7 research outputs found

    Market forces, strategic management, HRM practices and organizational performance, a model based in european sample

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    This study uses structural equation modeling to test a model of the impact of human resources management practices on perceived organizational performance, on a large sample of European companies. The influences of competitive intensity, industry attractiveness and strategic management are considered in the model, and their direct and indirect influence on organizational performance is assessed. The model produced an adequate fit and results show that strategic management does influence human resource practices. Human resource flexibility practices and performance management have a positive impact on organizational performance, while training was not found to have a significant impact. A direct positive impact of competitive intensity and industry attractiveness on strategic management was supported by the data, as well as a direct positive effect of industry attractiveness on perceived organizational performance.

    Market forces, Strategic Management, HRM Practices and Organizational Performance, a Model Based in a European Sample

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    This study uses structural equation modeling to test a model of the impact of human resources management practices on perceived organizational performance, on a large sample of European companies. The influences of competitive intensity, industry attractiveness and strategic management are considered in the model, and their direct and indirect influence on organizational performance is assessed. The model produced an adequate fit and results show that strategic management does influence human resource practices. Human resource flexibility practices and performance management have a positive impact on organizational performance, while training was not found to have a significant impact. A direct positive impact of competitive intensity and industry attractiveness on strategic management was supported by the data, as well as a direct positive effect of industry attractiveness on perceived organizational performance.N/

    A Theoretical And Empirical Investigation Of The Impact Of Labor Flexibility On Risk And The Cost Of Equity Capital

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    This paper analytically and empirically investigates the linkage between labor costs and a firm’s income volatility, equity risk, and cost of capital. While the relationship between labor costs and the firm’s cost of capital under uncertainty conditions is important, there has been little research examining this issue. While we control for fixed labor costs, we focus on labor flexibility effects as the U.S. temporary staffing sales for 2005 totaled $69.5 billion, 8.5% more than in the previous year (American Staffing Association, 2007). Within the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) framework, we demonstrate analytically and empirically that labor flexibility reduces income volatility, equity risk and cost of capital in the service industry. However, we find that labor leverage has no impact on income volatility, and increases equity risk and cost of equity capital. These results suggest that managers can structure labor costs to minimize the firm’s risk and maximize shareholder value

    Reaction of the market to the operational leverage : an empirical study in Brazil

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    Estudos que avaliam o impacto de informaçÔes contĂĄbeis nas variĂĄveis do mercado de açÔes tĂȘm adquirido grande relevĂąncia na literatura contĂĄbil e se constituĂ­do em instrumento de avaliação da utilidade da informação contĂĄbil. O presente estudo segue a mesma lĂłgica das pesquisas lucro-retorno, substituindo a medida de resultados contĂĄbeis pela de alavancagem operacional e tendo por base os dados das companhias listadas na Bovespa, dos setores de petrĂłleo e gĂĄs, materiais bĂĄsicos, bens industriais, construção e transporte, consumo nĂŁo cĂ­clico e consumo cĂ­clico, referentes ao perĂ­odo entre o segundo trimestre de 2001 e o terceiro trimestre de 2004. A premissa considerada Ă© a de que, como a alavancagem operacional, alĂ©m de incorporar uma dimensĂŁo de resultado (o lucro operacional), Ă© uma das determinantes do risco sistemĂĄtico das açÔes, e de que hĂĄ relação entre risco e retorno das açÔes, Ă© possĂ­vel inferir uma associação positiva entre o grau de alavancagem operacional e o retorno das açÔes. Os testes empĂ­ricos realizados com a utilização do mĂ©todo de dados em painel apresentam evidĂȘncias de que a variĂĄvel alavancagem operacional Ă© estatisticamente relevante para explicar o comportamento do retorno das açÔes e que essa relação Ă© positiva, conforme previsto teoricamente. Os resultados, tambĂ©m, demonstram que a relevĂąncia estatĂ­stica aumenta quando sĂŁo adotados parĂąmetros mais rigorosos para a consideração dos dados e as conclusĂ”es nĂŁo sĂŁo determinadas pelo comportamento dos valores extremos (outliers). Os testes de raĂ­zes unitĂĄrias nas sĂ©ries e de autocorrelação e heteroscedasticidade nos resĂ­duos reforçam a robustez dos resultados apurados.Studies evaluating the impact of ïŹnancial reporting information on capital market variables have gained great importance in the accounting literature and became a tool for assessing the usefulness of accounting information. The present study follows the path of earnings-return research, measuring operating leverage as a substitute for net income shown in the ïŹnancial statements. It is based on data between the second quarter of 2001 and the third quarter of 2004 referring to ïŹrms listed on Bovespa (SĂŁo Paulo Stock Exchange) and relating to the following sectors: petroleum and gas, basic materials, industrial goods, construction and transportation, non-cyclical consumption, and cyclical consumption. The hypothesis of the study is that since operating leverage, besides being related to earnings (operating earnings), is one of the factors determining the systematic risk of stocks, and since there is a relationship between risk and stock returns, it is possible to infer a positive relationship between the degree of operating leverage and stock returns. Empirica tests carried out using panel data methods suggest that the operating leverage is statistically relevant in explaining the behavior of stock returns and that this relationship is positive, as predicted by theory. The results also demonstrate that statistical relevance increases when stricter parameters are employed for analyzing the data and that the conclusions are not determined by outlier behavior. Unit root tests on the data series as well as autocorrelation and heteroske-dasticity tests on the residuals ensure the robust-ness of the results obtained

    Reação do mercado à alavancagem operacional: um estudo empírico no Brasil

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    Studies evaluating the impact of financial reporting information on capital market variables have gained great importance in the accounting literature and became a tool for assessing the usefulness of accounting information. The present study follows the l path of earnings-return research, measuring operating leverage as a substitute for net income shown in the financial statements. It is based on data between the second quarter of 2001 and the third quarter of 2004 referring to firms listed on Bovespa (SĂŁo Paulo Stock Exchange) and relating to the following sectors: petroleum and gas, basic materials, industrial goods, construction and transportation, non-cyclical consumption, and cyclical consumption. The hypothesis of the study is that since operating leverage, besides being related to earnings (operating earnings), is one of the factors determining the systematic risk of stocks, and since there is a relationship between risk and stock returns, it is possible to infer a positive relationship between the degree of operating leverage and stock returns. Empirical tests carried out using panel data methods suggest that the operating leverage is statistically relevant in explaining the behavior of stock returns and that this relationship is positive, as predicted by theory. The results also demonstrate that statistical relevance increases when stricter parameters are employed for analyzing the data and that the conclusions are not determined by outlier behavior. Unit root tests on the data series as well as autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity tests on the residuals ensure the robustness of the results obtained.Estudos que avaliam o impacto de informaçÔes contĂĄbeis nas variĂĄveis do mercado de açÔes tĂȘm adquirido grande relevĂąncia na literatura contĂĄbil e se constituĂ­do em instrumento de avaliação da utilidade da informação contĂĄbil. O presente estudo segue a mesma lĂłgica das pesquisas lucro-retorno, substituindo a medida de resultados contĂĄbeis pela de alavancagem operacional e tendo por base os dados das companhias listadas na Bovespa, dos setores de petrĂłleo e gĂĄs, materiais bĂĄsicos, bens industriais, construção e transporte, consumo nĂŁo cĂ­clico e consumo cĂ­clico, referentes ao perĂ­odo entre o segundo trimestre de 2001 e o terceiro trimestre de 2004. A premissa considerada Ă© a de que, como a alavancagem operacional, alĂ©m de incorporar uma dimensĂŁo de resultado (o lucro operacional), Ă© uma das determinantes do risco sistemĂĄtico das açÔes, e de que hĂĄ relação entre risco e retorno das açÔes, Ă© possĂ­vel inferir uma associação positiva entre o grau de alavancagem operacional e o retorno das açÔes. Os testes empĂ­ricos realizados com a utilização do mĂ©todo de dados em painel apresentam evidĂȘncias de que a variĂĄvel alavancagem operacional Ă© estatisticamente relevante para explicar o comportamento do retorno das açÔes e que essa relação Ă© positiva, conforme previsto teoricamente. Os resultados, tambĂ©m, demonstram que a relevĂąncia estatĂ­stica aumenta quando sĂŁo adotados parĂąmetros mais rigorosos para a consideração dos dados e as conclusĂ”es nĂŁo sĂŁo determinadas pelo comportamento dos valores extremos (outliers). Os testes de raĂ­zes unitĂĄrias nas sĂ©ries e de autocorrelação e heteroscedasticidade nos resĂ­duos reforçam a robustez dos resultados apurados