17 research outputs found

    New techniques for Arabic document classification

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    Text classification (TC) concerns automatically assigning a class (category) label to a text document, and has increasingly many applications, particularly in the domain of organizing, for browsing in large document collections. It is typically achieved via machine learning, where a model is built on the basis of a typically large collection of document features. Feature selection is critical in this process, since there are typically several thousand potential features (distinct words or terms). In text classification, feature selection aims to improve the computational e ciency and classification accuracy by removing irrelevant and redundant terms (features), while retaining features (words) that contain su cient information that help with the classification task. This thesis proposes binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) hybridized with either K Nearest Neighbour (KNN) or Support Vector Machines (SVM) for feature selection in Arabic text classi cation tasks. Comparison between feature selection approaches is done on the basis of using the selected features in conjunction with SVM, Decision Trees (C4.5), and Naive Bayes (NB), to classify a hold out test set. Using publically available Arabic datasets, results show that BPSO/KNN and BPSO/SVM techniques are promising in this domain. The sets of selected features (words) are also analyzed to consider the di erences between the types of features that BPSO/KNN and BPSO/SVM tend to choose. This leads to speculation concerning the appropriate feature selection strategy, based on the relationship between the classes in the document categorization task at hand. The thesis also investigates the use of statistically extracted phrases of length two as terms in Arabic text classi cation. In comparison with Bag of Words text representation, results show that using phrases alone as terms in Arabic TC task decreases the classification accuracy of Arabic TC classifiers significantly while combining bag of words and phrase based representations may increase the classification accuracy of the SVM classifier slightly


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    With the rapid growth of Internet, more and more natural language text documents are available in electronic format, making automated text categorization a must in most fields. Due to the high dimensionality of text categorization tasks, feature selection is needed before executing document classification. There are basically two kinds of feature selection approaches: the filter approach and the wrapper approach. For the wrapper approach, a search algorithm for feature subsets and an evaluation algorithm for assessing the fitness of the selected feature subset are required. In this work, I focus on the comparison between two wrapper approaches. These two approaches use Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) as the search algorithm. The first algorithm is PSO based K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm, while the second is PSO based Rocchio algorithm. Three datasets are used in this study. The result shows that BPSO-KNN is slightly better in classification results than BPSO-Rocchio, while BPSO-Rocchio has far shorter computation time than BPSO-KNN

    Hybrid feature selection based on principal component analysis and grey wolf optimizer algorithm for Arabic news article classification

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    The rapid growth of electronic documents has resulted from the expansion and development of internet technologies. Text-documents classification is a key task in natural language processing that converts unstructured data into structured form and then extract knowledge from it. This conversion generates a high dimensional data that needs further analusis using data mining techniques like feature extraction, feature selection, and classification to derive meaningful insights from the data. Feature selection is a technique used for reducing dimensionality in order to prune the feature space and, as a result, lowering the computational cost and enhancing classification accuracy. This work presents a hybrid filter-wrapper method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a filter approach to select an appropriate and informative subset of features and Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) as wrapper approach (PCA-GWO) to select further informative features. Logistic Regression (LR) is used as an elevator to test the classification accuracy of candidate feature subsets produced by GWO. Three Arabic datasets, namely Alkhaleej, Akhbarona, and Arabiya, are used to assess the efficiency of the proposed method. The experimental results confirm that the proposed method based on PCA-GWO outperforms the baseline classifiers with/without feature selection and other feature selection approaches in terms of classification accuracy

    A New Approach for Text Documents Classification with Invasive Weed Optimization and Naive Bayes Classifier

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    With the fast increase of the documents, using Text Document Classification (TDC) methods has become a crucial matter. This paper presented a hybrid model of Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO) and Naive Bayes (NB) classifier (IWO-NB) for Feature Selection (FS) in order to reduce the big size of features space in TDC. TDC includes different actions such as text processing, feature extraction, forming feature vectors, and final classification. In the presented model, the authors formed a feature vector for each document by means of weighting features use for IWO. Then, documents are trained with NB classifier; then using the test, similar documents are classified together. FS do increase accuracy and decrease the calculation time. IWO-NB was performed on the datasets Reuters-21578, WebKb, and Cade 12. In order to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model in the FS, Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) have been used as comparison models. Results show that in FS the proposed model has a higher accuracy than NB and other models. In addition, comparing the proposed model with and without FS suggests that error rate has decreased

    Filter � GA Based Approach to Feature Selection for Classification

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    This paper presents a new approach to select reduced number of features in databases. Every database has a given number of features but it is observed that some of these features can be redundant and can be harmful as well as and can confuse the process of classification. The proposed method applies filter attribute measure and binary coded Genetic Algorithm to select a small subset of features. The importance of these features is judged by applying K-nearest neighbor (KNN) method of classification. The best reduced subset of features which has high classification accuracy on given databases is adopted. The classification accuracy obtained by proposed method is compared with that reported recently in publications on twenty eight databases. It is noted that proposed method performs satisfactory on these databases and achieves higher classification accuracy but with smaller number of features

    Utilizing artificial bee colony algorithm as feature selection method in Arabic text classification

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    A huge amount of crucial information is contained in documents. The vast increase in the number of E documents available for user access makes the utilization of automated text classification es sential. Classifying or arranging documents into predefined group s is called Text classification Feature Selection (is needed for minimizing the dimensionality of high dimensional data and extracting only the features that are most pertinent to a particular task. One of the widely used algorithms for feature selection in text classification is the Evolutionary algorithm . In this paper, the filter method chi square and the Artificial Bee Colony) ABC algorithm were both used as FS methods . The chi square method is a useful technique for reducing the number of features and removing those that are superfluous or redundant. The ABC technique considers the chi square methods' chosen features as viable solutions (food sources). The ABC algorithm searches for the most efficient selection of features that increase classification performance. Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes classifiers were used as a fitness function for the ABC algorithm. The experiment result s demonstrated that the proposed feature selection method was able of decreasing the number of features by approximately 89.5%, and 94%, respectively when NB and SVM were used as fitness functions in comparison to the original dataset, while also enhancing classification performance

    Arabic web page clustering: a review

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    Clustering is the method employed to group Web pages containing related information into clusters, which facilitates the allocation of relevant information. Clustering performance is mostly dependent on the text features' characteristics. The Arabic language has a complex morphology and is highly inflected. Thus, selecting appropriate features affects clustering performance positively. Many studies have addressed the clustering problem in Web pages with Arabic content. There are three main challenges in applying text clustering to Arabic Web page content. The first challenge concerns difficulty with identifying significant term features to represent original content by considering the hidden knowledge. The second challenge is related to reducing data dimensionality without losing essential information. The third challenge regards how to design a suitable model for clustering Arabic text that is capable of improving clustering performance. This paper presents an overview of existing Arabic Web page clustering methods, with the goals of clarifying existing problems and examining feature selection and reduction techniques for solving clustering difficulties. In line with the objectives and scope of this study, the present research is a joint effort to improve feature selection and vectorization frameworks in order to enhance current text analysis techniques that can be applied to Arabic Web pages

    Applications of Mining Arabic Text: A Review

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    Since the appearance of text mining, the Arabic language gained some interest in applying several text mining tasks over a text written in the Arabic language. There are several challenges faced by the researchers. These tasks include Arabic text summarization, which is one of the challenging open areas for research in natural language processing (NLP) and text mining fields, Arabic text categorization, and Arabic sentiment analysis. This chapter reviews some of the past and current researches and trends in these areas and some future challenges that need to be tackled. It also presents some case studies for two of the reviewed approaches

    Statistical Validation of ACO-KNN Algorithm for Sentiment Analysis

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    This research paper aims to propose a hybrid of ant colony optimization (ACO) and k-nearest neighbour (KNN) algorithms as feature selections for selecting and choosing relevant features from customer review datasets. Information gain (IG), genetic algorithm (GA), and rough set attribute reduction (RSAR) were used as baseline algorithms in a performance comparison with the proposed algorithm. This paper will also discuss the significance test, which was used to evaluate the performance differences between the ACO-KNN, the IG-GA, and the IG-RSAR algorithms. The dependency relation algorithm was used to identify actual features commented by customers by linking the dependency relation between product feature and sentiment words in customers sentences. This study evaluated the performance of the ACOKNN algorithm using precision, recall, and F-score, which was validated using the parametric statistical significance tests. The evaluation process has statistically proven that this ACO-KNN algorithm has been significantly improved compared to the baseline algorithms. In addition, the experimental results have proven that the ACO-KNN can be used as a feature selection technique in sentiment analysis to obtain quality, optimal feature subset that can represent the actual data in customer review data

    Semantic feature reduction and hybrid feature selection for clustering of Arabic Web pages

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    In the literature, high-dimensional data reduces the efficiency of clustering algorithms. Clustering the Arabic text is challenging because semantics of the text involves deep semantic processing. To overcome the problems, the feature selection and reduction methods have become essential to select and identify the appropriate features in reducing high-dimensional space. There is a need to develop a suitable design for feature selection and reduction methods that would result in a more relevant, meaningful and reduced representation of the Arabic texts to ease the clustering process. The research developed three different methods for analyzing the features of the Arabic Web text. The first method is based on hybrid feature selection that selects the informative term representation within the Arabic Web pages. It incorporates three different feature selection methods known as Chi-square, Mutual Information and Term Frequency–Inverse Document Frequency to build a hybrid model. The second method is a latent document vectorization method used to represent the documents as the probability distribution in the vector space. It overcomes the problems of high-dimension by reducing the dimensional space. To extract the best features, two document vectorizer methods have been implemented, known as the Bayesian vectorizer and semantic vectorizer. The third method is an Arabic semantic feature analysis used to improve the capability of the Arabic Web analysis. It ensures a good design for the clustering method to optimize clustering ability when analysing these Web pages. This is done by overcoming the problems of term representation, semantic modeling and dimensional reduction. Different experiments were carried out with k-means clustering on two different data sets. The methods provided solutions to reduce high-dimensional data and identify the semantic features shared between similar Arabic Web pages that are grouped together in one cluster. These pages were clustered according to the semantic similarities between them whereby they have a small Davies–Bouldin index and high accuracy. This study contributed to research in clustering algorithm by developing three methods to identify the most relevant features of the Arabic Web pages