81,236 research outputs found

    A simulated annealing optimization of audio features for drum classification

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    Current methods for the accurate recognition of instruments within music are based on discriminative data descriptors. These are features of the music fragment that capture the characteristics of the audio and suppress details that are redundant for the problem at hand. The extraction of such features from an audio signal requires the user to set certain parameters. We propose a method for optimizing the parameters for a particular task on the basis of the Simulated Annealing algorithm and Support Vector Machine classification. We show that using an optimized set of audio features improves the recognition accuracy of drum sounds in music fragments

    Music Emotion Classification based on Lyrics-Audio using Corpus based Emotion

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    Music has lyrics and audio. That’s components can be a feature for music emotion classification. Lyric features were extracted from text data and audio features were extracted from audio signal data.In the classification of emotions, emotion corpus is required for lyrical feature extraction. Corpus Based Emotion (CBE) succeed to increase the value of F-Measure for emotion classification on text documents. The music document has an unstructured format compared with the article text document. So it requires good preprocessing and conversion process before classification process. We used MIREX Dataset for this research. Psycholinguistic and stylistic features were used as lyrics features. Psycholinguistic feature was a feature that related to the category of emotion. In this research, CBE used to support the extraction process of psycholinguistic feature. Stylistic features related with usage of unique words in the lyrics, e.g. ‘ooh’, ‘ah’, ‘yeah’, etc. Energy, temporal and spectrum features were extracted for audio features.The best test result for music emotion classification was the application of Random Forest methods for lyrics and audio features. The value of F-measure was 56.8%

    Features for audio and music classification

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    Four audio feature sets are evaluated in their ability to classify five general audio classes and seven popular music genres. The feature sets include low-level signal properties, mel-frequency spectral coefficients, and two new sets based on perceptual models of hearing. The temporal behavior of the features is analyzed and parameterized and these parameters are included as additional features. Using a standard Gaussian framework for classification, results show that the temporal behavior of features is important for both music and audio classification. In addition, classification is better, on average, if based on features from models of auditory perception rather than on standard features

    Fusion of musical contents, brain activity and short term physiological signals for music-emotion recognition

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    In this study we propose a multi-modal machine learning approach, combining EEG and Audio features for music emotion recognition using a categorical model of emotions. The dataset used consists of film music that was carefully created to induce strong emotions. Five emotion categories were adopted: Fear, Anger, Happy, Tender and Sad. EEG data was obtained from three male participants listening to the labeled music excerpts. Feature level fusion was adopted to combine EEG and Audio features. The results show that the multimodal system outperformed the EEG mono modal system. Additionally, we evaluated the contribution of each audio feature in the classification performance of the multimodal system. Preliminary results indicate a significant contribution of individual audio features in the classification accuracy, we also found that various audio features that noticeably contributed in the classification accuracy were also reported in previous research studying the correlation between audio features and emotion ratings using the same dataset.

    Advanced Music Audio Feature Learning with Deep Networks

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    Music is a means of reflecting and expressing emotion. Personal preferences in music vary between individuals, influenced by situational and environmental factors. Inspired by attempts to develop alternative feature extraction methods for audio signals, this research analyzes the use of deep network structures for extracting features from musical audio data represented in the frequency domain. Image-based network models are designed to be robust and accurate learners of image features. As such, this research develops image-based ImageNet deep network models to learn feature data from music audio spectrograms. This research also explores the use of an audio source separation tool for preprocessing the musical audio before training the network models. The use of source separation allows the network model to learn features that highlight individual contributions to the audio track, and use those features to improve classification results. The features extracted from the data are used to highlight characteristics of the audio tracks, which are then used to train classifiers that categorize the musical data for genre and auto-tag classifications. The results obtained from each model are contrasted with state-of-the-art methods of classification and tag prediction for musical tracks. Deeper networks with input source separation are shown to yield the best results
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