231 research outputs found

    Finding Short Paths on Polytopes by the Shadow Vertex Algorithm

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    We show that the shadow vertex algorithm can be used to compute a short path between a given pair of vertices of a polytope P = {x : Ax \leq b} along the edges of P, where A \in R^{m \times n} is a real-valued matrix. Both, the length of the path and the running time of the algorithm, are polynomial in m, n, and a parameter 1/delta that is a measure for the flatness of the vertices of P. For integer matrices A \in Z^{m \times n} we show a connection between delta and the largest absolute value Delta of any sub-determinant of A, yielding a bound of O(Delta^4 m n^4) for the length of the computed path. This bound is expressed in the same parameter Delta as the recent non-constructive bound of O(Delta^2 n^4 \log (n Delta)) by Bonifas et al. For the special case of totally unimodular matrices, the length of the computed path simplifies to O(m n^4), which significantly improves the previously best known constructive bound of O(m^{16} n^3 \log^3(mn)) by Dyer and Frieze

    Two New Bounds on the Random-Edge Simplex Algorithm

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    We prove that the Random-Edge simplex algorithm requires an expected number of at most 13n/sqrt(d) pivot steps on any simple d-polytope with n vertices. This is the first nontrivial upper bound for general polytopes. We also describe a refined analysis that potentially yields much better bounds for specific classes of polytopes. As one application, we show that for combinatorial d-cubes, the trivial upper bound of 2^d on the performance of Random-Edge can asymptotically be improved by any desired polynomial factor in d.Comment: 10 page

    On the Shadow Simplex Method for Curved Polyhedra

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    On the Shadow Simplex Method for Curved Polyhedra

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    We study the simplex method over polyhedra satisfying certain “discrete curvature” lower bounds, which enforce that the boundary always meets vertices at sharp angles. Motivated by linear programs with totally unimodular constraint matrices, recent results of Bonifas et al (SOCG 2012), Brunsch and Röglin (ICALP 2013), and Eisenbrand and Vempala (2014) have improved our understanding of such polyhedra. We develop a new type of dual analysis of the shadow simplex method which provides a clean and powerful tool for improving all previously mentioned results. Our methods are inspired by the recent work of Bonifas and the first named author [4], who analyzed a remarkably similar process as part of an algorithm for the Closest Vector Problem with Preprocessing. For our first result, we obtain a constructive diameter bound of O( n2 ln n ) for n-dimensional polyhedra with curvature parameter 2 [0, 1]. For the class of polyhedra arising from totally unimodular constraint matrices, this implies a bound of O(n3 ln n). For linear optimization, given an initial feasible vertex, we show that an optimal vertex can be found using an expected O( n3 ln n ) simplex pivots, each requiring O(mn) time to compute. An initial feasible solutioncan be found using O(mn3 ln n ) pivot steps

    Upper and Lower Bounds on the Smoothed Complexity of the Simplex Method

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    The simplex method for linear programming is known to be highly efficient in practice, and understanding its performance from a theoretical perspective is an active research topic. The framework of smoothed analysis, first introduced by Spielman and Teng (JACM '04) for this purpose, defines the smoothed complexity of solving a linear program with dd variables and nn constraints as the expected running time when Gaussian noise of variance σ2\sigma^2 is added to the LP data. We prove that the smoothed complexity of the simplex method is O(σ−3/2d13/4log⁥7/4n)O(\sigma^{-3/2} d^{13/4}\log^{7/4} n), improving the dependence on 1/σ1/\sigma compared to the previous bound of O(σ−2d2log⁥n)O(\sigma^{-2} d^2\sqrt{\log n}). We accomplish this through a new analysis of the \emph{shadow bound}, key to earlier analyses as well. Illustrating the power of our new method, we use our method to prove a nearly tight upper bound on the smoothed complexity of two-dimensional polygons. We also establish the first non-trivial lower bound on the smoothed complexity of the simplex method, proving that the \emph{shadow vertex simplex method} requires at least Ω(min⁥(σ−1/2d−1/2log⁡−1/4d,2d))\Omega \Big(\min \big(\sigma^{-1/2} d^{-1/2}\log^{-1/4} d,2^d \big) \Big) pivot steps with high probability. A key part of our analysis is a new variation on the extended formulation for the regular 2k2^k-gon. We end with a numerical experiment that suggests this analysis could be further improved.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figure

    Shadows of Newton Polytopes

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    We define the shadow complexity of a polytope P as the maximum number of vertices in a linear projection of P to the plane. We describe connections to algebraic complexity and to parametrized optimization. We also provide several basic examples and constructions, and develop tools for bounding shadow complexity
