19 research outputs found

    Reservation-Based Federated Scheduling for Parallel Real-Time Tasks

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    This paper considers the scheduling of parallel real-time tasks with arbitrary-deadlines. Each job of a parallel task is described as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). In contrast to prior work in this area, where decomposition-based scheduling algorithms are proposed based on the DAG-structure and inter-task interference is analyzed as self-suspending behavior, this paper generalizes the federated scheduling approach. We propose a reservation-based algorithm, called reservation-based federated scheduling, that dominates federated scheduling. We provide general constraints for the design of such systems and prove that reservation-based federated scheduling has a constant speedup factor with respect to any optimal DAG task scheduler. Furthermore, the presented algorithm can be used in conjunction with any scheduler and scheduling analysis suitable for ordinary arbitrary-deadline sporadic task sets, i.e., without parallelism

    Algorithms for Hierarchical and Semi-Partitioned Parallel Scheduling

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    We propose a model for scheduling jobs in a parallel machine setting that takes into account the cost of migrations by assuming that the processing time of a job may depend on the specific set of machines among which the job is migrated. For the makespan minimization objective, the model generalizes classical scheduling problems such as unrelated parallel machine scheduling, as well as novel ones such as semi-partitioned and clustered scheduling. In the case of a hierarchical family of machines, we derive a compact integer linear programming formulation of the problem and leverage its fractional relaxation to obtain a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm. Extensions that incorporate memory capacity constraints are also discussed

    A Generalized Packing Server for Scheduling Task Graphs on Multiple Resources

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    This paper presents the generalized packing server. It reduces the problem of scheduling tasks with precedence constraints on multiple processing units to the problem of scheduling independent tasks. The work generalizes our previous contribution made in the specific context of scheduling Map/Reduce workflows. The results apply to the generalized parallel task model, introduced in recent literature to denote tasks described by workflow graphs, where some subtasks may be executed in parallel subject to precedence constraints. Recent literature developed schedulability bounds for the generalized parallel tasks on multiprocessors. The generalized packing server, described in this paper, is a run-time mechanism that packs tasks into server budgets (in a manner that respects precedence constraints) allowing the budgets to be viewed as independent tasks by the underlying scheduler. Consequently, any schedulability results derived for the independent task model on multiprocessors become applicable to generalized parallel tasks. The catch is that the sum of capacities of server budgets exceeds by a certain ratio the sum of execution times of the original generalized parallel tasks. Hence, a scaling factor is derived that converts bounds for independent tasks into corresponding bounds for generalized parallel tasks. The factor applies to any work-conserving scheduling policy in both the global and partitioned multiprocessor scheduling models. We show that the new schedulability bounds obtained for the generalized parallel task model, using the aforementioned conversion, improve in several cases upon the best known bounds in current literature. Hence, the packing server is shown to improve the schedulability of generalized parallel tasks. Evaluation results confirm this observation.Ope

    Hard Real-Time Stationary GANG-Scheduling

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    The scheduling of parallel real-time tasks enables the efficient utilization of modern multiprocessor platforms for systems with real-time constrains. In this situation, the gang task model, in which each parallel sub-job has to be executed simultaneously, has shown significant performance benefits due to reduced context switches and more efficient intra-task synchronization. In this paper, we provide the first schedulability analysis for sporadic constrained-deadline gang task systems and propose a novel stationary gang scheduling algorithm. We show that the schedulability problem of gang task sets can be reduced to the uniprocessor self-suspension schedulability problem. Furthermore, we provide a class of partitioning algorithms to find a stationary gang assignment and show that it bounds the worst-case interference of each task. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we evaluate it for implicit-deadline systems using randomized task sets under different settings, showing that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art

    Response Time Bounds for DAG Tasks with Arbitrary Intra-Task Priority Assignment

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    Most parallel real-time applications can be modeled as directed acyclic graph (DAG) tasks. Intra-task priority assignment can reduce the nondeterminism of runtime behavior of DAG tasks, possibly resulting in a smaller worst-case response time. However, intra-task priority assignment incurs dependencies between different parts of the graph, making it a challenging problem to compute the response time bound. Existing work on intra-task task priority assignment for DAG tasks is subject to the constraint that priority assignment must comply with the topological order of the graph, so that the response time bound can be computed in polynomial time. In this paper, we relax this constraint and propose a new method to compute response time bound of DAG tasks with arbitrary priority assignment. With the benefit of our new method, we present a simple but effective priority assignment policy, leading to smaller response time bounds. Comprehensive evaluation with both single-DAG systems and multi-DAG systems demonstrates that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method with a considerable margin

    On the Pitfalls of Resource Augmentation Factors and Utilization Bounds in Real-Time Scheduling

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    In this paper, we take a careful look at speedup factors, utilization bounds, and capacity augmentation bounds. These three metrics have been widely adopted in real-time scheduling research as the de facto standard theoretical tools for assessing scheduling algorithms and schedulability tests. Despite that, it is not always clear how researchers and designers should interpret or use these metrics. In studying this area, we found a number of surprising results, and related to them, ways in which the metrics may be misinterpreted or misunderstood. In this paper, we provide a perspective on the use of these metrics, guiding researchers on their meaning and interpretation, and helping to avoid pitfalls in their use. Finally, we propose and demonstrate the use of parametric augmentation functions as a means of providing nuanced information that may be more relevant in practical settings

    Cache-Aware Allocation of Parallel Jobs on Multi-cores based on Learned Recency

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    Scheduling of tasks on multi- and many-cores benefits significantly from the efficient use of caches. Most previous approaches use the static analysis of software in the context of the processing hardware to derive fixed allocations of software to the cache. However, there are many issues with this approach in terms of pessimism, scalability, analysis complexity, maintenance cost, etc. Furthermore, with ever more complex functionalities being implemented in the system, it becomes nearly impracticable to use static analysis for deriving cache-aware scheduling methods. This paper focuses on a dynamic approach to maximise the throughput of multi-core systems by benefiting from the cache based on empirical assessments. The principal contribution is a novel cache-aware allocation for parallel jobs that are organised as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). Instead of allocating instruction and data blocks to caches, the proposed allocation operates at a higher abstraction level that allocates jobs to cores, based on the guidance of a predictive model that approximates the execution time of jobs with caching effects taken into account. An implementation of the predictive model is constructed to demonstrate that the execution time approximations can be effectively obtained. The experimental results, including a real-world case study, prove the concept of the proposed cache-aware allocation approach and demonstrate its effectiveness over the state-of-the-art