125,988 research outputs found

    Because I Shave My Armpits… : A Content Analysis of #WomenAgainstFeminism on Twitter

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    Because of the speed and convenience of Twitter, it has become one of the most widely utilized platforms for breaking news and is often used to raise awareness of current social issues, political happenings, and social injustices. As more women use Twitter and other social media to embrace the feminist label online, an array of criticism has come to surface. A new movement, #WomenAgainstFeminism, has become popular with Twitter users who reject feminism ideals and the feminism label. Research has been done examining the presence of online feminism, “hashtag feminism,” and online activism in general. Currently, there is no research analyzing the online reaction to feminism, #WomenAgainstFeminism. The purpose of this study is to analyze tweets containing #WomenAgainstFeminism to identify the salient reasons for rejecting feminism, stereotypes associated with feminism, and characteristics associated with feminists. This study broadens the current literature that analyzes attitudes towards feminism, stereotypes of feminists, and feminist identification. This study also adds to the growing body of literature that appreciates the impact Twitter and other social media networks have on members of society and social movements. This study differs from previous research because it focuses on the common stereotypes and characteristics associated with feminism that are prevalent in a social media campaign created to refute feminism


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    Social media has created a new way of feminist activism in the world, including a rapid rise in \u27fempreneurs\u27 feminist entrepreneurs. With many fempreneurs turning to social media apps such as Tik Tok and Instagram as a platform to post their activism, and turn it into a profitable career for personal financial gains. I analyzed a popular Tik Tok influencer who is famous for being a feminist advocate on the platform calling out men, and analyze her posts in order to observe the types of feminism that goes viral on social media. Overall, it is evident from my research that neoliberal feminism is the type of feminism that gains attention on social media and can be commodified for profit, a key objective in neoliberal society

    Facebooking for Feminism: Social Network Sites as Feminist Learning Spaces

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    Social media such as Facebook have become a significant space where social interactions increasingly take place. Within these spaces, users construct and engage with information that may facilitate social movements such as feminism. This study explored ways feminists learn, challenge, and reproduce discourses related to gender and feminism through Facebook. This research is positioned within current literature and theory related to gendered contexts of social media engagement and feminist social movement learning. Using qualitative interviews and a digital focus group, I investigated the experiences of 9 women who either learn about or engage with feminism through Facebook. Using critical feminist discourse analysis, I coded and analyzed themes that related to ways feminism is represented, constructed, navigated, and limited through Facebook. Specifically, I considered ways in which feminism can be learned, ways Facebook can be used as a learning platform, and ways gendered power relations can influence feminist engagement online. I advocate for continued exploration of and engagement with feminist uses of Facebook

    Contemporary Feminism as Portrayed in Popular Media

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    The wide variety of definitions for “feminism” makes it complicated to identify and evaluate feminist media. The goals of feminist action have changed over time, but the overarching ideals of equality have not. The advent of social media has made it much easier to disseminate feminist rhetoric, but the temporary nature of most social media apps doesn’t allow for nuance or in-depth explanations of the feminism that’s being shared. The most popular example of a simplified feminism is “girlboss feminism,” which makes feminism marketable for a mass audience. Feminist rhetoric is also seen more and more frequently within a range of blockbuster films, including Zero Dark Thirty (2012) and Wonder Woman (2017). A “strong female character” is often seen as the hallmark of a progressive and/or feminist film. However, many of these films do not dive deeply into feminist history or theory, and simply use a strong woman character as a red herring for progressivism when, in reality, the films may be advocating for anti-feminist actions. This project serves as a case study of the various problematic ways contemporary feminism is used for anti-feminist purposes, including in film narratives, unethical business practices, and United States foreign policy. The research examines business models, social media posts and marketing, popular media, and political messaging

    Reengaging Youth into Feminism in the Current Media Environment: A Case Study from the Australian Election 2013

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    This paper highlights the continuing problem of feminism being depoliticized among Australian youth through theoretical review, secondary research and a case study circa the Australian Election 2013. The research question hypothesized that societal conventions of traditional media and patriarchy in politics still challenge the celebration of women\u27s achievement. This is argued as being due in part to the lack of interest by Australian youth in feminism. It was found that the aforementioned societal conventions are still influential and can extend to limiting the celebration of women\u27s achievement in the mass media. The literature review introduces theoretical background of media, feminism and political participation. From this base, the secondary research showed in particular that the current conservative Liberal National Party (LNP) Prime Minister and the Chief Executive Officer of News Corporation, a dominant traditional mass media outlet, have links. This underlies the choice of case study which showcases and exemplifies patriarchy in politics. Despite LNP\u27s stance of meritocracy, female parliamentarians are not necessarily rewarded based on their achievements. Rather, sexism prevails. This broadly affects Australian women\u27s achievement in the political sphere. It is further reflected in: the present low levels of political empowerment on the Global Gender Gap Report; a one woman cabinet; and, prefacing achieving a LNP minister\u27s sex appeal over merit. Based on this paper\u27s literature review, secondary research, and case study, the answer to the research question affirms that unless youth become more politically engaged in feminism, social conventions of traditional media and patriarchy will continue. It is suggested that through social media, politicized campaigns such as Destroy the Joint\u27s Twitter and continuing Facebook page could serve to better attract interest in feminism among the Australian youth. A more politically engaged nation would have increased cognizance of social conventions which do not celebrate women\u27s achievement and seek to draw attention to this for the future enhancement of feminism in the Australian society

    Feminisms, gender and social media: public and political performativities regarding sexual harassment in Cyprus

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    This article draws from research on feminism, politics, social media and everyday sexism in Cyprus to examine the power dynamics between discourses of misogyny and feminism as produced in the public sphere. It focuses on how Facebook was utilised as both a digital space for feminist resistance and misogyny in two case studies which involve one female and two male MPs. At the crossroads of emancipatory and hegemonic particularities, we discuss how feminisms and social media operate in the socio-temporal context of the public and political sphere of Cyprus

    Through the Lens of Koreans: The Influence of Media on Perceptions of Feminism

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    Regardless of country and culture, the media has the power to influence the opinions and perceptions of its viewers. This project evaluates specific Korean movies—and the reactions of South Koreans to gender representations in films that are considered “feminist”—along with the variety show genre, which also tends to reinforce gender stereotypes and imbalances. With these media representations as a framework, this research explores the impact of the internet in forwarding feminist views along with unearthing the reactions of Koreans. Given the anonymity of the internet and social media, these platforms allow for honest expression and counterpoints to sexist views and promote feminist films and thinking. This project employs a mixed-methods approach. For one, I have conducted an online survey of 67 Koreans to investigate their opinions on films, social media and feminism. In addition, there is use of primary sources—namely films, variety shows and social media—in order to analyze key themes and illustrate real-life examples of the issues at hand. Moreover, newspaper articles about the reactions of Koreans offer further support for various claims. By probing into these matters and cultural values considered important to Koreans, this paper critically explores the potentially negative perceptions perpetuated by the media and the implications of feminism in Korea. Feminists utilize the internet to encourage progressive thoughts of gender equality. At the same time, their views are contradicted by others and the negative reactions to feminism further complicate how Koreans view the media and larger issues of sexism and feminism in their culture

    Representasi Feminisme di Iklan Minuaman Olatte Versi “Taste Of Friendship Ep 1 (Cara Ranty Ungkapin Hati)”

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    ABSTRACT The rapid development of advertising in recent years, since there are many factors, such as: development of modernisation, culture and also internet. Nowadays, advertisement not only find in the television, but you also easily find the advertisement in social media. Youtube is the most used social media, since they have number 1 rank in Indonesia as the favourite of social media, the percentage of the score is 93,8%. This research used semiotics theory by John Fiske to analysis the data. The result of this research finds 3 level from the Olatte’s advertisement, such as: Level of reality, in this level find the4 codes (dress, speech, gesture, makeup and expressions). The second one is level of representation, in this level the researcher find 3 codes (Teknik of camera, lighting and music). The last one in the level of ideology, the researcher finds the liberal of feminism used in this advertisement, also liberal feminism is the most dominant that used in this advertisemet

    Analisis Keefektifan Instagram Sebagai Media Kampanye Nasionalisme dan Feminisme di Kalangan Remaja

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    Currently, Instagram is widely used as a media campaign for nationalism and feminism. There are several feminists and nationalist figures in Indonesia who also actively use Instagram social media, namely Retno Marsudi and Susi Pudjiastuti. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of Instagram as a media campaign for nationalism and feminism among teenagers in Batam City. This research is an interpretative qualitative research with Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis. Primary data sources were obtained from Instagram posts in the form of image snippets and image elements, captions and netizens, and comments contained in these Instagram posts. While secondary data obtained was from books, journals (online), and articles (online). Data collection in this study was obtained by using documentation techniques. The collected data were then analyzed by interpreting the two stages of sign from Roland Barthes' semiotic theory. The results of the study show that feminism in Indonesia is considered very minimal when compared to nationalism. There is a gap between women and men. This is due to the strong culture and beliefs of the Indonesian people who think that women should not exceed men in various aspects

    Waves of Feminism and the Media

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    The feminist movement has gone through many different stages, three to be exact. Each stage, or as they are called in the academic world, “waves”, had its own history and unique defining qualities. Media played a role in the movement in the past, and continue to do so today. My research focused on how the two, feminism and media, intertwine with one another and the affect the movement had, and continues to have, on mainstream media. With the recent news of sexual assault allegations in the media industry, the two seem to go hand-in-hand, now more than ever before. The exact question my research sought to answer was: How were the different waves perceived in media of their respected time period? This research can be applied by showing mainstream media that they have a hand in social change and positive impacts on society. I conducted my research through scholarly articles and through keyword searching of certain archived media articles and objects of the past. For example, I looked at headlines of newspapers and the number of readers certain feminist books received. The results I found connected to what I assumed. As women’s issues were becoming a familiar topic in society and politics, the media took notice. The uprising of the movements led to media coverage, as well as a change in the business of media as well. Women became writers and editors, which allowed them to have a voice of their own and tell about feminism and why women’s rights were important to them. My paper will dive into the backgrounds and beginnings of each wave of feminism while connecting media history and the power media had on the movement