Fusion of musical contents, brain activity and short term physiological signals for music-emotion recognition


In this study we propose a multi-modal machine learning approach, combining EEG and Audio features for music emotion recognition using a categorical model of emotions. The dataset used consists of film music that was carefully created to induce strong emotions. Five emotion categories were adopted: Fear, Anger, Happy, Tender and Sad. EEG data was obtained from three male participants listening to the labeled music excerpts. Feature level fusion was adopted to combine EEG and Audio features. The results show that the multimodal system outperformed the EEG mono modal system. Additionally, we evaluated the contribution of each audio feature in the classification performance of the multimodal system. Preliminary results indicate a significant contribution of individual audio features in the classification accuracy, we also found that various audio features that noticeably contributed in the classification accuracy were also reported in previous research studying the correlation between audio features and emotion ratings using the same dataset.

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