49 research outputs found

    A Note on Graphs of Linear Rank-Width 1

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    We prove that a connected graph has linear rank-width 1 if and only if it is a distance-hereditary graph and its split decomposition tree is a path. An immediate consequence is that one can decide in linear time whether a graph has linear rank-width at most 1, and give an obstruction if not. Other immediate consequences are several characterisations of graphs of linear rank-width 1. In particular a connected graph has linear rank-width 1 if and only if it is locally equivalent to a caterpillar if and only if it is a vertex-minor of a path [O-joung Kwon and Sang-il Oum, Graphs of small rank-width are pivot-minors of graphs of small tree-width, arxiv:1203.3606] if and only if it does not contain the co-K_2 graph, the Net graph and the 5-cycle graph as vertex-minors [Isolde Adler, Arthur M. Farley and Andrzej Proskurowski, Obstructions for linear rank-width at most 1, arxiv:1106.2533].Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Not to be publishe

    On the threshold-width of graphs

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    The GG-width of a class of graphs GG is defined as follows. A graph G has GG-width k if there are k independent sets N1,...,Nk in G such that G can be embedded into a graph H in GG such that for every edge e in H which is not an edge in G, there exists an i such that both endpoints of e are in Ni. For the class TH of threshold graphs we show that TH-width is NP-complete and we present fixed-parameter algorithms. We also show that for each k, graphs of TH-width at most k are characterized by a finite collection of forbidden induced subgraphs

    Model Counting for Formulas of Bounded Clique-Width

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    We show that #SAT is polynomial-time tractable for classes of CNF formulas whose incidence graphs have bounded symmetric clique-width (or bounded clique-width, or bounded rank-width). This result strictly generalizes polynomial-time tractability results for classes of formulas with signed incidence graphs of bounded clique-width and classes of formulas with incidence graphs of bounded modular treewidth, which were the most general results of this kind known so far.Comment: Extended version of a paper published at ISAAC 201

    Model counting for CNF formuals of bounded module treewidth.

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    The modular treewidth of a graph is its treewidth after the contraction of modules. Modular treewidth properly generalizes treewidth and is itself properly generalized by clique-width. We show that the number of satisfying assignments of a CNF formula whose incidence graph has bounded modular treewidth can be computed in polynomial time. This provides new tractable classes of formulas for which #SAT is polynomial. In particular, our result generalizes known results for the treewidth of incidence graphs and is incomparable with known results for clique-width (or rank-width) of signed incidence graphs. The contraction of modules is an effective data reduction procedure. Our algorithm is the first one to harness this technique for #SAT. The order of the polynomial time bound of our algorithm depends on the modular treewidth. We show that this dependency cannot be avoided subject to an assumption from Parameterized Complexity

    Meta-Kernelization with Structural Parameters

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    Meta-kernelization theorems are general results that provide polynomial kernels for large classes of parameterized problems. The known meta-kernelization theorems, in particular the results of Bodlaender et al. (FOCS'09) and of Fomin et al. (FOCS'10), apply to optimization problems parameterized by solution size. We present the first meta-kernelization theorems that use a structural parameters of the input and not the solution size. Let C be a graph class. We define the C-cover number of a graph to be a the smallest number of modules the vertex set can be partitioned into, such that each module induces a subgraph that belongs to the class C. We show that each graph problem that can be expressed in Monadic Second Order (MSO) logic has a polynomial kernel with a linear number of vertices when parameterized by the C-cover number for any fixed class C of bounded rank-width (or equivalently, of bounded clique-width, or bounded Boolean width). Many graph problems such as Independent Dominating Set, c-Coloring, and c-Domatic Number are covered by this meta-kernelization result. Our second result applies to MSO expressible optimization problems, such as Minimum Vertex Cover, Minimum Dominating Set, and Maximum Clique. We show that these problems admit a polynomial annotated kernel with a linear number of vertices