrate the efficacy and benefits of our proposal by extending OpenWhisk, an open source serverless platform

    Concurrency Analysis in Javascript Programs Using Arrows

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    Concurrency errors are difficult to detect and correct in asynchronous programs such as those implemented in JavaScript. One reason is that it is often difficult to keep track of which parts of the program may execute in parallel and potentially share resources in unexpected, and perhaps unintended, ways. While programming constructs such as promises can help improve the readability of asynchronous JavaScript programs that were traditionally written using callbacks, there are no static tools to identify asynchronous functions that run in parallel, which may potentially cause concurrency errors. In this work, we present a solution for implementing JavaScript programs using a library based on the abstraction of arrows. We enhanced the previous implementation of the arrows library by enabling its use with Node.js and by adding parallel asynchronous path detection. Automated identification of which arrows may execute in parallel helps the programmer narrow down the possible sources of concurrency errors

    A Study of Concurrency Bugs and Advanced Development Support for Actor-based Programs

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    The actor model is an attractive foundation for developing concurrent applications because actors are isolated concurrent entities that communicate through asynchronous messages and do not share state. Thereby, they avoid concurrency bugs such as data races, but are not immune to concurrency bugs in general. This study taxonomizes concurrency bugs in actor-based programs reported in literature. Furthermore, it analyzes the bugs to identify the patterns causing them as well as their observable behavior. Based on this taxonomy, we further analyze the literature and find that current approaches to static analysis and testing focus on communication deadlocks and message protocol violations. However, they do not provide solutions to identify livelocks and behavioral deadlocks. The insights obtained in this study can be used to improve debugging support for actor-based programs with new debugging techniques to identify the root cause of complex concurrency bugs.Comment: - Submitted for review - Removed section 6 "Research Roadmap for Debuggers", its content was summarized in the Future Work section - Added references for section 1, section 3, section 4.3 and section 5.1 - Updated citation

    A Trusted Infrastructure for Symbolic Analysis of Event-Driven Web Applications

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    We introduce a trusted infrastructure for the symbolic analysis of modern event-driven Web applications. This infrastructure consists of reference implementations of the DOM Core Level 1, DOM UI Events, JavaScript Promises and the JavaScript async/await APIs, all underpinned by a simple Core Event Semantics which is sufficiently expressive to describe the event models underlying these APIs. Our reference implementations are trustworthy in that three follow the appropriate standards line-by-line and all are thoroughly tested against the official test-suites, passing all the applicable tests. Using the Core Event Semantics and the reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click, a symbolic execution tool for JavaScript that, for the first time, supports reasoning about JavaScript programs that use multiple event-related APIs. We demonstrate the viability of JaVerT.Click by proving both the presence and absence of bugs in real-world JavaScript code

    A trusted infrastructure for symbolic analysis of event-driven web applications

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    We introduce a trusted infrastructure for the symbolic analysis of modern event-driven Web applica-tions. This infrastructure consists of reference implementations of the DOM Core Level 1, DOM UIEvents, JavaScript Promises and the JavaScriptasync/awaitAPIs, all underpinned by a simpleCore Event Semantics which is sufficiently expressive to describe the event models underlying theseAPIs. Our reference implementations are trustworthy in that three follow the appropriate standardsline-by-line and all are thoroughly tested against the official test-suites, passing all the applicabletests. Using the Core Event Semantics and the reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click,a symbolic execution tool for JavaScript that, for the first time, supports reasoning about JavaScriptprograms that use multiple event-related APIs. We demonstrate the viability of JaVerT.Click byproving both the presence and absence of bugs in real-world JavaScript code

    Static Analysis for Asynchronous JavaScript Programs

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    Asynchrony has become an inherent element of JavaScript, as an effort to improve the scalability and performance of modern web applications. To this end, JavaScript provides programmers with a wide range of constructs and features for developing code that performs asynchronous computations, including but not limited to timers, promises, and non-blocking I/O. However, the data flow imposed by asynchrony is implicit, and not always well-understood by the developers who introduce many asynchrony-related bugs to their programs. Worse, there are few tools and techniques available for analyzing and reasoning about such asynchronous applications. In this work, we address this issue by designing and implementing one of the first static analysis schemes capable of dealing with almost all the asynchronous primitives of JavaScript up to the 7th edition of the ECMAScript specification. Specifically, we introduce the callback graph, a representation for capturing data flow between asynchronous code. We exploit the callback graph for designing a more precise analysis that respects the execution order between different asynchronous functions. We parameterize our analysis with one novel context-sensitivity flavor, and we end up with multiple analysis variations for building callback graph. We performed a number of experiments on a set of hand-written and real-world JavaScript programs. Our results show that our analysis can be applied to medium-sized programs achieving 79% precision, on average. The findings further suggest that analysis sensitivity is beneficial for the vast majority of the benchmarks. Specifically, it is able to improve precision by up to 28.5%, while it achieves an 88% precision on average without highly sacrificing performance

    Enabling Additional Parallelism in Asynchronous JavaScript Applications

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    JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language, so asynchronous programming is practiced out of necessity to ensure that applications remain responsive in the presence of user input or interactions with file systems and networks. However, many JavaScript applications execute in environments that do exhibit concurrency by, e.g., interacting with multiple or concurrent servers, or by using file systems managed by operating systems that support concurrent I/O. In this paper, we demonstrate that JavaScript programmers often schedule asynchronous I/O operations suboptimally, and that reordering such operations may yield significant performance benefits. Concretely, we define a static side-effect analysis that can be used to determine how asynchronous I/O operations can be refactored so that asynchronous I/O-related requests are made as early as possible, and so that the results of these requests are awaited as late as possible. While our static analysis is potentially unsound, we have not encountered any situations where it suggested reorderings that change program behavior. We evaluate the refactoring on 20 applications that perform file- or network-related I/O. For these applications, we observe average speedups ranging between 0.99% and 53.6% for the tests that execute refactored code (8.1% on average)

    A trusted infrastructure for symbolic analysis of event-based web APIs

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    JavaScript has been widely adopted for the development of Web applications, being used for both client and server-side code. Client-side JavaScript programs commonly interact with Web APIs, for instance, to capture the user interaction with the Web page via events. The use of such APIs increases the complexity of JavaScript programs. In fact, most errors in these programs are caused by the misuse of Web APIs. There are several approaches for detecting errors in client-side JavaScript programs, but they either assume the use of a single API or do not model APIs faithfully, giving rise to inconsistent behaviour and lack of trust. We address the problem by developing a trustworthy infrastructure for the static analysis of Web APIs. We focus on two aspects of JavaScript programs: event-driven and message-passing programming, as these paradigms are common sources of confusion among developers. We choose to target the DOM event model and the JavaScript Promises and JavaScript async/await, which facilitate event-driven programming. Additionally, we target the message-passing model of the WebMessaging and WebWorkers APIs. We design formal semantics for events and message-passing to capture fundamental operations required by those APIs, and API reference implementations which are trustworthy in that they follow the respective standards and have been thoroughly tested against their official test suites. Using our formal semantics and reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click, the first static symbolic execution tool for JavaScript supporting both event-based and message-passing APIs. We evaluated both the reference implementations and the symbolic execution engine of JaVerT.Click. By testing the reference implementations against their official test suites, we found coverage gaps and issues in the test suites, most of which have been since fixed. By testing the symbolic execution engine against three open-source libraries, we established the bounded correctness of functional properties and found real bugs.Open Acces

    Progressive Network Deployment, Performance, and Control with Software-defined Networking

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    The inflexible nature of traditional computer networks has led to tightly-integrated systems that are inherently difficult to manage and secure. New designs move low-level network control into software creating software-defined networks (SDN). Augmenting an existing network with these enhancements can be expensive and complex. This research investigates solutions to these problems. It is hypothesized that an add-on device, or shim could be used to make a traditional switch behave as an OpenFlow SDN switch while maintaining reasonable performance. A design prototype is found to cause approximately 1.5% reduction in throughput for one ow and less than double increase in latency, showing that such a solution may be feasible. It is hypothesized that a new design built on event-loop and reactive programming may yield a controller that is higher-performing and easier to program. The library node-openflow is found to have performance approaching that of professional controllers, however it exhibits higher variability in response rate. The framework rxdn is found to exceed performance of two comparable controllers by at least 33% with statistical significance in latency mode with 16 simulated switches, but is slower than the library node-openflow or professional controllers (e.g., Libfluid, ONOS, and NOX). Collectively, this work enhances the tools available to researchers, enabling experimentation and development toward more sustainable and secure infrastructur
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