19 research outputs found

    Dynamic Dominators and Low-High Orders in DAGs

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    We consider practical algorithms for maintaining the dominator tree and a low-high order in directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) subject to dynamic operations. Let G be a directed graph with a distinguished start vertex s. The dominator tree D of G is a tree rooted at s, such that a vertex v is an ancestor of a vertex w if and only if all paths from s to w in G include v. The dominator tree is a central tool in program optimization and code generation, and has many applications in other diverse areas including constraint programming, circuit testing, biology, and in algorithms for graph connectivity problems. A low-high order of G is a preorder of D that certifies the correctness of D, and has further applications in connectivity and path-determination problems. We first provide a practical and carefully engineered version of a recent algorithm [ICALP 2017] for maintaining the dominator tree of a DAG through a sequence of edge deletions. The algorithm runs in O(mn) total time and O(m) space, where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges before any deletion. In addition, we present a new algorithm that maintains a low-high order of a DAG under edge deletions within the same bounds. Both results extend to the case of reducible graphs (a class that includes DAGs). Furthermore, we present a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining the dominator tree of a DAG under an intermixed sequence of edge insertions and deletions. Although it does not maintain the O(mn) worst-case bound of the decremental algorithm, our experiments highlight that the fully dynamic algorithm performs very well in practice. Finally, we study the practical efficiency of all our algorithms by conducting an extensive experimental study on real-world and synthetic graphs

    On the dependence of the existence of the positive steady states on the rate coefficients for deficiency-one mass action systems: single linkage class

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    The Deficiency-One Theorem states that there exists a unique positive steady state in each positive stoichiometric class for weakly reversible deficiency-one mass action systems with one linkage class (regardless of the values of the rate coefficients). The non-emptiness of the set of positive steady states does not remain valid if we omit the weak reversibility. A recently published paper provided an equivalent condition to the existence of a positive steady state for deficiency-one mass action systems that are not weakly reversible, but still has only one linkage class. Based on that result, we characterise in this paper those of these mass action systems for which the non-emptiness of the set of positive steady states holds regardless of the values of the rate coefficients. Also, we provide an equivalent condition to the existence of rate coefficients such that the set of positive steady states is nonempty for the resulting mass action system

    Finding Dominators via Disjoint Set Union

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    The problem of finding dominators in a directed graph has many important applications, notably in global optimization of computer code. Although linear and near-linear-time algorithms exist, they use sophisticated data structures. We develop an algorithm for finding dominators that uses only a "static tree" disjoint set data structure in addition to simple lists and maps. The algorithm runs in near-linear or linear time, depending on the implementation of the disjoint set data structure. We give several versions of the algorithm, including one that computes loop nesting information (needed in many kinds of global code optimization) and that can be made self-certifying, so that the correctness of the computed dominators is very easy to verify

    To-many or to-one? All-in-one! Efficient purely functional multi-maps with type-heterogeneous hash-tries

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    An immutable multi-map is a many-to-many map data structure with expected fast insert and lookup operations. This data structure is used for applications processing graphs or many-to-many relations as applied in compilers, runtimes of programming languages, or in static analysis of object-oriented systems. Collection data structures are assumed to carefully balance execution time of operations with memory consumption characteristics and need to scale gracefully from a few elements to multiple gigabytes at least. When processing larger in-memory data sets the overhead of the data structure encoding itself becomes a memory usage bottleneck, dominating the overall performance. In this paper we propose AXIOM, a novel hash-trie data structure that allows for a highly efficient and type-safe multi-map encoding by distinguishing inlined values of singleton sets from nested sets of multi-mappings

    Incremental Low-High Orders of Directed Graphs and Applications

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    A flow graph G = (V, E, s) is a directed graph with a distinguished start vertex s. The dominator tree D of G is a tree rooted at s, such that a vertex v is an ancestor of a vertex w if and only if all paths from s to w include v. The dominator tree is a central tool in program optimization and code generation, and has many applications in other diverse areas including constraint programming, circuit testing, biology, and in algorithms for graph connectivity problems. A low-high order of G is a preorder d of D that certifies the correctness of D, and has further applications in connectivity and path-determination problems. In this paper we consider how to maintain efficiently a low-high order of a flow graph incrementally under edge insertions. We present algorithms that run in O(mn) total time for a sequence of edge insertions in a flow graph with n vertices, where m is the total number of edges after all insertions. These immediately provide the first incremental certifying algorithms for maintaining the dominator tree in O(mn) total time, and also imply incremental algorithms for other problems. Hence, we provide a substantial improvement over the O(m^2) straightforward algorithms, which recompute the solution from scratch after each edge insertion. Furthermore, we provide efficient implementations of our algorithms and conduct an extensive experimental study on real-world graphs taken from a variety of application areas. The experimental results show that our algorithms perform very well in practice

    Adaptive Execution of Compiled Queries

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    Compiling queries to machine code is arguably the most efficient way for executing queries. One often overlooked problem with compilation, however, is the time it takes to generate machine code. Even with fast compilation frameworks like LLVM, Generating machine code for complex queries routinely takes hundreds of milliseconds. Such compilation times can be a major disadvantage for workloads that execute many complex, but quick queries. To solve this problem, we propose an adaptive execution framework, which dynamically and transparently switches from interpretation to compilation. We also propose a fast bytecode interpreter for LLVM, which can execute queries without costly translation to machine code and thereby dramatically reduces query latency. Adaptive execution is dynamic, fine-grained, and can execute different code paths of the same query using different execution modes. Our extensive evaluation shows that this approach achieves optimal performance in a wide variety from settings---low latency for small data sets and maximum throughput for large data sizes