38 research outputs found

    Fences in Weak Memory Models

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    We present here an axiomatic framework, implemented in the Coq proof assistant, for defining weak memory models in terms of several parameters: local reorderings of reads and writes, and visibility of inter and intra processor communications through memory. In this context, we provide formal definition of weak memory models induced by architectures, illustrated by definitions of SC and Sparc TSO. Moreover, we define a comparison over architectures, an architecture A1 being weaker than another one A2 when A1 allows more behaviours than A2. In addition, we provide a characterisation of behaviours allowed by A1 which are also valid on A2. By that means, we provide a simple characterisation of SC and TSO behaviours on any weaker architecture. We also provide an abstract notion of what should be the action and placement of fences to restore a given model from a weaker one. Our framework led us to a model of a significant fragment of PowerPC with fences. In the absence of any public formal model of PowerPC, we base our study on intensive testing. We illustrate our approach by providing several tests that highlight the parameters of our model

    Formal Modelling, Testing and Verification of HSA Memory Models using Event-B

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    The HSA Foundation has produced the HSA Platform System Architecture Specification that goes a long way towards addressing the need for a clear and consistent method for specifying weakly consistent memory. HSA is specified in a natural language which makes it open to multiple ambiguous interpretations and could render bugs in implementations of it in hardware and software. In this paper we present a formal model of HSA which can be used in the development and verification of both concurrent software applications as well as in the development and verification of the HSA-compliant platform itself. We use the Event-B language to build a provably correct hierarchy of models from the most abstract to a detailed refinement of HSA close to implementation level. Our memory models are general in that they represent an arbitrary number of masters, programs and instruction interleavings. We reason about such general models using refinements. Using Rodin tool we are able to model and verify an entire hierarchy of models using proofs to establish that each refinement is correct. We define an automated validation method that allows us to test baseline compliance of the model against a suite of published HSA litmus tests. Once we complete model validation we develop a coverage driven method to extract a richer set of tests from the Event-B model and a user specified coverage model. These tests are used for extensive regression testing of hardware and software systems. Our method of refinement based formal modelling, baseline compliance testing of the model and coverage driven test extraction using the single language of Event-B is a new way to address a key challenge facing the design and verification of multi-core systems.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Property-Driven Fence Insertion using Reorder Bounded Model Checking

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    Modern architectures provide weaker memory consistency guarantees than sequential consistency. These weaker guarantees allow programs to exhibit behaviours where the program statements appear to have executed out of program order. Fortunately, modern architectures provide memory barriers (fences) to enforce the program order between a pair of statements if needed. Due to the intricate semantics of weak memory models, the placement of fences is challenging even for experienced programmers. Too few fences lead to bugs whereas overuse of fences results in performance degradation. This motivates automated placement of fences. Tools that restore sequential consistency in the program may insert more fences than necessary for the program to be correct. Therefore, we propose a property-driven technique that introduces "reorder-bounded exploration" to identify the smallest number of program locations for fence placement. We implemented our technique on top of CBMC; however, in principle, our technique is generic enough to be used with any model checker. Our experimental results show that our technique is faster and solves more instances of relevant benchmarks as compared to earlier approaches.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 4 algorithms. Version change reason : new set of results and publication ready version of FM 201

    On partial order semantics for SAT/SMT-based symbolic encodings of weak memory concurrency

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    Concurrent systems are notoriously difficult to analyze, and technological advances such as weak memory architectures greatly compound this problem. This has renewed interest in partial order semantics as a theoretical foundation for formal verification techniques. Among these, symbolic techniques have been shown to be particularly effective at finding concurrency-related bugs because they can leverage highly optimized decision procedures such as SAT/SMT solvers. This paper gives new fundamental results on partial order semantics for SAT/SMT-based symbolic encodings of weak memory concurrency. In particular, we give the theoretical basis for a decision procedure that can handle a fragment of concurrent programs endowed with least fixed point operators. In addition, we show that a certain partial order semantics of relaxed sequential consistency is equivalent to the conjunction of three extensively studied weak memory axioms by Alglave et al. An important consequence of this equivalence is an asymptotically smaller symbolic encoding for bounded model checking which has only a quadratic number of partial order constraints compared to the state-of-the-art cubic-size encoding.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    On the Behaviour of General-Purpose Applications on Cloud Storages

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    Managing data over cloud infrastructures raises novel challenges with respect to existing and well studied approaches such as ACID and long running transactions. One of the main requirements is to provide availability and partition tolerance in a scenario with replicas and distributed control. This comes at the price of a weaker consistency, usually called eventual consistency. These weak memory models have proved to be suitable in a number of scenarios, such as the analysis of large data with Map-Reduce. However, due to the widespread availability of cloud infrastructures, weak storages are used not only by specialised applications but also by general purpose applications. We provide a formal approach, based on process calculi, to reason about the behaviour of programs that rely on cloud stores. For instance, one can check that the composition of a process with a cloud store ensures `strong' properties through a wise usage of asynchronous message-passing

    Partial Orders for Efficient BMC of Concurrent Software

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    This version previously deposited at arXiv:1301.1629v1 [cs.LO]The vast number of interleavings that a concurrent program can have is typically identified as the root cause of the difficulty of automatic analysis of concurrent software. Weak memory is generally believed to make this problem even harder. We address both issues by modelling programs' executions with partial orders rather than the interleaving semantics (SC). We implemented a software analysis tool based on these ideas. It scales to programs of sufficient size to achieve first-time formal verification of non-trivial concurrent systems code over a wide range of models, including SC, Intel x86 and IBM Power

    Locality and Singularity for Store-Atomic Memory Models

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    Robustness is a correctness notion for concurrent programs running under relaxed consistency models. The task is to check that the relaxed behavior coincides (up to traces) with sequential consistency (SC). Although computationally simple on paper (robustness has been shown to be PSPACE-complete for TSO, PGAS, and Power), building a practical robustness checker remains a challenge. The problem is that the various relaxations lead to a dramatic number of computations, only few of which violate robustness. In the present paper, we set out to reduce the search space for robustness checkers. We focus on store-atomic consistency models and establish two completeness results. The first result, called locality, states that a non-robust program always contains a violating computation where only one thread delays commands. The second result, called singularity, is even stronger but restricted to programs without lightweight fences. It states that there is a violating computation where a single store is delayed. As an application of the results, we derive a linear-size source-to-source translation of robustness to SC-reachability. It applies to general programs, regardless of the data domain and potentially with an unbounded number of threads and with unbounded buffers. We have implemented the translation and verified, for the first time, PGAS algorithms in a fully automated fashion. For TSO, our analysis outperforms existing tools

    Litmus Tests for Comparing Memory Consistency Models: How Long Do They Need to Be?

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    Even though the general problem of comparing two memory models is infeasible, in this paper we show that checking the equivalence of two memory models becomes feasible when we consider a more restricted class of memory models. We define a class of memory models that is expressive enough to include most known hardware memory models, and we establish a bound of two threads and no more than six memory access instructions for contrasting litmus tests in this class of models. Thus, we can compare memory models in this class by checking a small number of litmus tests. We build a tool for comparing memory models based on this theorem and use the tool to explore and map the space of this class of models