210 research outputs found

    From the Universality of Mathematical Truth to the Interoperability of Proof Systems

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    International audienceThe development of computerized proof systems, such as Coq, Matita, Agda, Lean, HOL 4, HOL Light, Isabelle/HOL, Mizar, etc. is a major step forward in the never ending quest of mathematical rigor. But it jeopardizes the universality of mathematical truth [5]: we used to have proofs of Fermat's little theorem, we now have Coq proofs of Fermat's little theorem, Isabelle/HOL proofs of Fermat's little theorem, PVS proofs of Fermat's little theorem, etc. Each proof system: Coq, Isabelle/HOL, PVS, etc. defining its own language for mathematical statements and its own truth conditions for these statements. This crisis can be compared to previous ones, when mathematicians have disagreed on the truth of some mathematical statements: the discovery of the incommensurability of the diagonal and side of a square, the introduction of infinite series, the non-Euclidean geometries, the discovery of the independence of the axiom of choice, and the emergence of constructivity. All these past crises have been resolved

    Little Fermat Theorem Applying For Problems about Division

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    This article provides solutions to some divisibility problems using Fermat's little theorem. To have beautiful solutions for each of those problems, mathematicians have combined knowledge of: Theory of divisibility and division with remainder, greatest common divisor, least common multiple, prime numbers, congruences, exponentiation, etc. This helps students think positively and flexibly about their existing knowledge and skills, and present concise and creative solutions

    Solving some specific tasks by Euler's and Fermat's Little theorem

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    Euler's and Fermat's Little theorems have a great use in number theory. Euler's theorem is currently widely used in computer science and cryptography, as one of the current encryption methods is an exponential cipher based on the knowledge of number theory, including the use of Euler's theorem. Therefore, knowing the theorem well and using it in specific mathematical applications is important. The aim of our paper is to show the validity of Euler's theorem by means of linear congruences and to present several specific tasks which are suitable to be solved using Euler's or Fermat's Little theorems and on which the principle of these theorems can be learned. Some tasks combine various knowledge from the field of number theory, and are specific by the fact that the inclusion of Euler's or Fermat's Little theorems to solve the task is not immediately apparent from their assignment