7 research outputs found

    A New 3D Tool for Planning Plastic Surgery

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    Face plastic surgery (PS) plays a major role in today medicine. Both for reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, achieving harmony of facial features is an important, if not the major goal. Several systems have been proposed for presenting to patient and surgeon possible outcomes of the surgical procedure. In this paper, we present a new 3D system able to automatically suggest, for selected facial features as nose, chin, etc, shapes that aesthetically match the patient's face. The basic idea is suggesting shape changes aimed to approach similar but more harmonious faces. To this goal, our system compares the 3D scan of the patient with a database of scans of harmonious faces, excluding the feature to be corrected. Then, the corresponding features of the k most similar harmonious faces, as well as their average, are suitably pasted onto the patient's face, producing k+1 aesthetically effective surgery simulations. The system has been fully implemented and tested. To demonstrate the system, a 3D database of harmonious faces has been collected and a number of PS treatments have been simulated. The ratings of the outcomes of the simulations, provided by panels of human judges, show that the system and the underlying idea are effectiv

    Automatic features characterization from 3d facial images.

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    This paper presents a novel and computationally fast method for automatic identification of symmetry profile from 3D facial images. The algorithm is based on the concepts of computational geometry which yield fast and accurate results. In order to detect the symmetry profile of a human face, the tip of the nose is identified first. Assuming that the symmetry plane passes through the tip of the nose, the symmetry profile is then extracted. This is undertaken by means of computing the intersection between the symmetry plane and the facial mesh, resulting in a planner curve that accurately represents the symmetry profile. Experimentation using two different 3D face databases was carried out, resulting in fast and accurate results

    Processing and Recognising Faces in 3D Images

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    Planning Plastic Surgery in 3D. An innovative approach and tool

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    Face plastic surgery (PS) plays a major role in today medicine. Both for reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, achieving harmony of facial features is an important, if not the major goal. Several systems have been proposed for presenting to patient and surgeon possible outcomes of the surgical procedure. In this work, we present a new 3D system able to automatically suggest, for selected facial features as nose, chin, etc., shapes that aesthetically match the patient’s face. The basic idea is suggesting shape changes aimed to approach similar but more harmonious faces. To this goal, our system compares the 3D scan of the patient with a database of scans of harmonious faces, excluding the feature to be corrected. Then, the corresponding features of the k most similar harmonious faces, as well as their average, are suitably pasted onto the patient’s face, producing k+1 aesthetically effective surgery simulations. The system has been fully implemented and tested. To demonstrate the system, a 3D database of harmonious faces has been collected and a number of PS treatments have been simulated. The ratings of the outcomes of the simulations, provided by panels of human judges, show that the system and the underlying idea are effective

    Hacia la determinación de la asimetría facial utilizando nubes de puntos provenientes de imágenes RGB-D

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo general determinar la asimetría del rostro humano utilizando nubes de puntos que provienen de imágenes RGB-D. Para lograr este objetivo se implementó una metodología conformada por dos etapas: la primera consistió en generar una nube de puntos facial densa y la segunda, donde se determinó la asimetría facial de la nube de puntos. En la primera etapa se evaluaron dos plataformas para la adquisición de la imagen 3D, que pudieran operar en las dimensiones mínimas establecidas para un consultorio médico general. La primera plataforma estuvo conformada por el sensor Kinect para Xbox 360 © (Kinect ©), una computadora y el software Skanect © v 1.91 y la segunda plataforma por el sensor Sense 3D Cubify © (Sense ©), una computadora y el software Sculpt v 1.0. De las imágenes 3D se extrajo la nube de puntos con la región facial y se incrementó su densidad con interpolación de función de base radial (RBF). Con base en las nubes de puntos faciales resultantes se determinó utilizar la plataforma del sensor Kinect © en la segunda etapa de la metodología. La adquisición de las imágenes 3D se obtuvieron de los rostros de sujetos sanos que no presentaban una asimetría clínica. Para determinar su asimetría facial, se adquirieron las imágenes 3D de los rostros en reposo y con tres asimetrías simuladas. Las tres asimetrías en los rostros de los sujetos fueron simuladas por medio de una deformación que se realizó colocando tres objetos esféricos de diferentes tamaños en la mejilla derecha. Con esto se logró un incremento en las dimensiones de la mejilla del lado derecho del rostro provocando una diferencia con la mejilla del lado izquierdo. En la segunda etapa de la metodología se determinó la asimetría facial de cada una de las nubes de puntos densas del rostro en reposo y con las tres asimetrías. Se uso el plano de simetría obtenido de la superposición de la nube de puntos facial y su reflejo, y del cálculo de las distancias existentes entre ambas nubes. De las distancias resultantes se calculó la distancia media absoluta que corresponde al índice de asimetría facial. Los índices de asimetría facial obtenidos, demuestran de forma cuantitativa las diferencias entre el rostro en reposo y el rostro asimétrico cada sujeto. El índice menor correspondió al rostro en reposo y el índice mayor al del rostro con la tercera asimetría. Considerando estos resultados, se puede concluir que se logró el objetivo buscado.Conacyt - becario naciona