32 research outputs found

    Improving Our Understanding of Antarctic Sea Ice with NASA's Operation IceBridge and the Upcoming ICESat-2 Mission

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    Antarctic sea ice is a crucial component of the global climate system. Rapid sea ice production regimes around Antarctica feed the lower branch of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation through intense brine rejection and the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water (e.g., Orsi et al. 1999; Jacobs 2004), while the northward transport and subsequent melt of Antarctic sea ice drives the upper branch of the overturning circulation through freshwater input (Abernathy et al. 2016). Wind-driven trends in Antarctic sea ice (Holland Kwok 2012) have likely increased the transport of freshwater away from the Antarctic coastline, significantly altering the salinity distribution of the Southern Ocean (Haumann et al. 2016). Conversely, weaker sea ice production and the lack of shelf water formation over the Amundsen and Bellingshausen shelf seas promote intrusion of warm Circumpolar Deep Water onto the continental shelf and the ocean-driven melting of several ice shelves fringing the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (e.g., Jacobs et al. 2011; Pritchard et al. 2012; Dutrieux et al. 2014). Sea ice conditions around Antarctica are also increasingly considered an important factor impacting local atmospheric conditions and the surface melting of Antarctic ice shelves (e.g., Scambos et al. 2017). Sea ice formation around Antarctica is responsive to the strong regional variability in atmospheric forcing present around Antarctica, driving this bimodal variability in the behavior and properties of the underlying shelf seas (e.g., Petty et al. 2012; Petty et al. 2014)

    Satellite Observations of Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness and Volume

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    We utilize satellite laser altimetry data from ICESat combined with passive microwave measurements to analyze basin-wide changes in Antarctic sea ice thickness and volume over a 5 year period from 2003-2008. Sea ice thickness exhibits a small negative trend while area increases in the summer and fall balanced losses in thickness leading to small overall volume changes. Using a five year time-series, we show that only small ice thickness changes of less than -0.03 m/yr and volume changes of -266 cu km/yr and 160 cu km/yr occurred for the spring and summer periods, respectively. The calculated thickness and volume trends are small compared to the observational time period and interannual variability which masks the determination of long-term trend or cyclical variability in the sea ice cover. These results are in stark contrast to the much greater observed losses in Arctic sea ice volume and illustrate the different hemispheric changes of the polar sea ice covers in recent years

    Spatio-temporal influence of tundra snow properties on Ku-band (17.2 GHz) backscatter

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    During the 2010/11 boreal winter, a distributed set of backscatter measurements was collected using a ground-based Ku-band (17.2 GHz) scatterometer system at 26 open tundra sites. A standard snow-sampling procedure was completed after each scan to evaluate local variability in snow layering, depth, density and water equivalent (SWE) within the scatterometer field of view. The shallow depths and large basal depth hoar encountered presented an opportunity to evaluate backscatter under a set of previously untested conditions. Strong Ku-band response was found with increasing snow depth and snow water equivalent (SWE). In particular, co-polarized vertical backscatter increased by 0.82 dB for every 1 cm increase in SWE (R2 = 0.62). While the result indicated strong potential for Ku-band retrieval of shallow snow properties, it did not characterize the influence of sub-scan variability. An enhanced snow-sampling procedure was introduced to generate detailed characterizations of stratigraphy within the scatterometer field of view using near-infrared photography along the length of a 5m trench. Changes in snow properties along the trench were used to discuss variations in the collocated backscatter response. A pair of contrasting observation sites was used to highlight uncertainties in backscatter response related to short length scale spatial variability in the observed tundra environment

    Retrieval of Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice From Surface‐Based, Polarimetric, Dual‐Frequency Radar Altimetry

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    Snow depth on sea ice is an Essential Climate Variable and a major source of uncertainty in satellite altimetry‐derived sea ice thickness. During winter of the MOSAiC Expedition, the “KuKa” dual‐frequency, fully polarized Ku‐ and Ka‐band radar was deployed in “stare” nadir‐looking mode to investigate the possibility of combining these two frequencies to retrieve snow depth. Three approaches were investigated: dual‐frequency, dual‐polarization and waveform shape, and compared to independent snow depth measurements. Novel dual‐polarization approaches yielded r2 values up to 0.77. Mean snow depths agreed within 1 cm, even for data sub‐banded to CryoSat‐2 SIRAL and SARAL AltiKa bandwidths. Snow depths from co‐polarized dual‐frequency approaches were at least a factor of four too small and had a r2 0.15 or lower. r2 for waveform shape techniques reached 0.72 but depths were underestimated. Snow depth retrievals using polarimetric information or waveform shape may therefore be possible from airborne/satellite radar altimeters

    An Ultra-Wideband, Microwave Radar for Measuring Snow Thickness on Sea Ice and Mapping Near-Surface Internal Layers in Polar Firn

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    Sea ice is generally covered with snow, which can vary in thickness from a few centimeters to >1 m. Snow cover acts as a thermal insulator modulating the heat exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, and it impacts sea-ice growth rates and overall thickness, a key indicator of climate change in polar regions. Snow depth is required to estimate sea-ice thickness using freeboard measurements made with satellite altimeters. The snow cover also acts as a mechanical load that depresses ice freeboard (snow and ice above sea level). Freeboard depression can result in flooding of the snow/ice interface and the formation of a thick slush layer, particularly in the Antarctic sea-ice cover. The Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) has developed an ultra-wideband, microwave radar capable of operation on long-endurance aircraft to characterize the thickness of snow over sea ice. The low-power, 100mW signal is swept from 2 to 8GHz allowing the air/snow and snow/ ice interfaces to be mapped with 5 c range resolution in snow; this is an improvement over the original system that worked from 2 to 6.5 GHz. From 2009 to 2012, CReSIS successfully operated the radar on the NASA P-3B and DC-8 aircraft to collect data on snow-covered sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic for NASA Operation IceBridge. The radar was found capable of snow depth retrievals ranging from 10cm to >1 m. We also demonstrated that this radar can be used to map near-surface internal layers in polar firn with fine range resolution. Here we describe the instrument design, characteristics and performance of the radar

    Validation of Airborne FMCW Radar Measurements of Snow Thickness Over Sea Ice in Antarctica

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    Antarctic sea ice and its snow cover are integral components of the global climate system, yet many aspects of their vertical dimensions are poorly understood, making their representation in global climate models poor. Remote sensing is the key to monitoring the dynamic nature of sea ice and its snow cover. Reliable and accurate snow thickness data are currently a highly sought after data product. Remotely sensed snow thickness measurements can provide an indication of precipitation levels, predicted to increase with effects of climate change in the polar regions. Airborne techniques provide a means for regional-scale estimation of snow depth and distribution. Accurate regional-scale snow thickness data will also facilitate an increase in the accuracy of sea ice thickness retrieval from satellite altimeter freeboard estimates. The airborne data sets are easier to validate with in situ measurements and are better suited to validating satellite algorithms when compared with in situ techniques. This is primarily due to two factors: better chance of getting coincident in situ and airborne data sets and the tractability of comparison between an in situ data set and the airborne data set averaged over the footprint of the antennas. A 28-GHz frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar loaned by the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets to the Australian Antarctic Division is used to measure snow thickness over sea ice in East Antarctica. Provided with the radar design parameters, the expected performance parameters of the radar are summarized. The necessary conditions for unambiguous identification of the airsnow and snowice layers for the radar are presented. Roughnesses of the snow and ice surfaces are found to be dominant determinants in the effectiveness of layer identification for this radar. Finally, this paper presents the first in situ validated snow thickness estimates over sea ice in Antarctica derived from an FMCW radar on a helicopterborne platform

    Retrieval of Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice From Surface‐Based, Polarimetric, Dual‐Frequency Radar Altimetry

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    Snow depth on sea ice is an Essential Climate Variable and a major source of uncertainty in satellite altimetry-derived sea ice thickness. During winter of the MOSAiC Expedition, the “KuKa” dual-frequency, fully polarized Ku- and Ka-band radar was deployed in “stare” nadir-looking mode to investigate the possibility of combining these two frequencies to retrieve snow depth. Three approaches were investigated: dual-frequency, dual-polarization and waveform shape, and compared to independent snow depth measurements. Novel dual-polarization approaches yielded r2 values up to 0.77. Mean snow depths agreed within 1 cm, even for data sub-banded to CryoSat-2 SIRAL and SARAL AltiKa bandwidths. Snow depths from co-polarized dual-frequency approaches were at least a factor of four too small and had a r2 0.15 or lower. r2 for waveform shape techniques reached 0.72 but depths were underestimated. Snow depth retrievals using polarimetric information or waveform shape may therefore be possible from airborne/satellite radar altimeters

    Retrieval of Snow Depth on Arctic Sea Ice From Surface-Based, Polarimetric, Dual-Frequency Radar Altimetry

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    Snow depth on sea ice is an Essential Climate Variable and a major source of uncertainty in satellite altimetry-derived sea ice thickness. During winter of the MOSAiC Expedition, the “KuKa” dual-frequency, fully polarized Ku- and Ka-band radar was deployed in “stare” nadir-looking mode to investigate the possibility of combining these two frequencies to retrieve snow depth. Three approaches were investigated: dual-frequency, dual-polarization and waveform shape, and compared to independent snow depth measurements. Novel dual-polarization approaches yielded r2 values up to 0.77. Mean snow depths agreed within 1 cm, even for data sub-banded to CryoSat-2 SIRAL and SARAL AltiKa bandwidths. Snow depths from co-polarized dual-frequency approaches were at least a factor of four too small and had a r2 0.15 or lower. r2 for waveform shape techniques reached 0.72 but depths were underestimated. Snow depth retrievals using polarimetric information or waveform shape may therefore be possible from airborne/satellite radar altimeters

    Snow property controls on modelled Ku-band altimeter estimates of first-year sea ice thickness: Case studies from the Canadian and Norwegian Arctic

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    Uncertainty in snow properties impacts the accuracy of Arctic sea ice thickness estimates from radar altimetry. On firstyear sea ice (FYI), spatiotemporal variations in snow properties can cause the Ku-band main radar scattering horizon to appear above the snow/sea ice interface. This can increase the estimated sea ice freeboard by several centimeters, leading to FYI thickness overestimations. This study examines the expected changes in Kuband main scattering horizon and its impact on FYI thickness estimates, with variations in snow temperature, salinity and density derived from 10 naturally occurring Arctic FYI Cases encompassing saline/non-saline, warm/cold, simple/complexly layered snow (4 cm to 45 cm) overlying FYI (48 cm to 170 cm). Using a semi-empirical modeling approach, snow properties from these Cases are used to derive layer-wise brine volume and dielectric constant estimates, to simulate the Ku-band main scattering horizon and delays in radar propagation speed. Differences between modeled and observed FYI thickness are calculated to assess sources of error. Under both cold and warm conditions, saline snow covers are shown to shift the main scattering horizon above from the snow/sea ice interface, causing thickness retrieval errors. Overestimates in FYI thicknesses of up to 65% are found for warm, saline snow overlaying thin sea ice. Our simulations exhibited a distinct shift in the main scattering horizon when the snow layer densities became greater than 440 kg/m3 , especially under warmer snow conditions. Our simulations suggest a mean Ku-band propagation delay for snow of 39%, which is higher than 25%, suggested in previous studies