88 research outputs found

    Feature Selection for Intelligent Firefighting Robot Classification of Fire, Smoke, and Thermal Reflections Using Thermal Infrared Images

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    Locating a fire inside of a structure that is not in the direct field of view of the robot has been researched for intelligent firefighting robots. By classifying fire, smoke, and their thermal reflections, firefighting robots can assess local conditions, decide a proper heading, and autonomously navigate toward a fire. Long-wavelength infrared camera images were used to capture the scene due to the camera's ability to image through zero visibility smoke. This paper analyzes motion and statistical texture features acquired from thermal images to discover the suitable features for accurate classification. Bayesian classifier is implemented to probabilistically classify multiple classes, and a multiobjective genetic algorithm optimization is performed to investigate the appropriate combination of the features that have the lowest errors and the highest performance. The distributions of multiple feature combinations that have 6.70% or less error were analyzed and the best solution for the classification of fire and smoke was identified

    Automatic supervision of temperature, humidity, and luminance with an Assistant Personal Robot

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    Smart environments and Ambient Intelligence (AmI) technologies are defining the future society where energy optimization and intelligent management are essential for a sustainable advance. Mobile robotics is also making an important contribution to this advance with the integration of sensors and intelligent processing algorithms. This paper presents the application of an Assistant Personal Robot (APR) as an autonomous agent for temperature, humidity, and luminance supervision in human-frequented areas. The robot multiagent capabilities allow gathering sensor information while exploring or performing specific tasks and then verifying human comfortability levels. The proposed methodology creates information maps with the distribution of temperature, humidity, and luminance and interprets such information in terms of comfort and warns about corrective actuations if required

    Implementasi Robot Cerdas Pemadam Api dengan Multi Independent Steering

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    Abstract - Robot technology appears to ease human work. With devices such as fire fighting robots, rescue robots, surveillance robots, and robots whose functions differ according to field needs. In this paper, we have the idea of implementing an intelligent fire extinguisher robot with multi-independent steering that can be directed to the location of the fire to find the source of hotspots. With multi-independent steering, the wheels on the robot can navigate and move swiftly on each wheel that moves in all directions. In this paper we simulate by searching for candles as a source of hotspots. When this robot finds a source of fire, this robot will turn off the candle or source of the fire automatically. This robot contains the following functional components: ultrasonic to find out the surrounding field, a light sensor to look for sources of hotspots or light sources, and a fan to turn off the candle or the point of fire. In terms of design, although the designs of robots are minimalist and small, they provide protection at high temperatures, excellent waterproof when exposed to water spray, and a high impact resistance. As well as creating an automatic robot that aims to find a way automatically to find the presence of hotspots on the fire field without being controlled. This study aims to provide an automatic fire extinguisher system that can help and lighten the fire extinguishing profession which has a high level of risk in its operation. The results of this study will be able to create an intelligent robot that can minimize the risk of the work of a fire extinguisher profession with a multi-independent steering method. By using this method the steering system where each wheel can move freely. With this steering system the robot can move freely in all directions and is a type of holomonic motionKeyword : Fire extinguisher robot, robotic system, portable evacuation guide, multi-independent steeringAbstrak – Teknologi robot muncul untuk meringankan pekerjaan manusia. Dengan perangkat seperti robot  pemadam kebakaran, robot penyelamat, robot pengintai, dan robot-robot yang berbeda fungsinya sesuai kebutuhan lapangan. Dalam tulisan ini, kami memiliki ide implementasi robot cerdas pemadam api dengan multi-independent steering yang dapat ditujukan ke lokasi kebakaran guna mencari sumber titik api. Dengan multi-independent steering nantinya roda pada robot dapat bernavigasi dan bergerak secara lincah pada setiap masing masing rodanya yang dapat bergerak kesegala arah. Didalam tulisan ini kami mensimulasikan dengan mencari lilin sebagai sumber titik api. Ketika robot ini menemukan sumber api, maka robot ini akan mematikan lilin atau sumber titik api tersebut secara otomatis. Robot ini berisikan komponen fungsional berikut: ultrasonic untuk mengetahui medan di sekitarnya, sensor cahaya untuk mencari sumber titik api atau sumber cahaya, dan kipas untuk mematikan lilin atau sumber titik apinya. Dalam segi desain, walaupun desain dari robot minimalis dan kecil namun robot ini memberikan perlindungan pada saat suhu tinggi, waterproof yang sangat baik saat terkena semprotan air, dan ketahanan terhadap benturan yang cukup tinggi. Serta menciptakan sebuah robot otomatis yang bertujuan dapat menemukan jalan secara otomatis untuk mencari keberadaan titik api pada medan kebakaran tanpa dikendalikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan sistem otomatis pemadam api yang dapat memembantu serta memperingan profesi pemadam kebakaran yang memiliki tingkat resiko tinggi dalam bekerjanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini nantinya dapat menciptakan suatu robot cerdas yang dapat memperkecil resiko kerja seorang profesi pemadam kebakaran dengan metode multi-independent steering. Dengan menggunakan metode ini sistem kemudi dimana tiap roda dapat bergerak secara bebas. Dengan sistem kemudi ini robot dapat bergerak bebas ke segala arah dan merupakan tipe gerak holomonicKata kunci : Robot pemadam api, sistem robot, pemandu evakuasi portable, multi-independent steerin

    Architecture and Applications of IoT Devices in Socially Relevant Fields

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    Number of IoT enabled devices are being tried and introduced every year and there is a healthy competition among researched and businesses to capitalize the space created by IoT, as these devices have a great market potential. Depending on the type of task involved and sensitive nature of data that the device handles, various IoT architectures, communication protocols and components are chosen and their performance is evaluated. This paper reviews such IoT enabled devices based on their architecture, communication protocols and functions in few key socially relevant fields like health care, farming, firefighting, women/individual safety/call for help/harm alert, home surveillance and mapping as these fields involve majority of the general public. It can be seen, to one's amazement, that already significant number of devices are being reported on these fields and their performance is promising. This paper also outlines the challenges involved in each of these fields that require solutions to make these devices reliableComment: 1

    Multi-modal video analysis for early fire detection

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    In dit proefschrift worden verschillende aspecten van een intelligent videogebaseerd branddetectiesysteem onderzocht. In een eerste luik ligt de nadruk op de multimodale verwerking van visuele, infrarood en time-of-flight videobeelden, die de louter visuele detectie verbetert. Om de verwerkingskost zo minimaal mogelijk te houden, met het oog op real-time detectie, is er voor elk van het type sensoren een set ’low-cost’ brandkarakteristieken geselecteerd die vuur en vlammen uniek beschrijven. Door het samenvoegen van de verschillende typen informatie kunnen het aantal gemiste detecties en valse alarmen worden gereduceerd, wat resulteert in een significante verbetering van videogebaseerde branddetectie. Om de multimodale detectieresultaten te kunnen combineren, dienen de multimodale beelden wel geregistreerd (~gealigneerd) te zijn. Het tweede luik van dit proefschrift focust zich hoofdzakelijk op dit samenvoegen van multimodale data en behandelt een nieuwe silhouet gebaseerde registratiemethode. In het derde en tevens laatste luik van dit proefschrift worden methodes voorgesteld om videogebaseerde brandanalyse, en in een latere fase ook brandmodellering, uit te voeren. Elk van de voorgestelde technieken voor multimodale detectie en multi-view lokalisatie zijn uitvoerig getest in de praktijk. Zo werden onder andere succesvolle testen uitgevoerd voor de vroegtijdige detectie van wagenbranden in ondergrondse parkeergarages

    BIM in the construction industry

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    En las últimas décadas, el término modelado de información de construcción (BIM) se ha mencionado en una amplia gama de esfuerzos de investigación de la construcción. BIM es una nueva solución para la recesión sin precedentes en la industria de la construcción, es decir, pérdida de productividad, escasez de mano de obra, sobrecostos y competitividad severa. La tecnología BIM proporciona muchos beneficios: detección rápida de conflictos de diseño, regulación automática de diseño algoritmo de verificación, visualización de realidad virtual/aumentada y entorno de trabajo de colaboración. BIM los expertos, así como los profesionales de la industria, enfatizan la importancia de las aplicaciones BIM en el campo de construcción. Dado el rápido desarrollo y adopción de BIM en la arquitectura, ingeniería, y construcción (AEC), están surgiendo nuevas tendencias relevantes para la investigación de BIM, siendo sumamente útil no sólo para los académicos sino también para los profesionales.In recent decades, the term building information modeling (BIM) has been mentioned in a wide range of construction research endeavors. BIM is a new solution for unprecedented recession in the construction industry, i.e., productivity loss, labor shortage, cost overrun, and severe competitiveness. BIM technology provides many benefits: prompt design clash detection, automatic deign regulatory check algorithm, augmented/virtual reality visualization, and collaboration work environment. BIM experts as well as industry practitioners are stressing the importance of BIM applications in the field of construction. Given the rapid development and adoption of BIM in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, new trends relevant to the research of BIM are emerging, being exceedingly helpful not only for academics but also for practitioners
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