48 research outputs found

    Mnemonic Lossy Counting: An Efficient and Accurate Heavy-hitters Identification Algorithm

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    International audienceIdentifying heavy-hitter traffic flows efficiently and accurately is essential for Internet security, accounting and traffic engineering. However, finding all heavy-hitters might require large memory for storage of flows information that is incompatible with the usage of fast and small memory. Moreover, upcoming 100Gbps transmission rates make this recognition more challenging. How to improve the accuracy of heavy-hitters identification with limited memory space has become a critical issue. This paper presents a scalable algorithm named Mnemonic Lossy Counting (MLC) that improves the accuracy of heavy-hitters identification while having a reasonable time and space complexity. MLC algorithm holds potential candidate heavy-hitters in a historical information table. This table is used to obtain tighter error bounds on the estimated sizes of candidate heavy-hitters. We validate the MLC algorithm using real network traffic traces, and we compared its performance with two state-of-theart algorithms, namely Lossy Counting (LC) and Probabilistic Lossy Counting (PLC). The results reveal that: 1) with same set of parameters and memory usage, MLC achieves between 31.5% and 6.67% fewer false positives than LC and PLC. 2) MLC and LC have a zero false negative ratio, whereas 38% of the cases PLC has a non-zero false negatives and PLC can miss up to 4.4% of heavy-hitters. 3) MLC has a slightly lower memory cost than LC during the first few windows and its memory usage decreases with time, when PLC memory usage declines sharply. 4) MLC has similar runtime than LC, and smaller time than PLC

    Towards Scalable Network Traffic Measurement With Sketches

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    Driven by the ever-increasing data volume through the Internet, the per-port speed of network devices reached 400 Gbps, and high-end switches are capable of processing 25.6 Tbps of network traffic. To improve the efficiency and security of the network, network traffic measurement becomes more important than ever. For fast and accurate traffic measurement, managing an accurate working set of active flows (WSAF) at line rates is a key challenge. WSAF is usually located in high-speed but expensive memories, such as TCAM or SRAM, and thus their capacity is quite limited. To scale up the per-flow measurement, we pursue three thrusts. In the first thrust, we propose to use In-DRAM WSAF and put a compact data structure (i.e., sketch) called FlowRegulator before WSAF to compensate for DRAM\u27s slow access time. Per our results, FlowRegulator can substantially reduce massive influxes to WSAF without compromising measurement accuracy. In the second thrust, we integrate our sketch into a network system and propose an SDN-based WLAN monitoring and management framework called RFlow+, which can overcome the limitations of existing traffic measurement solutions (e.g., OpenFlow and sFlow), such as a limited view, incomplete flow statistics, and poor trade-off between measurement accuracy and CPU/network overheads. In the third thrust, we introduce a novel sampling scheme to deal with the poor trade-off that is provided by the standard simple random sampling (SRS). Even though SRS has been widely used in practice because of its simplicity, it provides non-uniform sampling rates for different flows, because it samples packets over an aggregated data flow. Starting with a simple idea that independent per-flow packet sampling provides the most accurate estimation of each flow, we introduce a new concept of per-flow systematic sampling, aiming to provide the same sampling rate across all flows. In addition, we provide a concrete sampling method called SketchFlow, which approximates the idea of the per-flow systematic sampling using a sketch saturation event

    Automatic Parallelization of Software Network Functions

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    Software network functions (NFs) trade-off flexibility and ease of deployment for an increased challenge of performance. The traditional way to increase NF performance is by distributing traffic to multiple CPU cores, but this poses a significant challenge: how to parallelize an NF without breaking its semantics? We propose Maestro, a tool that analyzes a sequential implementation of an NF and automatically generates an enhanced parallel version that carefully configures the NIC's Receive Side Scaling mechanism to distribute traffic across cores, while preserving semantics. When possible, Maestro orchestrates a shared-nothing architecture, with each core operating independently without shared memory coordination, maximizing performance. Otherwise, Maestro choreographs a fine-grained read-write locking mechanism that optimizes operation for typical Internet traffic. We parallelized 8 software NFs and show that they generally scale-up linearly until bottlenecked by PCIe when using small packets or by 100Gbps line-rate with typical Internet traffic. Maestro further outperforms modern hardware-based transactional memory mechanisms, even for challenging parallel-unfriendly workloads.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, to be published in NSDI2

    Programmability and management of software-defined network infrastructures

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    In a landscape where software-based solutions are evermore central in the design, development and deployment of innovative solutions for communication networks, new challenges arise, related to how to best exploit the new solutions made available by technological advancements. The objective of this Thesis is to consolidate and improve some recent solutions for programmability, management, monitoring and provisioning in software-based infrastructures, as well as to propose new solutions for service deployment, management and monitoring over softwarized domains, along with working implementations, validating each point with punctual experimental validations and performance evaluations. The treatise starts by introducing the key concepts the research work is based upon, then the main research activities performed during the three years of PhD studies are presented. These include a high-level interface for network programmability over heterogeneous softwarized domains, an implementation of a protocol for service function chaining over non-programmable networks for multi-domain orchestration, a modular system for unified monitoring of softwarized infrastructures, a protocol for the employment of unused channels to augment the capabilities of the softwarized infrastructure, and a XaaS-aware orchestrator designed to operate over Fog computing scenarios

    Finding Heavy-Hitter by Periodically Deleting Small Flows

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    Software-defined datacenter network debugging

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    Software-defined Networking (SDN) enables flexible network management, but as networks evolve to a large number of end-points with diverse network policies, higher speed, and higher utilization, abstraction of networks by SDN makes monitoring and debugging network problems increasingly harder and challenging. While some problems impact packet processing in the data plane (e.g., congestion), some cause policy deployment failures (e.g., hardware bugs); both create inconsistency between operator intent and actual network behavior. Existing debugging tools are not sufficient to accurately detect, localize, and understand the root cause of problems observed in a large-scale networks; either they lack in-network resources (compute, memory, or/and network bandwidth) or take long time for debugging network problems. This thesis presents three debugging tools: PathDump, SwitchPointer, and Scout, and a technique for tracing packet trajectories called CherryPick. We call for a different approach to network monitoring and debugging: in contrast to implementing debugging functionality entirely in-network, we should carefully partition the debugging tasks between end-hosts and network elements. Towards this direction, we present CherryPick, PathDump, and SwitchPointer. The core of CherryPick is to cherry-pick the links that are key to representing an end-to-end path of a packet, and to embed picked linkIDs into its header on its way to destination. PathDump is an end-host based network debugger based on tracing packet trajectories, and exploits resources at the end-hosts to implement various monitoring and debugging functionalities. PathDump currently runs over a real network comprising only of commodity hardware, and yet, can support surprisingly a large class of network debugging problems with minimal in-network functionality. The key contributions of SwitchPointer is to efficiently provide network visibility to end-host based network debuggers like PathDump by using switch memory as a "directory service" — each switch, rather than storing telemetry data necessary for debugging functionalities, stores pointers to end hosts where relevant telemetry data is stored. The key design choice of thinking about memory as a directory service allows to solve performance problems that were hard or infeasible with existing designs. Finally, we present and solve a network policy fault localization problem that arises in operating policy management frameworks for a production network. We develop Scout, a fully-automated system that localizes faults in a large scale policy deployment and further pin-points the physical-level failures which are most likely cause for observed faults

    Distributed services across the network from edge to core

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    The current internet architecture is evolving from a simple carrier of bits to a platform able to provide multiple complex services running across the entire Network Service Provider (NSP) infrastructure. This calls for increased flexibility in resource management and allocation to provide dedicated, on-demand network services, leveraging a distributed infrastructure consisting of heterogeneous devices. More specifically, NSPs rely on a plethora of low-cost Customer Premise Equipment (CPE), as well as more powerful appliances at the edge of the network and in dedicated data-centers. Currently a great research effort is spent to provide this flexibility through Fog computing, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), and data plane programmability. Fog computing or Edge computing extends the compute and storage capabilities to the edge of the network, closer to the rapidly growing number of connected devices and applications that consume cloud services and generate massive amounts of data. A complementary technology is NFV, a network architecture concept targeting the execution of software Network Functions (NFs) in isolated Virtual Machines (VMs), potentially sharing a pool of general-purpose hosts, rather than running on dedicated hardware (i.e., appliances). Such a solution enables virtual network appliances (i.e., VMs executing network functions) to be provisioned, allocated a different amount of resources, and possibly moved across data centers in little time, which is key in ensuring that the network can keep up with the flexibility in the provisioning and deployment of virtual hosts in today’s virtualized data centers. Moreover, recent advances in networking hardware have introduced new programmable network devices that can efficiently execute complex operations at line rate. As a result, NFs can be (partially or entirely) folded into the network, speeding up the execution of distributed services. The work described in this Ph.D. thesis aims at showing how various network services can be deployed throughout the NSP infrastructure, accommodating to the different hardware capabilities of various appliances, by applying and extending the above-mentioned solutions. First, we consider a data center environment and the deployment of (virtualized) NFs. In this scenario, we introduce a novel methodology for the modelization of different NFs aimed at estimating their performance on different execution platforms. Moreover, we propose to extend the traditional NFV deployment outside of the data center to leverage the entire NSP infrastructure. This can be achieved by integrating native NFs, commonly available in low-cost CPEs, with an existing NFV framework. This facilitates the provision of services that require NFs close to the end user (e.g., IPsec terminator). On the other hand, resource-hungry virtualized NFs are run in the NSP data center, where they can take advantage of the superior computing and storage capabilities. As an application, we also present a novel technique to deploy a distributed service, specifically a web filter, to leverage both the low latency of a CPE and the computational power of a data center. We then show that also the core network, today dedicated solely to packet routing, can be exploited to provide useful services. In particular, we propose a novel method to provide distributed network services in core network devices by means of task distribution and a seamless coordination among the peers involved. The aim is to transform existing network nodes (e.g., routers, switches, access points) into a highly distributed data acquisition and processing platform, which will significantly reduce the storage requirements at the Network Operations Center and the packet duplication overhead. Finally, we propose to use new programmable network devices in data center networks to provide much needed services to distributed applications. By offloading part of the computation directly to the networking hardware, we show that it is possible to reduce both the network traffic and the overall job completion time

    Elastic Dataflow Processing on the Cloud

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    Τα νεφη εχουν μετατραπει σε μια ελκυστικη πλατφορμα για την πολυπλοκη επεξεργασια δεδομενων μεγαλης κλιμακας, ειδικα εξαιτιας της εννοιας της ελαστικοτητας, η οποια και τα χαρακτηριζει: οι υπολογιστικοι ποροι μπορουν να εκμισθωθουν δυναμικα και να χρησιμοποιουνται για οσο χρονο ειναι απαραιτητο. Αυτο δινει την δυνατοτητα να δημιουργηθει μια εικονικη υποδομη η οποια μπορει να αλλαζει δυναμικα στο χρονο. Οι συγχρονες εφαρμογες απαιτουν την εκτελεση πολυπλοκων ερωτηματων σε Μεγαλα Δεδομενα για την εξορυξη γνωσης και την υποστηριξη επιχειρησιακων αποφασεων. Τα πολυπλοκα αυτα ερωτηματα, εκφραζονται σε γλωσσες υψηλου επιπεδου και τυπικα μεταφραζονται σε ροες επεξεργασιας δεδομενων, η απλα ροες δεδομενων. Ενα λογικο ερωτημα που τιθεται ειναι κατα ποσον η ελαστικοτητα επηρεαζει την εκτελεση των ροων δεδομενων και με πιο τροπο. Ειναι λογικο οτι η εκτελεση να ειναι πιθανον γρηγοροτερη αν χρησιμοποιηθουν περισ- σοτεροι υπολογιστικοι ποροι, αλλα το κοστος θα ειναι υψηλοτερο. Αυτο δημιουργει την εννοια της οικο-ελαστικοτητας, ενος επιπλεον τυπου ελαστικοτητας ο οποιος προερχεται απο την οικονο- μικη θεωρια, και συλλαμβανει τις εναλλακτικες μεταξυ του χρονου εκτελεσης και του χρηματικου κοστους οπως προκυπτει απο την χρηση των πορων. Στα πλαισια αυτης της διδακτορικης διατριβης, προσεγγιζουμε την ελαστικοτητα με ενα ενοποιημενο μοντελο που περιλαμβανει και τις δυο ειδων ελαστικοτητες που υπαρχουν στα υπολογιστικα νεφη. Αυτη η ενοποιημενη προσεγγιση της ελαστικοτητας ειναι πολυ σημαντικη στην σχεδιαση συστηματων που ρυθμιζονται αυτοματα (auto-tuned) σε περιβαλλοντα νεφους. Αρχικα δειχνουμε οτι η οικο-ελαστικοτητα υπαρχει σε αρκετους τυπους υπολογισμου που εμφανιζονται συχνα στην πραξη και οτι μπορει να βρεθει χρησιμοποιωντας εναν απλο, αλλα ταυτοχρονα αποδοτικο και ε- πεκτασιμο αλγοριθμο. Επειτα, παρουσιαζουμε δυο εφαρμογες που χρησιμοποιουν αλγοριθμους οι οποιοι χρησιμοποιουν το ενοποιημενο μοντελο ελαστικοτητας που προτεινουμε για να μπορουν να προσαρμοζουν δυναμικα το συστημα στα ερωτηματα της εισοδου: 1) την ελαστικη επεξεργασια αναλυτικων ερωτηματων τα οποια εχουν πλανα εκτελεσης με μορφη δεντρων με σκοπο την μεγι- στοποιηση του κερδους και 2) την αυτοματη διαχειριση χρησιμων ευρετηριων λαμβανοντας υποψη το χρηματικο κοστος των υπολογιστικων και των αποθηκευτικων πορων. Τελος, παρουσιαζουμε το EXAREME, ενα συστημα για την ελαστικη επεξεργασια μεγαλου ογκου δεδομενων στο νεφος το οποιο εχει χρησιμοποιηθει και επεκταθει σε αυτην την δουλεια. Το συστημα προσφερει δηλωτικες γλωσσες που βασιζονται στην SQL επεκταμενη με συναρτησεις οι οποιες μπορει να οριστουν απο χρηστες (User-Defined Functions, UDFs). Επιπλεον, το συντακτικο της γλωσσας εχει επεκταθει με στοιχεια παραλληλισμου. Το EXAREME εχει σχεδιαστει για να εκμεταλλευεται τις ελαστικοτη- τες που προσφερουν τα νεφη, δεσμευοντας και αποδεσμευοντας υπολογιστικους πορους δυναμικα με σκοπο την προσαρμογη στα ερωτηματα.Clouds have become an attractive platform for the large-scale processing of modern applications on Big Data, especially due to the concept of elasticity, which characterizes them: resources can be leased on demand and used for as much time as needed, offering the ability to create virtual infrastructures that change dynamically over time. Such applications often require processing of complex queries that are expressed in a high-level language and are typically transformed into data processing flows (dataflows). A logical question that arises is whether elasticity affects dataflow execution and in which way. It seems reasonable that the execution is faster when more resources are used, however the monetary cost is higher. This gives rise to the concept eco-elasticity, an additional kind of elasticity that comes from economics, and captures the trade-offs between the response time of the system and the amount of money we pay for it as influenced by the use of different amounts of resources. In this thesis, we approach the elasticity of clouds in a unified way that combines both the traditional notion and eco-elasticity. This unified elasticity concept is essential for the development of auto-tuned systems in cloud environments. First, we demonstrate that eco-elasticity exists in several common tasks that appear in practice and that can be discovered using a simple, yet highly scalable and efficient algorithm. Next, we present two cases of auto-tuned algorithms that use the unified model of elasticity in order to adapt to the query workload: 1) processing analytical queries in the form of tree execution plans in order to maximize profit and 2) automated index management taking into account compute and storage re- sources. Finally, we describe EXAREME, a system for elastic data processing on the cloud that has been used and extended in this work. The system offers declarative languages that are based on SQL with user-defined functions (UDFs) extended with parallelism primi- tives. EXAREME exploits both elasticities of clouds by dynamically allocating and deallocating compute resources in order to adapt to the query workload

    Improving the accuracy of spoofed traffic inference in inter-domain traffic

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    Ascertaining that a network will forward spoofed traffic usually requires an active probing vantage point in that network, effectively preventing a comprehensive view of this global Internet vulnerability. We argue that broader visibility into the spoofing problem may lie in the capability to infer lack of Source Address Validation (SAV) compliance from large, heavily aggregated Internet traffic data, such as traffic observable at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). The key idea is to use IXPs as observatories to detect spoofed packets, by leveraging Autonomous System (AS) topology knowledge extracted from Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) data to infer which source addresses should legitimately appear across parts of the IXP switch fabric. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the existing literature does not capture several fundamental challenges to this approach, including noise in BGP data sources, heuristic AS relationship inference, and idiosyncrasies in IXP interconnec- tivity fabrics. We propose Spoofer-IX, a novel methodology to navigate these challenges, leveraging Customer Cone semantics of AS relationships to guide precise classification of inter-domain traffic as In-cone, Out-of-cone ( spoofed ), Unverifiable, Bogon, and Unas- signed. We apply our methodology on extensive data analysis using real traffic data from two distinct IXPs in Brazil, a mid-size and a large-size infrastructure. In the mid-size IXP with more than 200 members, we find an upper bound volume of Out-of-cone traffic to be more than an order of magnitude less than the previous method inferred on the same data, revealing the practical importance of Customer Cone semantics in such analysis. We also found no significant improvement in deployment of SAV in networks using the mid-size IXP between 2017 and 2019. In hopes that our methods and tools generalize to use by other IXPs who want to avoid use of their infrastructure for launching spoofed-source DoS attacks, we explore the feasibility of scaling the system to larger and more diverse IXP infrastructures. To promote this goal, and broad replicability of our results, we make the source code of Spoofer-IX publicly available. This thesis illustrates the subtleties of scientific assessments of operational Internet infrastructure, and the need for a community focus on reproducing and repeating previous methods.A constatação de que uma rede encaminhará tráfego falsificado geralmente requer um ponto de vantagem ativo de medição nessa rede, impedindo efetivamente uma visão abrangente dessa vulnerabilidade global da Internet. Isto posto, argumentamos que uma visibilidade mais ampla do problema de spoofing pode estar na capacidade de inferir a falta de conformidade com as práticas de Source Address Validation (SAV) a partir de dados de tráfego da Internet altamente agregados, como o tráfego observável nos Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). A ideia chave é usar IXPs como observatórios para detectar pacotes falsificados, aproveitando o conhecimento da topologia de sistemas autônomos extraído dos dados do protocolo BGP para inferir quais endereços de origem devem aparecer legitimamente nas comunicações através da infra-estrutura de um IXP. Nesta tese, demonstramos que a literatura existente não captura diversos desafios fundamentais para essa abordagem, incluindo ruído em fontes de dados BGP, inferência heurística de relacionamento de sistemas autônomos e características específicas de interconectividade nas infraestruturas de IXPs. Propomos o Spoofer-IX, uma nova metodologia para superar esses desafios, utilizando a semântica do Customer Cone de relacionamento de sistemas autônomos para guiar com precisão a classificação de tráfego inter-domínio como In-cone, Out-of-cone ( spoofed ), Unverifiable, Bogon, e Unassigned. Aplicamos nossa metodologia em análises extensivas sobre dados reais de tráfego de dois IXPs distintos no Brasil, uma infraestrutura de médio porte e outra de grande porte. No IXP de tamanho médio, com mais de 200 membros, encontramos um limite superior do volume de tráfego Out-of-cone uma ordem de magnitude menor que o método anterior inferiu sob os mesmos dados, revelando a importância prática da semântica do Customer Cone em tal análise. Além disso, não encontramos melhorias significativas na implantação do Source Address Validation (SAV) em redes usando o IXP de tamanho médio entre 2017 e 2019. Na esperança de que nossos métodos e ferramentas sejam aplicáveis para uso por outros IXPs que desejam evitar o uso de sua infraestrutura para iniciar ataques de negação de serviço através de pacotes de origem falsificada, exploramos a viabilidade de escalar o sistema para infraestruturas IXP maiores e mais diversas. Para promover esse objetivo e a ampla replicabilidade de nossos resultados, disponibilizamos publicamente o código fonte do Spoofer-IX. Esta tese ilustra as sutilezas das avaliações científicas da infraestrutura operacional da Internet e a necessidade de um foco da comunidade na reprodução e repetição de métodos anteriores