8 research outputs found

    Choosability of a weighted path and free-choosability of a cycle

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    A graph GG with a list of colors L(v)L(v) and weight w(v)w(v) for each vertex vv is (L,w)(L,w)-colorable if one can choose a subset of w(v)w(v) colors from L(v)L(v) for each vertex vv, such that adjacent vertices receive disjoint color sets. In this paper, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a weighted path to be (L,w)(L,w)-colorable for some list assignments LL. Furthermore, we solve the problem of the free-choosability of a cycle.Comment: 9 page

    Allocation de fréquences et coloration impropre des graphes hexagonaux pondérés

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    National audienceMotivés par un problème d'allocation de fréquences, nous étudions la coloration impropre des graphes pondérés et plus particulièrement des graphes hexagonaux pondérés. Nous donnons des algorithmes d'approximation pour trouver de telles colorations

    Explicit homomorphisms of hexagonal graphs to one vertex deleted Petersen graph

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    The problem of deciding whether an arbitrary graph G has a homomorphism into a given graph H has been widely studied and has turned out to be very difficult. Hell and Nešetril proved that the decision problem is NP-complete unless H is bipartite. We consider a restricted problem where G is an arbitrary triangle-free hexagonal graph and H is a Kneser graph or its induced subgraph. We give an explicit construction which proves that any triangle-free hexagonal graph has a homomorphism into one-vertex deleted Petersen graph

    Finding a Five Bicolouring of a Triangle-Free Subgraph of the Triangular Lattice.

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    A basic problem in the design of mobile telephone networks is to assign sets of radio frequency bands (colours) to transmitters (vertices) to avoid interference. Often the transmitters are laid out like vertices of a triangular lattice in the plane. We investigate the corresponding colouring problem of assigning sets of colours of size p(v) to each vertex of the triangular lattice so that the sets of colours assigned to adjacent vertices are disjoint. A n-[p]colouring of a graph G is a mapping c from V (G) into the set of the subsets of f1; 2; : : : ; ng such that jc(v)j = p(v) and for any adjacent vertices u and v, c(u)\c(v) = ;. We give here an alternative proof of the fact that every triangular-free induced subgraph of the triangular lattice is 5-[2]colourable. This proof yields a constant time distributed algorithm that finds a 5-[2]colouring of such a graph. We then give a distributed algorithm that finds a [p]colouring of a triangle-free induced subgraph of the triangul..